What will happen in Europe when muslims are a majority?
What will happen in Europe when muslims are a majority?
We'll be fighting skynet before that happens.
They will kill non muslims.
A European branch of Islam will form and will result in violence between the denominations.
WW3 is coming.
Jews will blow up the dome of the rock, blaim it on Iran. Muslims go crazy.
Then comes America/EU vs. Russia/China/Iran... Jews runs all of them except Iran which will be destroyed.
Most of the world's population will die. Israel will be the new Rome for the NWO. Esoteric/Freemason/Templars are all in on it these days.
That's they're plan anyways.
You'll be a sex slave
>chimpout will ensue
>all rights will disappear
It'll be like communist China.
>Jews will blow up the dome of the rock, blaim it on Iran.
they wont have to blame it on anyone the way everyone on the right is sucking israels dick
>they wont have to blame it on anyone the way everyone on the right is sucking israels dick
Same difference
They never will, however darks and africains will, but they won't be muslim.
Degeneracy, feminism, thots, gay rights and beta males will be automatically removed from the gene pool. I guess this is something we should be celebrating.
Islam literally means peace, you shitlord.
Islam will quickly become weak and decadent, ultimately being replaced by a new culture.
Europe is the graveyard of religions.
it means path, retard
>Islam literally means peace
>it means path,
Disinfo shills
It means Submission
>Islam will quickly become weak and decadent, ultimately being replaced by a new culture.
>Europe is the graveyard of religions.
Yeah that's what the tranny esoterics think. They over estimate shitskins
time to get woke son
the armies of Mordor are at the gates.
there'll be a civil war and pislamists will get btfo
There would be rampant iconoclasm so destruction of historical monuments, structures and artifacts everywhere. Extreme poverty. Death and destruction. War.
It actually does mean submission
She now craves the cock of the somali pinhead that beat up both her and her boyfriend
Massive violence is going to kick off before that happens. The muzshits will either be 100% of European population or 0% when whites finally wake up.
you'll probably have those fucking annoying prayer towers everywhere yelling mudshit language at you all day and you'll get religious police going around whipping girls for showing their wrists and ankles and whipping guys for not praying and beating their wives daily.
>muslim majority
>women go back in the kitchen
>gays go back in the closet
>jews go back in the oven
i don't understand the alarmism
>religious police
>US builds wall around Europe
>The End
Here is what usually happens when Muslims take over a place.
By the end of the day, the Ottomans had taken Constantinople. As a reward, Mehmet gave his soldiers the run of the city.
“Mehmet, as a matter of fact, chivalrously limited the looting of his men to three days,” says Maier. “So they really had to work hard in terms of their pillage. And they did. “
The soldiers started in the Hagia Sophia, where hundreds of Christians were still seeking shelter. With the arrival of the Turks, the church that had once been a refuge became the scene of unimaginable horror.
The sick and elderly were killed on the spot. Most of the others were tied or chained together, while soldiers raped both women and young men. Some of the nuns ran away and jumped down well shafts, preferring martyrdom to rape.
It literally means submission you faggot
It means submission, but the peace they speak of isn't peaceful at all. What they won't tell you is the peace comes after you have forced people to convert or killed them all... then they have "peace"
>The words definition means something.
Ignore how people who practice the religion act.
Who gives a fuck what the dictionary definition is?
Christians get subjugated. Atheists get killed.
Liberals will be executed. And that’s a good thing.
we be good boys? and let em rape white girls some more?
So when people say , "submit to islam", they are saying submit to submission?
> governments less dependant on normalfag votes because normalfags outvoted by mudskins
> politicians begin motioning more expressly anti-white laws
> forbidding White Europeans from holding office
> race-specific NCs for university
> capping the wages White workers can have
> imposing a 'reparation tax' on only White people
> expanding hate speech laws infinitely
> shariah police gain legal acknowledgement from national governments
> if you're a white woman, have fun never walking outside without a man accompanying you because just dragging you aside is perfectly legal now
> can't have any public gatherings while white without getting mass machete'd, perfectly legal because shariah police can write their own warrants and act as mobile courts as well as executioners
> due to orders from above, shit like gay pride parades gets tolerated for a few years until all Jewish money has been moved out of pharma and medicine
> then they get machete'd and saber'd as well
> throughout this time, non-white on white murders expand exponentially from where they are right now
> history gets rewritten, dey wuz kangz any claims of a more bright-skinned ethnicity having ever existed in Europe is a conspiracy theory
>Being gay will be illegal
>Slavery will be legal and blacks will be driven back into slavery
>White birthrates will explode because men will have up to 4 wives
>European countries will have strong militaries bent on speading white jihad on the rest of the world
>Jews will go back to the camps and usury/(((capitalism))) will be illegal
And it's a good thing
>Christians get subjugated. Atheists get killed.
Pay jizya infidel
we'll grow beards hypocritically
we have to be hypocritical in this (((society))) so what's the difference