Can/pol/ General - [White] People's Party edition

>Announcement of New Party (People's Party of Canada)

>CBC already calling Max's supporters "stupid"

>Bernier's response: "These arrogant members of a disconnected elite really have no idea what’s about to hit them."

>Colby Cosh: Rich, fashionable Jagmeet Singh finally calls out farmers for their privilege

>Jagmeet Singh says he won’t apologize for ‘privilege’ comment

>Latest interview by /OurThot/ Faith on Infowars

>Become a member

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--{msg from Brit/pol/}/

++this is you true flag++

-[end msg]-

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this is a false song, bernier only wants to limit immigration to 250 000 a year down from 300 000. this is not enough we need a halt plus repatriation. Also look at his press releases in the past when he left the conservative party, the multiculturalism stance is at the very bottom its low priority for him. vote an actual nationalist party like the national citizens alliance or the canadian nationalist party dont fall for this.

voting for those nobody parties is the same as throwing your vote away. we can't fix the country in an instant, we need to ease back into the way things were. Bernier's party is our chance

Mad Max Bernier's policy platform.


>Immigration must not be used as a tool to forcibly change the cultural character and social fabric of Canada
>Stop all illegal immigration at the border using military force as required
>End reliance on the United Nations for refugee selection
>Heavy vetting of all immigrants by our intelligence agencies, federal police. Big increase in funding to make sure it gets done
>Economic policy must fulfill our economic needs - all immigrants must put in more than they take out.

Gun Laws:

>Double the length of firearms licenses from 5 to 10 years
>Repeal magazine size restrictions
>Reimburse gun owners for property loss resulting from previous government gun grabs, and end future grabs
>Stop the harassment of law-abiding gun owners

Foreign Affairs:

>Foreign policy must focus on the security and prosperity of Canadians — not pleasing the dysfunctional United Nations
>Promote free-market policies, liberalized trade, and private property rights around the world
>Review the billions spent on foreign aid, and phase out all aid with no moral or economic efficiency argument
>Liberalize trade with as many countries and regions as possible
>Work with allies to defend Canada's security, especially against radical Islamic terrorism

Rural Canadians (e.g. white folks)

>Reduce Grain Commission Fees Immediately
>Eliminate the farm killing carbon tax
>Abolish the maple syrup cartel (don't laugh)
>Spur agriculture growth through increased exports
>Reduce federal farm tax by 33%

Economic Policy:

>Wealth Re-distribution between provinces is unfair
>Scrap the Carbon tax
>End all barriers to trade between provinces
>Aggressively pursue free trade deals
>Cut federal tax to 15% on income between $15,001 and $100,000, and 25% tax rate on income above $100,000

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that's my new belief system all of a sudden

finally i am part of something good

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Agreed, god-tier flag right there

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more pundits are making "white people party" memes. I think the nickname is going to stick, hard. This is an excellent development.

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Fuck off with your "White People" and Nazi shit.
You guys are a bunch of Sheer cum guzzlers. This party is rallying Canadians of all colours and creed fighting against Trudeau and his forced gender and diversity platform.

Allot of legal immigrants Canadians are tired of his shit. So please quit trying to portay Bernier as another coming of Adolf.

Color me surprised...

Its a meme you fucking goof. Who cares we are on Jow Forums but I wouldnt spread this on normiebook.

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When creating a party you have to expect the opposition to attack it in any way they can.

The left doesn't even know how to meme.

If it was "White People Party" You would have to write it " People's Party of White Canada" so it reads correctly in french.

The problem right now is we literally have CBC journalist patrolling Twitter and Jow Forums digging shit to try to portay the PPC as the rise of the Fourth Reich and drive potential support away.

They seems to ignore the large number of "new Canadians" joining the party.

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Just dont post anything on normies websites that could hurt him but I won't censor myself on Jow Forums because of the lügenpresse.

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you faggots need to make sure you are shitposting the OFFICIAL maxime facebook groups. Don't join all of them at once or else they might not approve you. Start with one or two provinces plus the canada-wide one: (canada-wide, english) (alberta) (ontario) (british columbia) (atlantic) (manitoba) (saskatchewan) (north) (quebec, english) (quebec, french) (atlantic, french) (ontario, french)

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Instead of decreasing immigration by 50k, immigration is going to increase by 100k because the Liberals will win.
I'd be all for Maxime Bernier if Canada didn't have First Past the Post, but that way I'm really skeptical.
Also, you're giving up an experienced, well established Conservative cabinet, to elect some nobodies who got selected in a rush.
Maybe Andrew Scheer doesn't want to decrease the number of immigrants, but he's spoken about increasing the QUALITY of them, which is a great start and step from Trudeau.
Also, Andrew Scheer is great at talking and leading, look at his speeches in the parliament. Max on the other hand is stuttering and doesn't have this leaders charm (which is important if you want to win).
Abandoning the Conservatives and going all in on Bernier is emotional and childish in my opinion.
Just my few words on that.

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based. they want you to forget that your fathers and grandfathers died for THIS flag, not the meaningless maple.

Andrew "There's no such thing as too much diversity" is only slowing Canada's death from a decade or so compared to Trudeau. Bernier is at least a clear step in the right direction. Also wtf, how can you not be shill if you consider Scheer is great at talking and leading. Trudeau as more charisma than this basedboy.

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So I went to a "meeting" with other supporters from twitter and they were all fat boomers, conspiracy theorists and autists. Is this our movement? What the fuck? I'm not even normal but I felt out of place.


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one person posted this in the BC bernier group. It's a great conversation starter since Bernier said specifically to "call out hate speech" in the groups.

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dude who gives a fuck lmao you sound like a butthurt roastie

What Andrew Scheer spoke in that video is pretty much the same what Maxime Bernier said yesterday in his news conference.
Max has denounced people who are against immigration, said that these are not welcome.

the PPC fucking blows

It's a great idea, but the people supporting it fucking blow. Maxime is too good for this movement.

my theory is his timing was off.

his plan should have been: if Scheer lost the election, Scheer would immediately resign as leader of the CPC. (1 year from now)

- then Bernier instead of running again for Leader, start a new party at that time, and say the old CPC can't win, and he will accept only the best CPC members.

BUT the way he did his edgy new party thing - means that only edgy people who want to be contrarian are interested in joining his party. Conservative contrarians? Libertarians. So now he is stuck with them.

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His only hope right now is getting mainstream endorsements from normies. The meeting I went to was full of old fat boomers talking about Qanon

If that's the case I the best bet would be to try and infiltrate the party so we can drown the boomers out with younger people. Who knows if we will have enough people that are willing to get involved (that aren't complete losers who will make it look even worse) though

Bernier was the #1 defender of supply management for dairy during Harper

Are you sure you guys know the man well? I feel some here are being bamboozled by shills.

Good luck to the PeePee party tho.

What if Scheer won though? I just can't see Trudeau getting re-elected

So now even fellow whites aren't good enough for whites?
Your race is doomed :(
(Abandoning Jow Forums)

>uses the term fellow whites
>'your' race is doomed
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post

No, I don't care what race you are. They were all white and no women too. Terrible outlook for Scheer.

Listen my friends, I understand Max is not perfect, but he is the best solution we have right now. It's to stop the bleeding and end the madness and get a sense of normalcy back in Canadian politics, then we can start discussion more. Baby steps in Canada, it's just so fucked right now.

I agree but can you get rid of that gay memeflag?

how much is Max paying you to shill this hard

hey, Bernier would screw over poor white people buy drastically cutting education and healthcare, this has never been about helping whites lol

>I just can't see Trudeau getting re-elected
then you should get off Jow Forums for awhile or stop being naive of the sheer stupidity and apathy of the Canadian electorate, see Ontario 2003-2018

>see Ontario 2003-2018
What happened in 2018, big guy?
Also I can assure you my view on metapolitics has not been completly warped by Jow Forums.

First Past The Post mate.

Honestly I find it extremely hard to support this guy. His stated goal is to stop the anti Imigration movement that is growing in Canada. He can see it is on the rise with the liberals in power. Ive seen people turn from not caring about multiculturalism to being hard against it. Bernier sees this happening. He wants to continue mass imigration but slow it down and lead the discussion away from identity politics. He is no savior, but a savior to the movement of ethnic genocide of white canadians.

Thanks for splitting the right-leaning vote, and guaranteeing Trudeau will win the next federal election, Maxime. Instead of voting for a respectable mainstream conservative party, now we have a party of hot-takes and dog-whistles. I wish all of the people who are coming out of the wood-works to support Maxime now bothered to vote in the PC-leader election. In the best possible timeline Maxime would've won the PC-leader election, but since he didn't, and now he is forming his own party, he comes across as a sore loser and a bad team-player.

Oh yes voting for Scheer is for sure a better option my man

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>His stated goal is to stop the anti Imigration movement that is growing in Canada
If this is the case then fuck that guy but I can't find where he said that. Where did you hear this?

>What happened in 2018, big guy?
something that should have happened by 2011 or at the very least 2014 but didn't even though OLP corruption and mismanagement nakedly obvious by then. you're dreaming if you think Trudeau has fucked up enough for your average Canadian to form at the very least a minority government if not another majority albeit slightly weakened.

t. the type of guy who would have been a anti-trumpers in the republican primary because the evil dems need to stay away from power and Trump is too much of a gamble

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>not being an accelerationist
>not voting for the most extreme candidate
Gotta rip the bandaid off, stop boiling the frog slowly

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The milk cartel and pro immigration shills are out in full force I see.

Enjoying your minimum wage?

>it didn't happen soon enough
You may be right about Trudeau getting re-elected and maybe I am just being overly optimistic but my reasons for thinking this have nothing to do with Jow Forums I have spoken with so many people, a ton of them liberals, and they all say something along the lines of "former Trudeau voter here, it's fun watching him crash and burn but seriously, we can't let him get re-elected".

Bernier and immigration

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already a member

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ok bye then, see you tomorrow.



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They think adding a cheeky 'WHITE' to the title will be a bad thing for them!... lol

Fact is, it IS white people who are fed up, so it isn't inacurate, and it will do nothing but reinforce white people's sense of irritation about the current state of affairs.

Why do all NPC-posters use the same recycle flag? I'm starting to think it's just one guy
From 5th minute on immigration.

"Immigration is good for this country, but I don't want Canadians to be against immigration, I want us to be sure that people who are coming here, they are coming for the right reason".

"Extreme people who are against immigration, they are not welcome in this party, it's clear".

I wonder what's the reason you want to abandon a Conservative cabinet for noname lolbertarians, and lose the next election

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God I wish Max was was a hue

So what? You expect him to commit political suicide to appease a few idiots? This isn't a zero immigration party because that wouldn't work. You can't scare off groups of people that need some immigration, like the baby boomers.
>I wonder what's the reason you want to abandon a Conservative cabinet for noname lolbertarians, and lose the next election
The Conservatives already lost. There's a near zero percent change of a majority for them and a very low chance of a minority. Furthermore, the conservatives are conservative in name only.

Why the fuck would a Pole give a shit? Did you forget to use your proxy so you can pretend to be Canadian to shill?

His immigration policy is good enough atm since Canadians are so fucking brainwashed on the diversity cult. Its clearly a step in the right direction



>Immigration must not be used as a tool to forcibly change the cultural character and social fabric of Canada
>Stop all illegal immigration at the border using military force as required
>End reliance on the United Nations for refugee selection
>Heavy vetting of all immigrants by our intelligence agencies, federal police. Big increase in funding to make sure it gets done
>Economic policy must fulfill our economic needs - all immigrants must put in more than they take out.

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My point is, that his current stance is no different than that of Andrew Scheer.

I am Canadian.

same poster btw different computer
"Of course, Canadian society is also transformed by immigration, as it has for centuries. But this has to be done organically and gradually. When it happens too fast, it creates social tensions and conflicts, and provokes a political backlash, as we can see today in several countries"

The reality is you can't go crazy and say we're banning immigration. It won't fly. there are too many people who won't bite on that to ever get elected.

Personally, I don't want to ban immigration anyway. It just needs to be reduced drastically and be done in the interests of whats good for the country -- just remove the goofy marxist one-world schlock and get rid of official multiculturalism. It isn't the Government's business setting up secular religions we need to bow to and be indoctrinated into (with our own tax money paying for it)

It's so entrenched now, that just beginning to try weeding it out is a great start.

To be fair he only brought that up after the interviewer was harassing him about muh extremism. Still it's pretty cucky

>My point is, that his current stance is no different than that of Andrew Scheer.
Completely wrong. Scheer hasn't stated he wants to decrease immigration levels nor would that have much support within the CPP.
>I am Canadian.
Sure, I'm Polish, but I conveniently don't understand anything about the Polish political system, speak in broken Polish, and I don't even live there. Just like you with Canada.

Replace Max with Andrew and you are correct

How is Scheer any different that Trudeau? He's just less obnoxious about his love for brown people

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Wow, so subversive. Good shill, I love Scheer now!


>250,000 immigrants per year

but it isn't though. it isn't solely just my personal and subjective opinion. the Ontario Liberal's mismanagement and scandals were in full bloom by 2014 if not in 2011 and yest somehow they were handed a majority in the last election. the Liberal's literally ran their own party into near oblivion in the 2018 election. and that's what it took to get any semblance if 'change' in the province. i do view Ontario as microcosm for the rest of the country and can easily see this playing out much the same way federally. there will never be a conservative renaissance in Canada and people are horribly mistaken if they believe one is taking place in Ontario. election outcomes in this country aren't terribly motivated by ideas, just fatigue over the incumbant's inevitable fuck ups.
>You may be right about Trudeau getting re-elected and maybe I am just being overly optimistic but my reasons for thinking this have nothing to do with Jow Forums I have spoken with so many people, a ton of them liberals, and they all say something along the lines of "former Trudeau voter here, it's fun watching him crash and burn but seriously, we can't let him get re-elected".
I hear the same, but come crunch time, a lot of them return to the polls and vote liberal again in partisan fear and will choose who the perceive as the lesser of two evils, provided Trudeau doesn't horribly fuck up between now and next year.

>he doesn't know we switched timeline in 2016
Since Trump's election people are more and more woke about the fake news media and the liberals endgame. I am more optimistic than you but I predict a Liberal or Conservative minority government with a really good score by Mad Max for a first election (probably even better than the NDP)

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Can't believe I'm voting for a Quebeccer... God forgive me.

I'm a believer in the idea that Canada will only un-cuck itself after the rest of the west or atleast the US does. I can't see Canadians doing it until nationalisim is widely accepted in the west. That being said I think something different then the usual "vote for one guy cause the other guy fucked up" will start to happen. I'm still pretty optimistic that Trudeau will not get re-elected but we can speculate on that endlessly. We just have to wait and see I guess.

Hey I'm a québécois and will vote for a federalist for the first time. For the time being we need to put Canada back on track.

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Sound good but i'm afraid that if we vote for him we will split the vote in two and the liberals will win again.

also chain migration is a huge problem. 1 immigrant can bring in up to 20 others over a few years. he plans on continuing it and goes as far as saying it is "important"

It is important for new Canadians to be able to reunite with their families. This is already a large part of our immigration policy and will continue to be so. As well, Canada has to play its part in welcoming refugees from troubled areas of the world"

It's a very real possibility. We will have a better estimate on what's going to happen the closer we get to the election. I don't see the harm in supporting him now though. Let's just see how it goes.

Yes chain migration need to go into the trash, but all the other parties don't talk about ending it as well. Become members and try to stir the People's Party in the right direction. Refugees are fine as long as it isn't "used as a tool to forcibly change the cultural character and social fabric of Canada". I mean I would gladly take South African farmers. Heck I would even take Christian Syrians.

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Yea but you and I both know how old people are they will never vote for anything that's not either full conservative or liberal.

We don't have to completely stop immigration, we just have to get the numbers low enough that the white birthrate surpasses both the minority birth rate and immigration rate.

Currently about 390,000 people are born in Canada each year. I'm assuming 50-65% of those are white, considering our 30% minority population which typically have higher birthrates. 65% would be 253,500 white Canadians per year and 136,500 minorities, so we could allow 117,000 immigrants without changing the demographics much.

100,000 immigrants per year is a relatively easy sell compared to no immigration. We just have to walk the number down year after year.

We saw new parties do relatively well all over the West. People are hungry for change. Bernier said in a french interview hes taking inspiration from Trump social media's use and Macron success with his new party created a year before the latest election. Macron had the (((banksters and medias))) behind him tho

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True, but like I said we might as well support him for now and if he humiliates himself or even if he doesn't but support for him isn't high we can just vote scheer.

True I just wished that he came out after trudeau was kicked out in our next election. We can't really risk having that turd come out on top again.

Bernier has to be working for Trudeau. All he can possibly hope to do is torpedo the Conservatives.

>this level of shilling.
You do realize there have already been >100,000 people signing up online in 2 hours right? You may need to kick it up a bit and start calling all of us white supremacists nazis

Im saying dont give a fuck who calls which race dumb. That's below everyone.

White people suck, black people suck, etc. Its dumb, who cares what someone says? It hurts you that much?

What conservatives?!

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100,000 people in 24 hours. Leftists are going to need to start REEEing soon. Cue "white supremacy" "nazi party" and Trudeau crying on tv about Bernier

This is the beginning of the end for leftists. I've been saying they will all be camped within our lifetime for a while now and we keep marching closer to that

Bernier's party is a nobody party. It will, at the most, split the vote and guarantee a Liberal majority.

Bernier is from Quebec. He loses half of the conservative vote by default. If he somehow convinces people west of thunderbay to trust a quebecer, it will be the last chance we give. If he fucks over the west like every quebec and ontario PM did before him, balkanization would be the only next step.
That being said I will likely vote for his party if they get some mp's set up in my constituency

Dude Albertans fucking love Bernier

Thats fine, sask people do too. Buuuuuut he is from quebec and that is his only weakness

The nobody party got 100 000 people signing up already and will sooner than later have some great endorsements to attract normies (Juden Peterstein and O'Leary for example)

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What about Israel, goyim?
Learn what they think about Israel
>inb4 they are pro-white therefore Jews hate them
80% of parties like this are psyops

This is a strenght in Québec tho, and most of the time you need Québec if you want to become PM.

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