Just had to share this hilarious shit

just had to share this hilarious shit.

Attached: 3456789876543456789.jpg (1125x1125, 122K)

>still can't meme


I didn't know bots were versed in snark

it is funny though

>I wrote these but I'm going to pretend that I had a "bot" do it.
Either it's a shitty human.. or a shitty "bot". (Hint: it's not a "bot")

thats not true he wrote this himself no doubt he made up the part about the computer, im sure of it, I write programs all the time i really really doubt this wasnt just written in some screenwriting thing and he thought it was funny


Forcing a bot in 2018, it's like he wants to get banned from twitter

For example, why would an AI consider "snakes" to be a proper noun, thus capitalize it when it's not the first word in the sentence? It's not a bot. There's no way. AI actually has SOME intelligence behind it.

Chinese bot...