Even my normie friends have made comments about how common it is to see ads with BM/WF couples. Are companies trying to be "progressive" for profits? Or is it manipulation/subversive
Pic related, this company has almost 0 white/white couples featured.
I just don't watch ads or look at htem. i don't care
Xavier Martinez
It's at least partially because nigs watch tv way more than non boomer whites so advertisers seek to appeal to them. As for the white boomers who love tv, they're a lost cause regardless.
Sebastian Lopez
Even normie a can only take so much before they catch on
>Even my normie friends have made comments about how common it is to see ads with BM/WF couples. That strongly suggests that: 1. They watch way too much TV but 2. They are hanging around the more nasty parts of their city where it's full of STD niggers and obese, fake-masculine, stinky white chicks who've been rejected by the males of every other race.
Anthony Phillips
I dont know what planet you are from, but where i am coalburners are a tiny minority. And live in the Deep South
Also BmWf relationships never work.
Brody Lopez
It’s everywhere I look ,why are they doing this
Jonathan Jones
>do companies choose the content of their ads in an effort to make profit? Let's ponder this user
Kayden Perez
Black on white BBC porn is the most popular porn category. Blacks, whites, and especially women love to see a soft white woman and hard black man together. It's the most beautiful combination, like ebony and ivory.
Aaron Fisher
Advertise on cuck billy burr's show. Consider me fully triggered. This is disgusting pandering. Never gonna buy them anyways.
Chase Stewart
Its borderline bestiality & nothing but a fetish to white women. Coalburners are degenerates
Juan Cook
it's social engineering. (((they))) want you to accept race mixing.
Point out the dearth of women of color, push the meme that interracial propaganda is racist and upholds white beautu standards. Great way to subvert it
Blake Powell
Wrong. Lesbian porn is the most popular. Most folks wont even look at porn with nogs in them
Eli Parker
Hey boomer!
Isaac Rodriguez
>Someone is coping with his homosexual black fetish.
Isn't MeUndies a superjewish company, I mean like literally jewish?
Ryan Ward
Black men just make the best underwear models for obvious reasons. Even fruit of the loom packages it's always a black model.
Julian Walker
Apathetic normies are great for redpilling, I've had some that are totally open to talking about demographics
Aiden Flores
Pretty much sums up how the majority of white women feel about niggers
Luke Lopez
>faux-white part-jew part-latina american teens from broken deep south families crave attention from the braindead of society lmao wot a surpriz
Justin Robinson
This was brought up in my marketing class in University last year. The jewish female prof said it was so companies can appeal to a wide audience with a limited amount of characters/actors in a commercial. So instead of having a white dad and white mom she said you can have a black dad and a white mom to appeal to both blacks and whites. Real jewish subversion happening out there folks.
Black men with white women nu /pols/ favorite topic. Can't you just fuck to r9k faggots?
Isaac Robinson
They’re just tipping off normies. Demographic change and their political hegemony would be here faster if they just pretended everyone was still white or non-Hispanic white. Instead they have to be paranoid, pandering, neurotic, and “rub it in” the faces of the people they hate. Jews are fucking retarded.
Actually, I like seeing WM/AF porn. You can basically see the Asian chick just quivering in ecstasy from taking the BWC. You can tell her brain is drowning in dopamine, it's not fake like it is in BM/WF porn.
They also censor IR porn involving White guys and Asian women. There was this one video on Pornhub by a amateur Asian chick who was playing with a toy on cam and rping as an Asian girl who is begging her White neighbor to fuck her because her Asian husband cannot satisfy her the way a White man can.
That video, and all copies of it, got pulled because Asian dudes were raging in the comment section.
Jackson Parker
What a face
Sebastian Gomez
You can practically smell the onions through your screen.
Jonathan Miller
I can turn a white man in 5 minutes into a fashist by pointing out that these ads exclude him from the future that the globalist-leftist elites want to create.
Benjamin Hughes
because scat isn't a popular genre
Cameron Phillips
Manipulation 100%
Logan Campbell
Normies are noticing I can confirm this
Oliver Brown
It's subversive. They do it here, even though we have no blacks. They consider it progressive and "european".
Nicholas Sanders
I can’t even find an Indian male white female advertisement.
just realized whoever made this propaganda pasted in different photos of the same girls lmao
Evan Cox
happened here too people are realizing something esp. my netflix normie friends but no one wants to outright point it out or u wuz racis and shiet
Kevin Howard
I was over visiting my family last weekend to watch some NFL, and there was a BM-WF commercial and my mom out of nowhere goes "It seems like every couple on TV these days is multiracial." and everyone agreed and said it is really obvious what was going on. Mom, brothers and sisters are all liberals and only myself and my dad are conservative. They ARE waking up.
Gavin Campbell
Yes but will they do anything about it?
Lucas Martinez
Funny thing. I was in a bar the other week just grabbing a drink when I over heard a faggot (literally, he was there with his bf) next to me talking to one of his fag hags. He was saying how he tried to hook her up with some muscular black guy that he knew.
The girl said nah, I don't find black guys attractive. He kept pushing the issue.
Moral of the story: Faggots are degenerate
Gabriel Long
>Are companies trying to be "progressive" for profits? Or is it manipulation/subversive both
Liam Reyes
Mass repliers should be shot.
Hudson Foster
Have we? Perhaps when the number of woken reaches a certain point, we will all finally do something about this shit.
Julian Ortiz
Being subversive to normalize it for the future generation(s) and encourage racemixing. This is probably why you see those utterly brainwashed "BBC ONLY" spergs that nobody privately likes.
Andrew Flores
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Noah Wood
40% of consumers in the US are nonwhite. Featuring a mixed-race couple or family in an ad is just an easier way to appeal to more people.
Lincoln Cruz
Blake Ortiz
Black is the new 'driven to succeed and trustworthy'
This is the new kike strategy of trying to censor all white nationalist conversation by calling it r9k and reporting it. Kikes trying to slide, suppress and disorganize before the primaries.
Xavier Adams
Some of the women in those ad looked Hispanic as well.
They're selling to White Women. They know their audience. White Women like chocolate.
John Cox
It's just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Parker Cox
how many times brfore this photo do you think that guys been in a family christmas picture?
Hunter Flores
White women black cock my favorite topic let's continue! Bump! Let's talk about it! Fuck you faggots are pathetic
Chase Evans
Nobody cares except you and your family friends
Carson Peterson
I always point out to my friends that it is so companies can hide their racism against black females.
Black females are not perceived in the west as attractive as white, but diversity is the message so they find a black male with Caucasian traits in his face and pair him with a blond girl.
It's the magic "Ain't we so diverse!" formula, but it is fake as hell. Make sure to point out to your friends that black women are being discriminated against in the media.
How the masses still haven't noticed that the elites run deliberame.subversive propaganda campaigns to promote their miscegenic dysgenics breeding programs on them is beyond me. At some point you would think that the cognitive dissonance would become too great and what they are being fed so blatantly nonsensical that they would go searching for the truth.
to be fair, just know your partner. if you meet a roastie and she's fucked a nigger, cut her off. if she lies and you find out, cut her off.
women who fuck niggers all have mental issues, because they either have a "niggy" fetish and are degenerate whores, or they have no decision making skills, and fuck whoever, which again, you don't want that either.
Just know who you're fucking, cut off any bitches who have fucked a nigger.
I'm Hispanic and we don't touch women who dated a nigger, they are nasty.