Muricans talk shit yet they can even win in middle eats

They lost in Vietnam

War of 1812 got their white house burned


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muh inb4 muricans not trying to win

You lost the most important war of all,

The meme war.

>Reminder America has never won a war on its own.

why do you even care?

when we get an EU army we will fuck murica up

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> war of 1812, we had a crappy chain of command, all our best generals retired or died, and we prioritized on navy instead of army.
>Vietnam we were able to get an end to the conflict but then betrayed the South Koreans once the democrats took power.

Because Muricans and Israel are our enemies

No, not really, we would destroy you before you reached the coast and the national guard would destroy you before the marines get deployed.

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D&C Thread. Americans are good, fuck off memeflag

they're pretty cool guys

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yep, probably an israeli flag hiding behind the memeflag, ameribros are fine

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They don't want wars, territory, or borders. They go and don't leave until the countries surrender their natural resources. Most people don't ever know the difference.

Seek mental help and get a new hobby.

If you control a nations government and natural resources, you have literally conquered them you brainlet

The whole world fought in Vietnam you uneducated nigger.
Many world powers lost in Vietnam.

Many world powers lost in Afghanistan.
The US beat iraq
Vietnam was a civil war retard.
In Vietnam the Americans killed a million plus northern Vietnamese and lost a few tens of thousands.
The only reason they lost is they left.
You are smug in your ignorance.

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You were *this* close

sure you would...dreamer

Slide thread courtesy of shariablue etc etc

Fuck off and die whatever you are

Sage in all fields KYS

You're just a jew
>a massive part of the white race is our enemy
See? Kike. You did not say Israel and the US gov, you said Israel and America you dnc shill.
Judea and Israel are our enemies and the EU military will be used against white Europeans and no one elsr

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Its not always hand in hand, though. Many expamples of a government being toppled, resources being secured, then the government left alone to the chaos of competing factions. Or, also, just the toppling part as per an interests issue as with Libya. Was Libya conquered? I wouldn’t say so.

>we laugh at grossgore we laugh

>you you you you you you you you
There ya go friendo!!

the american military could easily destroy whatever you eurocucks have at the moment.
uncle sam would rape you and your entire family to death with a bayonet while whistling the star spangled banner

No, American.

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1812 was a draw. Both sides got what they sort of wanted. That’s coming from a leaf whose WE WUZ history makes it sound like The Siege of old Fort Erie was Stalingrad beta.

There have been no legitimate wars outside the war for independence. Every other war has been fought over economics, subversion, nation building, preserving colonial power or undermining the power of nation states. Both world wars were fought with corporate interest supplying all sides. Soldiers are not heroes, they are pawns and part of the welfare state. The notion of honor is just part of the package to sell it. The world is ultimately a less safe place in modern times because of their willingness to do anything they are told no matter the moral or material cost.

How'd a multi-lingual, multi-ethnic army work out for Austria-Hungary ehy?

There have been better ones throughout history. Their military leaders couldn't catch up with modern war and were generally incompetent and pride driven. Conrad was a mistake.

You faggots laugh at everything, hiding behind behind your wall.

Eating children has quite literally made you insane.

>lets have us another brother war

Nothing but the strongest of gasses for you, kike

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Between our foreign bases abroad and our Navy's unrivaled sea presence, there is literally no place on earth out of our reach. As metrics go, that seems like a pretty good one for control. We've conquered Europe twice. What did we do with those defeated lands? We left. The nations of the world exist because we allow it. If the rest of the world collectively decides they want a conventional war with the US, let them come. We have no equal. We gave up our war of occupation against Vietnam, sure. It was costing too much in tax payer money and American lives in a fight we really didn't need to be fighting. The negative public sentiment was no help either. Make no mistake however, all out war is a different animal. We could, and would, bomb the rest of the world back to the stone age inside of a week of pushed to the wall.

>doesn’t have a military
>attempting to mock the most powerful and advanced military in the world
Pic related

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The fucking delusion, Americans failed with their invasion. They lost. Deal with it.

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You’re a jew, right?

2021 guys, it's coming soon. We don't even have to fire a single round, these idiots are sinking before us and trying to take everyone down with them. Fuck 'em

>eurotrash laughs at us military
>us military the only thing between russia buttfucking western europe into oblivion
mfw the trump admin is in the beginning stages of pulling out of europe.

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>EU flag

Weren’t we there in the first place to try to fix the monumental failure of the French?
Gee really makes you think.

War of 1812 the Brits and Canadians lost to a Hurricane.

Vietnam, with a song bird like McCain we lost that for sure.

But we won in Libya since its a failed state now
We toppled the Egyptian government, we toppled Iraq and Afghanistan.
I'll give you that the US sucks at occupation of any country outside of develop world and we we're foolish to keep up the brits/France country structure when it came to Iraq

So all I see is one loss

Spanish American war? Mexican American war? The war with Tripoli? Those ring any bells

that was the first battle, not the whole war.
britain tried to take new orleans and were defeated
they tried to take new york and were defeated
they tried to blockade american trading vessals and were defeated
they tried to take detroit, succeeded, and then got kicked out

it was a draw because neither side managed to achieve any of the goals set out at the start of the war

Most people would say that about someone who fights their fights for them.

>it's December 2020, Trump has just been re-elected the previous month
>Merkel infuriated by this, declares a state of emergency for the EU
>declares war on the US
>within six hours, the three USMC MEF around the mediterrenean mobilize
>Thousands of Marines are deployed into your shithole countries
>by 0100 hours our AF c3 carrying army paratroopers cross the atlantic ocean and start dropping on your shit cities
>by 0400 the majority of your capitals belong to the US
>0900 your zoomer ass wakes up and finds american flags waving on your street

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• Total
331,698[4] km2 (128,069 sq mi)

>EU Area
• Total
4,475,757 km2 (1,728,099 sq mi)


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I hope you get renditioned

They would own you flaghider

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Europe ain’t exactly hard to steamroll... did you forget about WWII

Nam was won, then demoncrats didnt follow through with the military support promised and the VC came back

>winfield scott
>bad general
open a book white trash

It's another one of those thread where armchair generals larp as their country and then go and make shitty mods for command and conquer zero hour.