Why can't catholicism be like this anymore? :(

Whatch this and see:


Attached: Fulton Sheen.jpg (298x340, 11K)

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Because the Pope is literally a globalist Jew. I am thinking of converting to Orthodoxy because I cannot stand this faggot he is an embarassment

Because Jesuits corrupt everything.

The church, in order to survive, has reacted to jew-infested society by becoming one of the jews. This, in addition to the pedo coverups, are some of the biggest betrayals in Christianity.

They should never have taken their eyes from their place in humanity. Now, instead of being the structure that the lost can fall back to, has become a driver of sin.

For the record, pretty /comfy/ video

Catholics make up their own rituals that have nothing to do with scripture and break tons of rules from scripture on a regular basis.

checked, thanks user

so should i go sedevecantist?

The closest thing your gonna get is Eastern Orthodoxy. Married priests tend to not diddle kids.


Bishop Sheen was awesome

The Church is still the same. The post-CVII apsotates, however, should be hanged.

Because a number of Catholic rituals are from pagan Europe, which is why Catholicism is inherently European

Not to sound terribly cliche, but have you prayed on it? What does your inner voice tell you when you reflect upon it?

Clearly, there have been many forsaken in this Pope's church, and many realized that what the Pope would have them do is not equivalent to the expectations of Christ and His Father.

most Catholics are outside of Europe

Fulton is a fraud. Every American Catholic personality is a fraud.

Because of European conquest


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>Because the Pope is literally a globalist Jew.
>checked for truth

I need to pray a lot more on it. I took a stance last month based on probabalism that the situation is too close to call and just quietly stayed in the novus ordo mass and community. Luckily I live in a conservative diocese and don't have to deal with anything bizarre.

Bump 4 the bishop

If you have someone to share with in person over coffee, that might help you understand what you really want.
I say this not so someone convinces you of one way or the other, but to bounce your ideas in order to unlock whatever truths you already know. Clearly you're not happy, but perhaps you can weigh pros and cons.
Whatever you decide, remember the saying: God will understand. If He doesn't, then he is not God, and we need not worry.
Sometimes being a rock means being the only rock.

yeah but why he call nazism evil tho. Big H was the first man since Big J to BTFO moneychangers on such a scale.

did vigano tell the truth about everything?

He might be angry over the millions of strong Christian men killed over the pursuit of world domination, no matter which name is on the banner.

all the times i've shared the situation it's been mostly fruitful, except when it comes to theology since most people don't know much about the church's crusade against modernism and "the new theologies" dominance in the modern church.
I'm in a bad spot where novus ordo people scoff at me for questioning the entire modern church and sedevacantists say I'm going to hell for considering the N.O. is possibly okay.

>New theologies
Accurate nomenclature.
Not to presume, but are you from the US originally? Or the EU?
I ask because your concerns are unlike most Americans.

Born and lived in the midwest my whole life.

that man was BASED
>and he knew what was coming
>why didn't you listen

as soon as he walked on screen i knew he was a homosexual. especially when receiving the applause

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That's quite interesting.
But to go back, you have the eye for social changes, as well as the transition of the Church, it seems. Continue to be aware of the changing world, and that, though claimed to be the Vicar of Christ, the laws in which these Cardinals, Arch bishops, and bishops violate and cover up are sins in the eyes of everyone, especially God.
Best of luck to you. The Faithful have a tough road ahead, but you seem to be prepared.

>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2

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>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah

>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah

>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.

His own people aka Jews.

>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Samaritans aka Gentiles.


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Worshiping a kike is soooo based and red pilled!

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who cares as long as he doesn't fuck anyone?

I hope so, I just don't want to offend God by practicing a false religion like the sedevecantists say. The fact that there's any 'transition' and pedophile priests is apocalyptic from my point of view. I don't know if God wants me to retreat from society and the N.O. and prepare for the end or fight for traditionalism in the church; I'll keep praying for God to tell me what to do.


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Because it sold it's soul at Vatican II.

Defeatist response. If you actually cared, you'd become a priest and try to climb the latter and retake the church. If you discussed strategy on Jow Forums it would be easy to pack the church with redpilled individuals to eventually purge it 20 years down the line.