It's over for Canada and any Canadian who doesn't think so is in denial

Canada's most recent data shows a 4.5% monthly rise for food, 4% for rent, and 14.5% for energy.

This means that Canada presently has 54% p.a. food inflation, 48% p.a. housing inflation, and 174% energy inflation.

In other words, painfully incompetent economic management, plus millions of new mouths to feed, means Canada is quite literally running out of the physical resources to keep its people alive.

Hyperinflation is just around the corner and it's being concealed by deceptive government accounting.

Housing, food, energy, and gas are all so prohibitively expensive now especially with the miniscule salary Canadians are paid, that the system collapse is imminent.

Thank the liberal and NDP governments of the past 30 years. Harper tried to fix at least some of the issues, but there is no saving Canada now.

Ontario's financial situation right now is worse than California's. It is now financially impossible for a young person to buy a house in Toronto.

Attached: 1537000135070.jpg (638x550, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

more sanctions to come
this is your punishment for being anti-white subversives
get raked

I live in Canada. Prices are not so bad as long as you keep out of major cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Ideally, you need to have a $60K a year job (add x1.5 for every child) at the minimum to live comfortably; you can drop that number if you live frugally, and forgo buying the latest Subaru's and iPhone 8.

I wish I could help you but I can only be nervously concerned for you

Attached: concerned.png (264x274, 32K)

No big deal, you are a post national country now so none of that matters.

Fpbp /thread

prices are bad you should be angry.

you should encourage your friends to join you in anger

if you arent angry you are of cuckmentality.

Attached: its true.png (548x1266, 164K)

says the 56% (((white))) country

Attached: 1537008072203.jpg (1125x1000, 222K)

Lmao. And how can you land that 60k job you fucking shit face.

Pharmacists cap at 60k. Engineers at 75kaverage. Software devs at 75k. While in the US those numbers are 120kminimum, 89kaverage, and software development can reach 150k average

t. 53% and in free fall


is that what they tell you to keep you complacent?
you and I both saw the Polish poster and his statistics, you're 53% white

wanna see something fucked up?

here's some southern ontario prices

>this is the grocery store equivalent of a mexican cartel video

Attached: prices.jpg (1341x1262, 265K)

I wonder who could be behind THIS thread again!!

Attached: stealth_merchant.jfif.jpg (220x230, 9K)

Shitskins don't like living in poor places.
I'd rather be Belarus than Germany.
Enjoy your niggers, yanks.

>Polish poster and his statistics

Attached: 1536951368063.gif (794x446, 1.68M)

>and 174% energy inflation.

maybe if we build more fucking eyesore windmills it will fix that derp

Gay propaganda

the $100 billion is from the financial post

Attached: 100 billion.png (640x725, 102K)

Attached: 1532031643138.png (510x580, 80K)


Dumb pole, we've been over this and the grocery store prices. seek gainful employment for god's sake

32% of people answered "Canadian" on the census.
Canada is 53% - 85% white depending on how many of those are white.

I mean hello, are you even serious right now? Wow, yeah, that just happened. Imagine being this small minded. It's almost as if... as if... you're a bunch of cis white dudes under 25? So like, excuse me? Why does your opinion even matter?

Unless you can give me peer reviewed official studies and sources, it's gonna be a big no from me dog. What year is it anyway? 1945? You all must be a blast at parties, and you probably all totally get laid (lol). I didn't know you nahzees had more than one subreddit, pathetic. Yikes. Holy moly. Leapin lizards, you guys are all a bunch of buffoons, a buncha jerks.

Jerks like you aren't welcome here, this website is for everyone! I'm going to tattle on you all now so you better start saying your goodbyes now. Your little bully corner is literally like Voldemort and Vader combined with H-tler and Tr-mp. I'm physically ill at reading the posts here, literally crying and vomiting. I'll post pictures later for proof to get you all the boot.


Attached: 1537016811189.jpg (475x490, 14K)

but you're just guessing at that point
until proven otherwise you are 53% white

Is it the diversity or tariffs?

This is what you deserve for electing shit leaders who send shit negotiators. Send us all of your lumber, shale, bacon, and syrup as tribute.

the Wikipedia article even stipulates this you dumb ass

>> And how can you land that 60k a year job shit face

In your own words by becoming a pharmacist, engineer, or a software developer is how you can land it; you severely underestimate salary "caps" on top of things.

Take my upvote, and my axe, good sir!

Attached: happy man.png (371x332, 4K)

its actually 78%

Attached: 78.png (1105x405, 31K)

The day of the rake is finally upon us canacuck.




>Canadian milk
>Not in a bag

Attached: is it wrong.jpg (746x548, 60K)

The bags are $4.50 / 4L
Showing those wouldn't support his lie though.


support maxime bernier

>Mom, slaughter them all, we shippin them to CANADAAAAA!!!

I drive a zamboni for 70k a year lol

>and forgo buying the latest Subaru's and iPhone 8.
>this is conspicuous consumption in Canada
I didn't realize Canada was THIS poor. Sad

What is electrician salary?
>mom, we moving to CANADAA!!!

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