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Hispanic Texan here. Can't wait to see Beta O'Cuck get demolished in the debates. He can't even argue with dissenters in his own town halls.

Northern Texan here. Everywhere I look I see Beto signs. Everyone is creaming themselves for him, I'm super concerned my state will go blue thanks to all these Californians flooding it.

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thats what they want you to think

californians r a cancer, they destroyed their own state and they fucking come to TEXAS to fuck it up too. FUCK THOSE COMMIE FUCKS, THERE SHOULD BE A WALL, NO CALIFORNIA FUCKS.

>Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton University in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy[27] from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.[2][28] While at Princeton, he competed for the American Whig-Cliosophic Society's Debate Panel and won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship and the 1992 North American Debating Championship.[29] In 1992, he was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year and, with his debate partner David Panton, also Team of the Year by the American Parliamentary Debate Association.[29] Cruz and Panton later represented Harvard Law School at the 1995 World Debating Championship, losing in the semi-finals to a team from Australia.[30][31][32] Princeton's debate team named their annual novice championship after Cruz.

PLEASE GOD LET IT BE CRUZ. fuck communists they kil people

No it’s just cuz Cruz signs gets you targeted. Most people here support Cruz

that's because he's willing to say anything.

ted cruz is slimy as fuck but beto is super left wing. need more libertarian texan politicians

Lying Ted


10 bucks says he drops out and accuses Ted of racism and refuses to debate a racist

are the CA refugees democrats though? I figured people fleeing CA were also fleeing the people.

Fuck I have a Cruz sign in my front yard should I remove it?

Lion Ted. Get it right.

Cruz control activated.

Soarin' Ted absolutely eviscerates in debate. I wouldn't be surprised if they cancel debate 2 and 3.

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Whoever the deep state wants to win. Thanks for being a thief through your Hillary voting family members. I appreciate your cowardice and commend you on not confronting them about the creation of ISIS, school shootings or grandmas getting beaten before their purses are snatched. Bitch.

O'Rourke is literally a criminal. I am disgusted with Texas.

Hell no. Every last Californian I've met that moved here didn't leave their gross ideology behind. I get made fun of for having a Texas accent now for-fucks-sake.

Bullshit. You fuckers should be gassed.

Beto does social media data mining.
I got a text from someone volunteering with his campaign. She said "hello user my name is x..." The interesting part is that the name she gave wasn't my real name. I asked her what the full name was that she had for me on file. She told me. Then I asked her how she got my info. She said it was from some democratic voter roll or something. Two problems with her story. The first is that I'm not a registered democrat. The second is the name she gave isn't my real name. It's a fake name that I use on my fake lefty infiltration twitter account.

i dont get it. why wouldn't you want to win a debate by saying anything? you don't have to believe everything you say in a debate, you have to provide a better argument than the opponent

this is why im very resistant to moving out of CA. I dont want to be another former CA refugee. To do to another state what I disparage south american communists of doing.
But the state is locked down. there are so many illegal immigrants and hb1 visa workers that its impossible to find any reasonable housing.
A property management firm just took over my apartment building and they immediately started harassing people. They required us to pay online, but didnt verify our accounts. Took them nearly 2 weeks and they served us a notice to pay or move out over it! They threatened to evict us for not paying rent while simultaneously preventing us from paying!
I get the distinct impression everywhere I go that I'm not wanted in this state. If I'm supposed to stay and "fix" it IDK know how or what im supposed to do in the mean time. I'm trying to start a family and I dont want to start it in some over priced studio because its all i can afford.

This is bad, this will bring a lot more attention and legitimacy to Beto, possibly raising his chances even if he loses the debate.

We are our own trillion dollar country.
Fuck you red neck half mexicans

that's terrible! Make me really anxious about moving out. I dont want to show up to a new place and already have a bad reputation.

Or worse! I dont want to run from CA prime to end up in CA 2.

the dude is going on talk shows in nyc. you can't bring more attention to him, he's being thrown around like a celebrity already. what ted is going to do is get some really good points against him and show he's not intelligent (is my guess). it's the same thing he did to bernie on his health care plan.

>lost in shitposting semifinals

>Robert O'rourke
>potato nigger with a jew mother larping as a jumping bean

interesting - yeah i got a text too -

Move here and help fight the problem. We need good reinforcements from Cuckastan!

its a good idea if Ted obliterates his positions and if he can get Beta to admit he wants to take guns away. Texans aint having that

We don't mind Californians as long as they vote Republican and blend in.

Same senpai. Also using a name I made up a long time ago.

Did they use your real name in the text? The thing that creeped my out is that they used the fake name from my fake social media. It's a very specific name.

If you are conservative, you would be welcome here

I'm a cruz missile now

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Was they name that you made up something you used on a fake social media account? I'm just trying to see if other people have had this experience

that's what he is going to hammer in. also that he probably wants to raise taxes somehow. ted cruz with bernie had the great quote of "if we tax every rich person 100%, so they make no money, it still wouldn't pay for the health care" and bernie was left somewhat speechless.

why should I vote for Cruz?

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Probably Cruz, I remember back in 2014 they said some Bitch would landslide and create blue Texas and the results were her getting blown the fuck out
Even if there is a blue wave I doubt Texas would be one of the states that flips

I think so. It must be from a REALLY old one though, one that I forgot about. I recognize the name but can’t remember the account it’s associated with.

Yes - not sure how they got it

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because cruz got on the trump train

Better option:

Cruz is one of the most conservative senators in the senate, works well with the President, and the opposite of what Beta stands for.

Renember when Ted Cruz debated Bernie Sanders and crushed him?
Same thing here

Arizonan here, they're infesting my state like cockroaches. If it were up to me, I'd kill them all.

Nice response lel. Yeah, they gave me the same response about how they got my fake name. Which I know for a fact is a lie.
Thanks for the response frens

And Beta seems to be pretty far left so these debates are a=going to be amazing

The problem is they don't.

I really want to see him justify abortion, abolishing ICE, and supporting impeachment against 45.


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Just primary talk, baby.

well, it's not enough for me to vote for him
it's true that Cruz did nothing for Texans

if they cooperate so well, why Trump wrote so many negative things about Cruz?

i think he might try to appear less liberal than he is, which is kind of hard to debate with though. it's not like dems will give him too much shit for it either.

The Ted Cruz redemption arc with a twist of allying with his once greatest opponent has come full circle.

>We don't mind Californians
speak for yourself you absolute nigger

Did you happen to read the date of the tweet? You wouldn't happen to remember what was going on at the time, do you?

I feel like he has no real positions on anything. He's basically the ultimate NPC politician. Example: when he first joined the house he was anti Israel. Then he had some kind of reeducation and now supports them.

You don't necessarily have to vote for Cruz. I would just advise against voting for Beto. Another one of the great things he did is that, when he was in the legislature in El Paso, he tried to use eminent domain to seize private property and build a football stadium

>mexicans are actually considering voting for a jewish sounding irish sounding guy
>not voting for zodiac hernandez
Tejanos have their own unique culture and mexicans voting for anyone other than the texan candidate is a traitor

sorry, at this point I'm voting for O'Rourke or not voting at all

and grabbing guns

because cruz was working against trumps he's on the trump train...

You might like this guy actually
He's not the typical libertarian. My parents are fairly liberal on a lot of issues, but can't stand either Beto or Cruz

He has so many far left stances, I completely forgot about his gun bans.


you must vote republican and open carry on sundays. then you will be able to live in texas

>cruz was working against trumps he's on the trump train
yeah, and this is exactly the type of political hypocrisy I'm not going to buy

Texas isn’t going blue because of CaliFags pouring in. It’s going blue because it’s going to be 30% white by 2025 thanks to all the “””””Natural Conservatives””””””.

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Yea, such a lion that after Trump shat all over him he sucked Trumps dick after he got elected.

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Hypocrisy? There were always on the same side. They were forced to race against each other for the presidency.

are you new to politics or something and what happens during primaries too? what trump said is nothing new and he was trying to just win primaries. it's better republicans stick together against the dems and fall in line (like how trump has 90% of republican vote). democrats don't get that and that's why they lose. you're trying to point out hypocrisy like anyone actually gives a shit when they really care about keeping dems out so they can keep their guns, keep illegals out, and keep trump.


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Don't worry brother. I see them too but most people support Cruz they just don't have the signs because they know how California shots would react. We will win that I can assure you



Yes because he makes tons of pro Texas tweets that shit on california


It is funny how americans whine about immigration but the only two candidates are really american the they see it. Ahahha. With people like this you already lost the immigration fight, just accept the mexican dicks, cucks.

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>Rafael Cruz
>snow nigger with a JFK assassin father larping as a texan

Conservatism needs to be repealed and replaced


He’s Irish dummy

Tejano and Cruz is the only viable candidate to vote for since he's pro life unlike the child killer rorke

I'm so fucking sick of the Beto signs. Hopefully other republicans feel the same way and go to the polls.

Cruz will win easily

$20 that Beto is gonna pull the "you're a fake Hispanic, look you can't even speak spanish (Begins speaking in his shitty community college accent spanish)

Its literally gonna go one of 3 ways.

1. Cruz is gonna blow him out because he is an actual lawyer and understands the law
2. Beto is going to play passive-defensive the entire time to try and make Cruz look silly
3. Beto is gonna go full SJW and say Cruz is a fake mexican and doesn't care about mexicans

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The only people I see with beto signs are welfare Queens and rich liberals from California. Everyone else has Cruz missle signs

Ted Cruz is an excellent debater. He already laid waste to Bernie

yet another liberal elite that spent his whole life being coddled in Marxist college classes. very sad!

>Sensible gun reform
>Gun grabbing

Is this cultural appropriation? Is he mocking Ted Cruz' latinx heritage?
What kind of self respecting Irishman goes by the name Beto?

He literally wants to ban """assault weapons""" (AKA guns that are black and look scary).

The only sensible gun reform is a massive expansion of gun ownership rights.

My fiance has gotten two different texts addressed to two different names, neither of which are hers.

Did any of you fags see the thread last night "Doubles and I'll respond"? First post was doubles that said "I'll be voting for Adolf Hitler you fucking kike" and OP delivered. It was a blessed thread.

yeah, hypocrisy. They really attacked each other during primaries, this wasn't just "debating". Now they are supposed to be "best friends forever" lol. Nope, not buying this bullshit.
Also it's true what Trump wrote/said about Cruz- he just talks, but there's no action.
there's no wall, illegal immigration is still the same like it was- nothing changed under Trump.
oh fuck off, shill.
oh, cool story, but I would rather see him doing sth serious.

Lol Beta O'Rourke. That mick is as hispanic as boiled cabbage.

>$15 min wage for all!
>open borders for endless supply of cheap labor
Liberals are that fucking stupid...

Literally is going to lose with that stance alone. This piece of shit is going down

>I'm too stupid to know the difference between a party primary and a general.
Do you shills really think this works? How do you remember to breathe?

>Beta Beto vs. The Chad Cruz

So your not actually dumb, just a shill in disguise?

lel did he ever get a response back?

Why not? Because you don't want to believe so you have a reason not to vote Ted Cruz? You realize it has been over two years since the primaries and the both of them are the most alike in policy, and you don't think in that time they would have gotten along, put the past aside, and both together to make America great?

If you don't want to vote Ted Cruz, fine, but come up with a more logical excuse.

Ted Cruz has been doing everything I expected him when it comes to voting in the Senate. There is nothing else more I can ask from him. What sort of actions did Cruz fail you on?