Funniest news of the day

Chinese banks joined sanctions against Russia

Part of the Chinese banks began to refuse to conduct transactions involving Russian companies because of the sanctions of the US and the European Union. This was announced by the head of the Central Bank of Russia in the People's Republic of China Vladimir Danilov.

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>meme flag

Don't be mean to my plumber.

I am actually enjoying the way China treats your strategic Russian ally. I am not a great fan of Russians, Anglos and Jews, desu xD


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>Chinese banks joined sanctions against Russia
They had such good mojo China and Russia.

China knows its natural place in relation to Europe after all Brits hometrained them.



The only thing the Anglos did to the Poles was let the USSR have Eastern Poland without a fight. Would you rather all of Poland be part of the USSR?

Nice now Russia can go full isolationist.

Anglos are perfidious rats who look only at Mackinder doctrines, never at human beings. Poland was always just a tool, cannon-fodder and naive pawn in your eyes, while Russia and Germany were potential allies. We will never make the same mistake again by connecting our future to your geopolitical whims. Fight for your future yourself, now, dumb island monkey.

Why do they hate Russia so much?
Wtf?Romania/Bulgaria/Hungary/Italy/Austria will do trading with Russia as always.
Love you Ruskie bro's

We have a shit elite and I've give you that. You are fired.

Why are you Bongs so smug,when Russia owns more than 20-30% of London.

>Romania/Bulgaria/Hungary/Italy/Austria will do trading with Russia as always.

Looks like a self-loving circle of anti-economies. Will you trade your Gypsies for cheap gas?

>the enemy is the degenerate west and the european union
>hates russia instead

The cold war ended a long time ago idiots

Russia is degenerate too, 90% of double anal whores on are from Russia. Besides it is also more impoverished.

If only we could,only the Bongs/Frogs seem to like our gypsies.
They can't get enough.

London is lost but it will be reborn in the coming decades. Property owners do not matter as the Crown can take the land at will.

Most of the whores come from your 2 buddies Czech Rep. and Hungary.
Far more then Russia

>Most of the whores come from your 2 buddies Czech Rep. and Hungary.

Russia is on the strict top statistically:

Czech Republic and Hungary take 2nd and 3rd place

You can only dream,i think you will need to learn Russian soon to enter London.

They can’t take the mosques, which is the other 60% of London lmao

Cuz you brainwashed dumbass dont know what happens in donbass/syria everyday

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Russia 150 mil
Hungary 10 mil
Czech Rep. 10 mil
Now do the % and laugh away,like me.:)

The double anal scenes with black men are indeed with Russian women only. Czech women don't have to sink that low.

Which are owned by the state.
Atleast Russian muslims are white,though tehy can crack far more many skulls than the shitskins can.

Czech/Hungarian whores are notorious,don't kid yourself.
Maybe they do it in private then?For free?:)))

What happens?

t. Ukranian

It will never be over until Russia turns back what is rightfully part of Finnish borders in 1917.

Nobody cares about Ukraine

Dont know how to google it?

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He has weird tastes when it comes to Porn.

You also hate the czech republic then, and hungary


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Google what exactly?
"What happens in Donbass/Syria"
What should i google for?
Btw use Yandex bro,is way faster than Gurgle.

We can't really hate Czech Republic and Hungary - especially Hungary. They were always decent and never hostile to us. Czechs are little rats, but they are too weak in our eyes to hate them. We can hate only the strong.

t. Russia's puppet

A rare Bielorusian has appeared.Where's my Pokeball?

Eternal butthurt from failed "empire" is glorious

Russia regime is fundamentally unstable because there is no clear succession principle. So the current KGB junta with manlet on top is only temporary.

China is ALWAYS thinking very long term.

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Just for you, npc

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>the butthurt belt of europe is real

Stop fighting between you slavs for fucks sake

If this was true then Western MSM would be reporting on it. They aren't, which means it's fake news.

Slava Ukrajini

fuck bully Russia

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t. Ukrainian

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Fuckin europoors shit-stirring again, without any impact or relevance, but personal (((projections))))
>Chinks are not stupi,-
On a serious note latest sanctions are only going to create more elaborate theft operations, still for the better. Fuckers need to be starved in to senses and learn to mind own business in own shithole

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Why report something that American people don't care about? Of course regular Chinese banks will choose not to be sanctioned and isolated from the world economy over snowy Africa AKA Russia.

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this Chinks like money more than anything they wont risk that for Russia

good Russia should learn to behave

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Who would choose this over the West???

Like I said snowy Africa.

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Not everything revolves areound the le 56% Amerifats.

Banks that only do business with the West comply with Western sanctions.
The Chinese have banks for locals and for Russian and Central Asian regions that are separate.
Not relevant.

The real reason they are putting on sanctions against Russia is because Russia is hoarding valuable metals.

Both China and USA depend heavily on the dollar remaining the world currency, and Putin getting rid of the debt that they've purchased is threatening the ((global financial order)) that these banks are a part of.

Money and debt only have value if people believe in them, or/and intends to pay.

The Russian oligarchs know that if they get shut out of purchasing/investing in the dollar, then the next best thing for them is to invest in their own economy to make it self-reliable and to invest in metals and items with actual real world value (because those undermine the value of the "fake" printed money)

Sanctions against Russia are unironically backfiring heavily against the USA, its making Russia invest and become self-reliant economy in the long-term, and once the dollar comes crashing down in the next financial crisis the US empire will be going the way of post ww1 Britain.

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Now this is some fucking ingratitude. We liberate your country twice and even award you land despite you harbouring jews and instigating a war with Germany. Then, in the modern day, we let millions of your shitty people come and work in low-tier English jobs earning more than they can in high-tier jobs in your own country. Get fucked; Polish confirmed subhuman.

You do realize that Russia/Romania have the lowest debt in Europe right?
While Belgium and the West will soon become bootlickers and window cleaner in the east.

That is if it is even true. That's a nobody source, the Russian gov does report anything government officials proclaim.

Russia can we become formal friends? If we both defeat our deep state infections can we become friends? Forever?

We will help you with this problem if you can find a way to interface with us, I'm fucking sick of the pathocrats who hijacked our gov attacking you all like this, and just for doing the right thing

Also LoL since when is Belgium a country?:))

It's not Americans, it's the whole civilized world.

What should scare you russkies is that your regime seems to WANT to govern and be treated like North Korea.

Debt is made up. It could vanish by simply blinking.

Russia has some of the highest debt. It's just owed by state corporations instead of government. Oh no, RT didn't tell you?? LOLOLOL

There is no money, everything has been stolen you poor dumb Russkie.

>We liberate your country twice

Like when? In 1945 with using your roosian raping-killing machines which ended with sentencing us for 45 years of life in communist humiliation and poverty?

>Debt is made up. It could vanish by simply blinking.
Not if the debt is to your own sovereign citizens.

A foreign nation would have to invade to demand their money back, not likely to happen.

Gl trying to get the pensioners to not demand their pensions, gl trying to get the rich and wealthy not to demand their money from their investments in state debt. Gl trying to get a viable competitive economy when banks no longer trusts anyone to loan them money.

CIA world fact book states their inflation at 7% idiot.

Meanwhile they just finished the longest bridge in Europe (Crimean bridge) ahead of schedule, and are planning the world's longest bridge to connect pacific Sakhalin to mainland Russia.

Attached: crimean-bridge-led.jpg (900x506, 210K)

but yes, debt is made up.

Their debts are in hard currency. They are really fucked it's just a question of time.

Ruskies are too dumb to build even 1 km of a good highway, not to mention bridges. And this Crimean bridge was in fact built by a Jew Rotenberg using Western technologies.

Bullshit, Russia sells half a trilion worth of gas already just to China and it will increase more.

Meanwhile EU is cucked with American LNG. kek

These "roosian raping-killing machines" not only liberated your shitty country, which costed us many lives. We also rebuilded your shitty capital with our resources, provided you food supplies so that you won't starve, gave you good education, build factories. And now you shit on everyone, including Germany and demand gibs from everyone.
Literal niggers of Europe.

>These "roosian raping-killing machines" not only liberated your shitty country, which costed us many lives. We also rebuilded your shitty capital with our resources, provided you food supplies so that you won't starve, gave you good education, build factories.

You are high on a glue

>half a trilion worth of gas already just to China
So more than a third of TOTAL RUSSIA ECONOMY?

Sounds legit, Serbian asslicker.

Are you butthurt becase your gas bill will be sky high for another winter Mr. Polan because you dont like russki gas ? So be it.

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Do what Japan does and sell the debt to the banks but then they have deflation and can get away with it.

I am not even sure you are Polack. Probably just Ukrainian neo nazi

Only a few years left of Russia as we know it.
Think about LNG as military spending to deprive Russia of money. Then it makes sense.

>I am not even sure you are Polack. Probably just Ukrainian neo nazi

After subhuman hohols flooded our country and changed our national structure beyond recognition, it stopped meaning anything. Now the kikes can blame us for running death camps, because every fourth Pole is a banderist.

Poland, paying twice more for Democratic American gas will surely be a disaster for us.

>meme flag

Its not all at once you halfwit.

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lol you fucking oppressed Poles you retard

if you were good to everyone maybe your union wouldn't fall apart

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Based Croatia


400 bln dollar 30-years deal, which gives 13 bln dollar / year.

Meanwhile Poland alone was buying Russian gas and oil worth 20 bln dollar yet up to 2013. Such a "historic deal", oh wow.

Not giving you money makes sense.
You made whole word spend more on defense, fuck you and die.

It made Russia turn to China which bought even more gas from Russia making it richer.
Meanwhile they pay more with american LNG which at same time comes as barganing chip also.

>absolute state of dumb eurocucks.

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Putin is a Cuck. China is not friend of Russia

That's also an old bridge where no one ended up getting hurt. We've had bridges here collapse and actually kill people.

>jew built it

Wrong "Stroygazmontazh" is the construction group that built it owned by a Russian Jew but so what? Their allegiance is to Russia, the architects were Russian, some of the money was Russian-Jewish. an infrastructure construction firm in Russia.

>Ruskies are too dumb to build even 1 km of a good highway

Riiiight which is why they can quickly re-pave a main street with greater haste than anything I've ever seen here:

Stop being a butthurt Pole, your country will never be as relevant as Russia.

>Its not all at once you halfwit.
So you admit that you lied, Serbian asslicker.

You're NEVER getting Kosovo back now because that pipeline will never be finished.

It was just one of many deals you kretin, they signed many more with China saying they need even more for their industry.
They got 500bil STABLE INCOME for 30 years just from one deal alone.

>your country will never be as relevant as Russia.

If Russia is relevant, and since i know how it looks and how people live in it, i want Poland to be irrelevant forever.

Look at this faggot asslicker. He puts actual paid russkie troll to shame.
Nothing like a good asslicker from satellites LOL

>lol you fucking oppressed Poles you retard
Seems like Poland likes to be opressed

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>Weak Poles cannot defend their country from anyone, cannot rebuild their country, and even now rely on other countries to support them
>Poland Stronk
Poland fucking stupid, more like.

>Literal niggers of Europe.

That was obvious. But Putin is one of those HAPA fetishists who plans to mingle Russians with Asians.

Rumor is his own daughters get RICED on the regular.

Since then they have started building 2 additional pipelines which will in total send more gas to China than to Europe.
Also the 400bn deal was about building the infrastructure, the 38bn cubic meters of gas per year are obviously not included because the prices for it are set every year according to the current world market prices.
It's sad how illiterate people are here.

The infighting and brother wars are to everyone detriment. I get the Polish pride. I commend the Polish people for having balls. Now it's time to have brains, or we all lose.

>So you admit that you lied, Serbian asslicker.
What did i lie you meme flag imbecile ? They are getting 500bil one way or another.
>ou're NEVER getting Kosovo back now because that pipeline will never be finished.
Kosovo depends on some pipeline KEK

I will eat popcorn when you die.

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We will, the EU will fail and so will the US.
Then it is time for revenge and China/Russia/India are on our side.

Look at this faggot asslicker. He puts actual paid russkie troll to shame.
Nothing like a good asslicker from satellites LOL
>literally not a single argument
Im here to troll you meme fag. I would do it for free.

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