/balkan/ general - Comfy Saturday Šitposting

Attached: Balkans_regions_map-5b828ef146e0fb002c3a8885.jpg (2007x1510, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Gib back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romanian clay./country/RO/

Genocide of Din*roids, Greeks, Italians, Huns and Albanians when?

Make Balkans European Again!

I don't understand. Why Serbs aren't exterminating albanians? The fuck are they waiting for?

Gib back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romanian clay.

>implying they are capable of exterming anything

What is the point of these countries existing? Like in times of science, technology, big corporations, tv, universities, does political power matter all that much? You can vote for parties into the parliament, wow, big deal

what is point of poland existing?

Yeah, exactly

Because we don't want to get bombed by nato again. I guess we are waiting for a albonigger chimp out so we can intervene

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>look mom i posted it again
kys you fucking retard