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Other urls found in this thread:


>be American
>don’t give your son a circumcision
>go to jail
>your son gets shot in school

Wait, it that serious?

It was part of the agreement in a custody dispute, but yeah it's real.

In America, if you're grass grows above a designated height the government arrests you. Truly Orwellian.

Attached: landofthefree.png (770x90, 9K)

Land of the free, home of the brave.

The dad Wanted him circumcised and the mom didn’t and it went to court. The dad had custody of the kid, it wasn’t a baby and they were divorced.

Probably due to Homeowners Association bullshit.

the problem with that isn't just appearance, they spread seeds around that ruin other people's lawns.


At least the mother saved the kid from brain damage, too bad she had a kid with a retard though

Jesus fuck, it is worse enough to do it to a baby, but doing it to someone who will remember it is terrible.


I can't wait for the day that I'm responsible for the death of anyone who has ever performed a circumcision

My country may be in a bad state, but atleast the government doesn't forcibly mutilate my kids gentiles.

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>when you shoot your neighbor because his grass violated the NAP

>consent for circumcision
>yfw no foreskin loicense

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I feel like if you tell a doctor not to circumcise your newborn son, that they would still try to do it. Im actually scared of that.

dude, wtf. Boy was lucky his mother wasn't a complete retard, and then the father ruins everything.
Now they'll mutilate a 4yo.

Never fall for the home owner's association meme

>be Canadian
>be Canadian

Anyone who gets their kids circumcised might as well get a tattoo that says "I love Jewish cock" on their forehead

>calling America Orwellian
>not understanding the difference between HMAs rules and the law

Not to defend HMAs here, but you guys clearly have it worse.

Attached: Oi+thought+you+could+watch+your+tele+without+a+loicence_1e2da3_6543920.jpg (1200x900, 114K)

Your forgot the Tip

They should both be shot. Degenerate child mutilators are subhuman, and women who procreate with them are, too.

Good. Stops lazy niggers and single women from moving into houses in good neighborhoods.

It's not "the government" doing it, it's the father. You're completely free to have your baby not circumcised. Stop being retarded.

Americans are cucked and bestgoys.

>burger can't take criticism against burgerland
>starts whining about Britain
Why are burgers the most butthurt posters?

>"consent" under duress

Why even bother with the fucking charade?

>y-you guys are 1% worse! b-btfo!
Those deflective arguments are always retarded

>how to get Menendez’d
>step 1

What's the story? Was this another one of the father wanting his son to have the 666 mark of the beast and the mother refusing?

At this point people push circumcision just out of spite

Because it negatively affects the prices of neighbouring houses. Makes sense to me.

Notice how burgers will rarely post in threads showing what a shithole burgerland is.

>giving a counterargument means i'm butthurt
You're just wrong lad. There are plenty of things I hate about JEWSA but this "government mandated dick chopping" nonsense is retarded.

The father is making this happen. The US government does not mandate circumcision and it does not have some sort of "weed height limit" as this retard tried to argue ()

These are PRIVATE individuals/groups dealing with other PRIVATE individuals/groups.

The father wanted his kid circumcised, the HMA that the homeowner is a part of wanted the grass cut shorter.

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You know the sad part? America is one of the best shitholes on the planet

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>Be Canadian
>Lose trade war
>Pay $10 for a bag of milk
>Become 3rd rate American, behind Mexico
Many such cases

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Mongs who are overly invested in Jow Forums trying to one-up each other are both pretty shitty but there was a thread last week of 4 niggers getting gunned down in cold blood on CCTV and they use their nog friend as a meat shield and that didn't even make the news in Burgerland which had me really thinking.

I mean that'd be national news anywhere I can think of in western Europe. It most certainly isn't a regular occurrence anywhere I can think of.

HOAs just send hate mail and warnings and other bullshit if your tree isn't trimmed or you have something on your lawn, its supposed to stop people from making messes and turning the neiborhood into a dumb but they are just plain old cunts that patrol the streets and get mad if your house isn't one of the colors you are allowed to paint it.

Good goy.


Checks out

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They are used to violence and cruelty.
You can not apply European standards to them. They are pretty much barbarians.

Question, how much does it cost for a circumcision in the US? You know, as if you don't have insurance or a plan in place its costs a fair bit to visit a hospital.

The nice things is that database is just a list of every home in the UK because they assume everybody owns a TV.

But stereotypes on Jow Forums about European societies living in these Baghdad tier societies where brown people are robbing me on the street for Jizya tax have made the more gullible believe it to be genuine, where as some of the stereotypes about nog-infested shitholes in the U.S. aren't even stereotypes.

>used to violence and cruelty
We are used to niggers/subhumans, just like you will be soon now that your leaders have opened the floodgates. I implore you to do something before it is too late. You still have the vast majority of your country, but you won't for long.

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This is truly, unironically sad and disgusting. It doesn't even happen here. You people are pathetic, you aren't even Jewish for fucks sake.

England, England, Canada, England, England, England, England, Canada, England, Germany, England,England, England, Canada, England, England,

Fuck man I wish I could live in one of these great countries...Oh wait, we already left those shitholes! Won all full scale wars against you., and now you're butthurt and look stupid not understanding the difference between private contracts and federal laws. Awesome.

I really believe Europe lost all it's good brave strong men to America and more in World War 2 now all that's left are pussys retards and now sand niggers.

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Pretty much what you said.
They believe that what they are told about the EU refugees is true because they seem to have similar experiences over there with niggers.

Just take a look at the post below yours. Proves our point.

What kind of fucking attitude is this?? The injustices committed against your people IN THEIR LITERAL HOMELAND are really not that bad because one of your former colonies has nigger no-go zones too? Would you like a fucking trophy?

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Except that over here such a contract would be void. Can not form a contract if its contents are illegal. Now go get shot in a parking lot or something.

You realize it is blacks killing blacks. Gang wars and the like have been going on for awhile now in the USA. It is why you hardly hear much out of Sweden anymore unless it was like that mass car fire incident. Violence is normalized due to non-whites in both the USA and Sweden. Use to live in white/Asian areas and then when I eventually moved to somewhere that has a "diverse" group of people is when I had a drive by shooting happen a few yards from me.

It is like us saying Germans are barbarians raping women ringing in the new year. We know it isn't native Germans doing it.

>carry on, nothing to see here guys!
>the US is worse so let's not worry about anything

The US is worse in crime levels (see I admitted it so stop calling me brainwashed/dumb or whatever). We are worse BECAUSE we have more subhumans. You Europeans are allowing millions of subhumans in...so what do you think the outcome will be??

Attached: but murica is worse.png (663x322, 66K)

>id: mF+CKYH0
>mF+cky H0
>Fucky Ho
Man, I almost didn't bother sending it.

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Shut up Germany all your strong brave and worthwhile men died in World War 2 now your country bends over backwards to kiss left wing ass.

sane here, contracts in japan are secondary to the law and are only a formality in most cases. Whereas in burgerland they supervise the laws and you can give up rights in a contract. You cannot give up rights in a Japanese contact, it’s invalidated if it infringes your legal rights such as for example employment contracts that require you to pay a penalty if you quit before the contract is up. Totally invalid.

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Shut up Japan all your good strong and brave men suicide bombed Zeros in WW2

>Harry Thotter

But the thing is that I get that same image thrown at me every time I make a post on Jow Forums that somebody gets slightly butt blasted over, and the very fact some American in god knows where the fuck you're from is aware of the scandal that grew out of Rotherham and its processors speaks to the type of publicity that scandal received.

I'll also happily use Britain as a scapegoat and say that every single one of our short comings are not applicable to 99% of wider European society, since getting in to a huge point about how it isn't even applicable to 90% of wider British society is pointless.

On my original point though, about direct violence, I hear about it from Wales whenever a nog receives a minor stab wound in London and is patched up and out nogging again by 5pm that same day, but it just intrigued me a very brutal piece of CCTV footage showing 4 gang-affiliated nogs being shot in cold blood in a door way, as they use their friend as a meatshield, didn't garnish more national news attention than it did (which - by my own searches - was none).
I think it comes from genuine events, like the burger most graciously and predictably above me pointed out, but have been stereotyped to wider European society.

>id: LNNorTub

Tough call...probably Tub, not sure about this LNN agency. Cool id's this thread.

Yeah, and all the good ones in the USA died in the Civil War and on Normandy.

here such a contract would be illegal because of our federal law, Shlomo

shut up America all your good strong and brave men are black

>atleast the government doesn't forcibly mutilate my kids gentiles.
no, they will just kill him

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VERY suckible nips desu can u show full nudity now

Yes. Those single events are horrible. But they are just single events. That is why they are getting news coverage.

This is the difference. Over here it makes the news when two drunks have a fight in a pub.
In the US there needs to be a critical mass of shit going down (usually multiple dead niggers, or one dead white) before anyone gives a fuck.

That is probably why the Americans think that those singular events are happening on a regular basis over here. They do not know it any better.


That wasn't a kid, it was a vegetable

is your name Weinstein if not tough luck canuck

I want to try to avoid looking like I'm defending some just for the hell of it, so I won't even state an opinion on whether or not I think government panels should have that authority because most people on Jow Forums know the answer, but there's a clear difference between bashing somebody on the head and causing their life to cease and taking a child whose entire life was reliant on a machine off of that machine because his overall state was one that was never going to improve.

Should the parents have had the right to privately fund their kid existing via a machine for the rest of his life? Absolutely, the kid himself should've been able to decide against that when he was old enough too, but to call that murder is to shit on what murder actually is.

nah, they just steal the kid altogether


I am sorry master. I please don't fire me. My two other jobs do not pay enough. And I need to save up a thousand dollars before ext year, so I can afford school books for my kid!

So is pizza according to the USA department of education’s school lunch nutrition experts

look at the butthurt from the murricans, hilarious hahaha

Fucking hell another evening of sadness .....again.
You're ruining my liver Jow Forums.

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The US never had any good men in the first place. Only good goys.


This is why I'm fucking off to the middle of nowhere. HMA members are fucking homos.

>The dad Wanted him circumcised
What a piece of shit!

>muh europoors

fuck you

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a thousand dollars? What do you need to save up $1100 for? School books for $1200, what a bargain. I think you’re lucky to only pay $1300 for school books. If my kid’s school books only cost $1500 I would buy him two sets, one for his mom’s house and one for his mom’s boyfriend’s house. You can save up that $1600 in two years easily.

oh by the way I’m not making a Jew joke this is what the USA inflation rate is like

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This, my relatives can't even miss a tax payment or they're put in the newspaper. I live around 70 year old retirees, maintaining my lawn is an easy trade off to live in a neighborhood I can leave my door unlocked in at all times of the day. Fuck I could leave a chainsaw in my driveway and I wouldn't even worry about it getting stolen.

Nigger crimes stay in the local news, if they were to make national news stories of every horrific nigger crime, white nationalism would be a lot more popular.

>oh by the way I’m not making a Jew joke this is what the USA inflation rate is like

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It didn't garnish more attention because that shit (gang-affiliated nigs killing each other) happens here every night. I'm not for one moment denying that we have worse levels direct violence here, but there are still important differences and reasons for why this is the case.

We've always had tons of niggers/other subhumans, you guys haven't, but you will. In another couple of decades you will be just as bad as us AND many of you will not have the means to defend yourselves (guns).

Our violence is also different from yours. For instance, we have a shit-ton less "hot burglaries" than you do (which affects someone like me.) Whereas we have a lot more gang-affiliated murders than you do (which doesn't affect someone like me).

Additionally the OP was about Orwellianism, not about direct crime which is where my original arguments were directed. I was arguing that the UK is more Orwellian (cameras, muh loicense, bin that knife, etc) than the US, I was never arguing that we have "less total violence".

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If you let your yard go enough to where it attracts rats or something, then local government and law enforcement will intervene.

>Land of the Fee
>Home of the Slave

you'd want to keep your already brain dead kid alive for no reason but your own desires and feelings?

I guess when your property line is two feet from your neighbor’s back porch it’s important to be proactive with regard to rodent control

Plus you obviously don't own a dog if you can't even maintain your yard so snakes/fleas/ticks aren't a problem.
Perception my friend, my Iraqi neighbor has 3 fucking jobs and puts me to shame, dude comes home and can still find the energy to call home everyday. I have mad respect for him, anyone can make it here

Just don't let him out of your sight.

>Should the parents have had the right to privately fund their kid existing via a machine
Didn't the parents already had an agreement with an American hospital to take their kid there, but then the government decided they weren't even allowed to do that?