Why is there such a big difference in every race? from looks, to skin, to intelligence, behavior, etc

why is there such a big difference in every race? from looks, to skin, to intelligence, behavior, etc.. nytimes.com/2010/11/09/education/09gap.html?_r=0

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60.000 years of evolving apart.

Because we all grew up in different parts of the world with differing conditions, necessities and history filled with either fortune or struggle. Now that we’re all in one place, you can see the disparities: but it isn’t due to race - race is just an identifier. It is accurate to assume a black guy won’t be as intelligent; not because he’s black, but because of their history

by history do you mean their genes?

yes they were historically not naturally selected for intelligence.

but isnt intelligence a necessity. i acknowledge that race & intelligence correlate but if we all evolved apart from one species how could intelligence be determined by location i could see how skin color, looks, and behavior can but how intelligence?

i would like to know what percentage of black kids had families who taught them to read, vs the percentage of white kids.

also, i think there is some pressure on black children not to act too white. that's a real shot in the foot for them

They just love using the term "white boy".

>y should i finna teach this lil nigga to read tho???
>aint dat ze skools job, yo?

maybe give this a read. it shows that black children in white households have the same iq and black children raised in white households: kjplanet.com/amp-31-10-726.pdf

sorry the second one was supposed to say black households

>Be Vietnamese
>Niggers of Asia
>Poor as shit
>Slaves to French
>Fight long bloody war against most of earth
>Napalmed and Agent oranged into submission
>Mass escape of southerners when war ended
>Less violent that Muzzies
>Smarter than niggers

and "white" scores were dragged down by spics and some muds, sad

i'm pretty sure i've read this before, but i'll save it for later. if it's what i think it is, the black kids were placed with white families older than other kids, and after having been placed in several other foster homes before placement with white families.

>africa has the lowest iq in the world.
>its hotter in africa than vietnam
>colder climate is linked to higher iq
>in vietnam they actually go to school

If your environmental conditions require you to exercise intelligence, you will be better dispositioned to use it later on. Same thing for physicality. But doesn’t mean that either race can’t improve at either of those characteristics

Harsh, but not too harsh environment made an intelligence selection, retards and their children did not survive winters, did not have to live with periodic influx of food, did not have to spread across vast territory and fast.

The colder climate in my opinion leads to higher iq, because a presents a life threatening problem that your race needed to solve in order to overcome - you start looking for solutions, and then you accidentally discover other feats along the way. It accelerates you on an intellectual level.

If your race grow up in a warm climate with tropical fruits growing on trees around you, you have less of a need to use your brain to solve complex problems for survival sake and become (what we perceive as being) ‘smarter’

white dudes are ugly so they gotta be tryhards in school

>this faggot fell for muh-out-of-assfrica myth

conversely, being able to shuck and jive on a social level for a greater share of the tropical fruits may have led to blacks having a higher propensity to emotional intelligence

What the hell is emotional intelligence?

colloquially - being able to spit game
realistically, being more in tune to someone's emotional state. do you deny that some people tend to be better salesman than others?

hate that fact you want, but it exists

this does make a lot of sense

I am sorry that black Africans were never exposed to an environment with the selective pressures conducive to fostering intelligence, like Whites and Asians have experienced for the past 100,000 years.

Here's the red pill:
In modern Western Civilization, innately low negro intelligence as measured by IQ is the problem, and crime, gangs, drugs, rapes, assaults, robberies, poverty, illiteracy, infant mortality, low graduation rates, high incarceration adn unemployment are all symptoms of this problem

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it's was probably having hot summers and below-freezing winters that favored planning, memory, etc.

if it's cold all the time or hot all the time, then you can do the same thing year round. you don't have to plan for jack shit. but to prepare for winter and make the most of the summer require planning on the order of months.

kek, its also funny because the climates make them more violent because more melanin has a direct correlation to aggression like blacks and muzzies

I am not really sure black people are good at that. Never heard about famous black smoothtalk, oratory or psychological achievements.
They are not bonobo to share fruits, more like baboons with beatings and buttrape for the weak.

>climates make them more violent
no, leaf. Low IQ makes them more violent.

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I'm amazed that the (((NYT))) was willing to run an article that basically admits niggers are retarded and it's not due to poverty. I guess 2010 was eight years ago and a different political climate

well as a citizen of the white russian redneck atlantis, how many blacks have you gotten to know personally?

The article is racist


you have to think on a totally different time scale. the difference is immense. not a day ahead, not even a couple weeks ahead, but you have to accurately anticipate and plan months in advance without any instinctual guidance. this requires a totally different cognitive pattern.

low iq and melanin sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912000840

that is very true


and dense populations are more energy-efficient in the winter, so people had to cooperate more and get along better to survive, and stay on good terms in the summer, even if it may not be immediately advantageous or convenient for them.

There is a lot of variety in even coldest places, with periods of animal migration and breeding.
I think there is too much interference from other things to create steady intelligence pressure.
Plus, hunting/gathering do not provide enough food to supply more complex societies and push civilizational backfeed.

so i think it also selected in favor of people who could maintain strong connections and friendships.

Because they're different species.

there's variety everywhere. many places in africa have dry and wet seasons. but a temperate climate is unique because water's phase of matter is different depending on the season, along with other unique characteristics.

point #3 is the unspoken assumption with any discussion of civilization

Five. One was son of african warlord who was sent here to study (lol), not really likeable person, one is prostitute in neighboring house, cant say I know here well enough cause our activity was rather limited in nature, one was a guy from british office, did not like him cause he was arrogant retard, one is half breed, studied on parallel stream, rather normal, and one is the student who rents my father’s flat.

more to the point, it's a tautology - implementation
of agriculture is a defining characteristic of civilization

congradulations - here in the US we get exposure to a much greater number and spectrum of nigers

We came from the Balkans, but that has nothing to do with meme fags post. We spent thousands of years evolving seperately.

You will have real trouble finding places where water is solid all the time. Even in fucking tundra, where people of north live pretty much the same lifestyle as ancient aryans, except for wheels, they are useless there. Plus, major civilizations appeared in places with mild non-freezing winters.

what would explain the low iqs of blacks in the US in the modern day. they don't live in tribes anymore. only some of iq is heritable

So your niggers are smooth talking salesman and famous orators? Fascinating.

IMO, an important factor for development of a culture is exposure to other cultures.

you do not see that in africa and in the americas

yeh martin luther king was a real salesman conman pimp


you know what i mean. the seasonal variety of temperate climates required much more complex survivals strategies, and those who wouldn't hack it died.

Only some of iq is not inherited. And they are smarter than true african niggers.

>only some of iq is heritable
>"Heritability estimates range from 0.4 to 0.8 ... indicating genetics plays a bigger role than environment in creating IQ differences"


these strategies favored cooperation, strong friendships and allegiances, and long-term planning. traits that are obviously much less common among africans.

Except they do have a type of tribalism. Gangs are very similar to tribes. They are still running on Africa.exe. They don't have the same learning capacity. Why are blacks good at sports? It's because it's more primal. Throwing a ball is similar to a spear. Running, fighting, etc. Whites have more learning capacities. That's why coaches, scientist, and inventors are white.

This as well, genetics play a much larger part.

i wonder how much of a role natural selection is playing right now in the urban ghettos of Baltimore, Detroit among the nogs who are constantly shooting at each other

at some level knowing who to shoot, when to shoot, why to shoot, while avoiding being shot yourself AND avoiding police detection all the while selling drugs has to be putting quite a bit of evolutionary pressure on intelligence

I fully expect the nogs that come out of those cities in another three or four generations to be quite a bit more intelligent and crafty than the average nog of today, these cities are breeding dens of super nogs, mark my words Jow Forums

I do not. They do not require complex strategies, they allow them. There are no complex ways to catch a whale or gather tubers, and even if there are they give too little advantage.

oh very nice article user thank you

>what would explain the low iqs of blacks in the US in the modern day
Intelligence as measured by IQ is genetically inherited
Environmental factors, like nutrition and influence from peers is overrated.
Twin studies have proved this.
Trans-racial adoption studies have proved this.

The only way to increase inherently low negro IQ is to tinker with their genetics, and we have not yet developed the tech to do so.

>Plus, major civilizations appeared in places with mild non-freezing winters.

intelligence is a favorable trait anywhere, but i'm sure that the genes relating to intelligence were most strongly selected for in temperate climates.

>reddit spacing

Fucking idiot, your proof that niggers are dumb.

Or docile nigs on free food outbreed violent ones.

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>we have not yet developed the tech to do so.
It's called a penis, and it ejaculates into the vagina

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this is all positive feedback into superselective emotional intelligence of knowing which gang to back, and others against which to pop caps.

unless you don't live in the good gang's neighborhood. in the 1980s, there may be a real evolutionary outcome, but with CISPA, the patriot act, and other surveillance measures, the niggers are fish in a barrel trying to make it out of an area from the cops, based on hunter/gatherer skills

That is what I said.

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Is eskimo so not nigger? What happens when you try to breed them?

>Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a key neurotrophic factor important for neuronal development, survival and plasticity
>Haplotype frequencies were determined for African, Asian and European continental groups using all chromosomes that could be definitively classified into one of the groups
>A non-synonymous polymorphism in BDNF that leads to a valine-to-methionine change at position 66 of the proBDNF protein, referred to as Val66Met, has been shown to have an important role in neuronal and cognitive function

>The Met66 frequency varied widely from 0 to 72% among populations (Figure 1), being virtually absent in all Sub-Saharan African and some American indigenous populations.


oh well. seems plausible to me, especially considering most populations with higher iq come from temperate climates or lands that are closely adjacent to temperate climates.

>promotes race-mixing with negroids
Shlomo, GTFO

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your transracial study is discredited, since the black kids had been placed more frequently, and were older upon adoption to white families.

keep in mind, i concede there is a statistical distribution of IQ, and while blacks may be stronger (statistically and on average), they may be more impulsive and might need to exert effort not to chimp out.

on the other hand, there may be other traits they have selected for (emotional IQ) and kinesthetics, so let's be even-handed with any rasis culling


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> why is there such a big difference in every race?

Because of evolution. And aliens.

One man can impregnate millions of women. Dont you want to be know as “benevolent white spirit of mommy dicking”?


so much of it is just luck, 90% of nogs don't know how to shoot or aim properly, they just point the gun in the general direction of another nog and fire. That's why there are always so many innocent bystanders who are hit.

If anything this will select for timidity and obedience because the nogs who survive will be the ones who stay away from gangbangin

Eskimos are pretty remarkable.
They have a large average head circumference, so that would indicate bigger brains, which correlates with greater intelligence.
However, eskimos score lower on IQ tests than Whites or Asians.
Here's where it gets interesting. Turns out that eskimos may have evolved a different type of intelligence because they possess a unique ability to navigate from point A to point B solely off dead reckoning, even when landmarks are absent and the landscape is constantly changing due to winter snowfall conditions

That's what happened in Central and South America.
White (European) Spaniards and Portuguese men fucked the Amerindian (indigenous) women, and consequently created an entirely new ethno-race of mestizos, commonly called "Hispanic" and "Latino" in modern PC culture.

natives are retarded anyways. They fill 27% of australias prisons and have an average iq of 85

there's nothing extraordinary about a mixed mulatto race, in fact, they're extremely mediocre.
Which is why Japan has a space station and Puerto Rico does not.

i thnk it is just perseverance and a fatty ass layer

eskimo pussy plz

Whites are stronger that blacks. Do they look nigger to you?
Same with kinetics, best shooters are whites. Black are only really good at running.

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Eskimos have been tested to have an iq of about 104 and were renown for their remarkable memories when they finally started being integrated into formal school systems in Russia and and canada

where does the idea that they are intellectually sub-par come from? all that I have read about them indicates that they are average to above average especially when it comes to spatial intelligence

Australian (aborigine) natives, are the closest thing we have to a living caveman and there should be teams of scientists studying these creatures but we can't because political correctness is anti-science.
Fun fact is that the abo is the most genetically distant population from black Africans, despite having nigger phenotype, e.g., afro hair, nigger lips and noses, and shit brown skin

Still better than real natives? You should continue the experiment. Imagine - culling every stupid latino and providing them with gallons of white genius semen. A glorious project in the name of humanitarian virtues.

different types of strength, clearly observed in american foosball, track, and euro foosball. best shooters are whites - wtf does that have to do with strength?

don't pleb on me

checked and if eskimos are so smart why do they reject modern government in canada and choose to live in the most unfavorable environment in the world

What is this, a baby's first redpill thread? Good idea.

Open the image in a new tab so you can zoom in, if need be.

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mexicans may have a propensity towards other types of reasoning. i know a lot of stupid whites

the tests they took were racist.

for the same reason that blacks don't want to act too white. low emotional IQ right here

their communities have high rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicides, spousal and child abuse, and rape.

Cause your government is a bunch of intolerant cucks.

that in of itself is not indicative of a low iq however

mullatic peoples dot exist, you're either cong-black at vargtier-white, there is no in-between: the post.