Is Gavin McInnes a kike-shill?

Except for the fact that he made out with Milo and fucked himself in the ass with a dildo, is he based?

Attached: Gavin-McInnes-2015.png (250x228, 101K)

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>works for Ezra "Israel" Levant

How could he be anything other than controlled opposition?

He did call out the jews before, no?

I'm pretty sure he didn't. He's still funny tho.

Somewhat, after his trip to Israel with Rebel Media.

He did.

he just looks like a tard. evidence enough.

he doesn't like Nazi's

Oh didn't know that, seems pretty based (listened a bit, not all). Is he still working with jews/for jews ?

Totally our guy, he does all that degenerate stuff to own the libs!!!!!! Now let me tell you about the free market and how all the big tech companies have the right to censor anyone they want to. If you don't like how the internet is run build your own internet.

I know your shitposting but Gavin presents himself as a civnat. But, if you pay attention to him he drops major redpills that make you believe he's more woke than he presents himself. A few examples, his famous debate with that Jewish feminist. She claims to like systems of Scandinavian countries. He replies something along the lines of how she prefers countries that are whiter than America. He constantly claims to be a western chauvinist and he understands who built the west. There's also videos of him talking about Jews in a joking manner. He clearly understands something about them. He's very socially liberal though. Jow Forums may say different, but just because somebody is socially liberal or has some differing opinions on colored people doesn't make them a shill or controlled op. Some people aren't willing to go all the way far right. Overall Gavin has some huge flaws but he's undoubtedly an asset to the current right wing. He's pro trump and actively getting the youth to move rightwards. I was a big fan of his, and watching him led me to other shows like The Daily Shoah, Richard Spencer, etc. which led me away from essentially being a 20 year old neocon boomer into a much more right wing person.

Talentless shock jock shill. Gib your monies to CRTV to support his crap show if you disagree.

He's with CRTV now. It's also owned by a Jew.

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Buthe is funny tho and he drops redpills all the time

I think I understand him. He doesn't hide his degerate side, he exposes it which makes him in a way invincible. Look at other right wing guys that got emerased.
Mike Enoch
>creates a podcast that named after a holocaust joke
>rants about jews
>married to a jew
Alex Jones
>rants about trannies and gay frogs
>watches tranny porn
Matt Heimbach
>Rants about muh community, muh orthodoxy, how he met priests and shit, how he would gladly be a priest and farmer if he didn't have to be in the struggle for white people
>fucks mother in law, beats up father in law/friend /party co-founder, beats up wife after cheating on her
Gavin doesn't try to seem pias, he doesn't hide his degerate side, he presents himself as he is and you have the choice to support him or not. I'm sure many of the people here did shitty things yet they still get outraged by degeneracy and larp as pure white nationalists.

Mike Enoch was married before he was redpilled. Can't blame him for the shitty situation.

There's video of him laughing and rambling about not believing the official holocaust story/numbers

No, and when someone mentions the jewish question in his show(s), he sweats bullets and tries to change the argument or dismiss it as a joke

>He replies something along the lines of how she prefers countries that are whiter than America
He didn't do that to say "white is better", he did it to prove she's being dishonest in her anti-americanism.
Gavin McInness doesn't care about whiteness and made mutt children.
>He constantly claims to be a western chauvinist
But he never gives caucasian people credit for it.
For McInness, a nigger could have easily accomplished what the best white men in history did if he acquired "western" mentality. This is multicultural speak.
>He made a joke about jews
He also sold his only worthwile creation to jewish pedos and worked for Ezra Levant for years.

Maybe the shekels got to him, but he is still pretty woke on that question.

This. I'm not a huge fan of him personally though I do check out his show from time to time because it has its moments. A couple times he's talked about how Proud Boys allows conservative niggers in their ranks and that he would never not allow them due to their race because they've dealt with so much discrimination from the black community and they should have some place to fit in. It was very apparent from his voice and undertone that he finds blacks inferior and wouldn't allow them in an ideal world. I'm pretty sure he knows the real deal and that his true values lie much further right than he lets on but he's just trying to get paid. Still, he's a race mixing degenerate so he gets the gas too.

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how is CRTV doing?
there was some drama when they dropped the mark steyn shows and how the founder sued the company and shit a couple of months ago

bullshit, peinovich is a degenerate fatass that should be writing code someplace

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