Other urls found in this thread:
Vee will Disavow Sargon - If Sargon Doxxes Metokur - The Morning Kumite:
Mister Metokur talks about Sargon of Akkad:
btfo by Joe Rogan:
How fucked is the So.yfather
Press S to spank Sargon
Sargon got ass hurt because Jim made fun of his shitty suit during the EU meeting.
Threatened to dox him, Jim is gonna stream snipe the goyfather and take a big dump on him.
Dumpster fire is planned tomorrow.
might peep this one
I need this shooped into a ukip membership card for investment reasons
How will Jim react if he really gets doxed? I can't imagine it will end his "career" or anything but surely it will alter the current state of affairs.
If he legit gets doxxed he'll have to duck for cover and hide for a while because so many lolcows would go after him.The doesn't just target individuals but also communities like furry fandom, deviantart, LGBTSCP etc
Do what he has been doing. He really wants to go after them now after trying to have a detente for years even though Sargon kept sniping for him. In one of those streams he said he should've stepped in when they dogpiled HO for exposing Candid.
I'm looking forward to this. Can e-celeb cancer be good?
Jim already moved from Minnesota to Texas though, or said he did at least.
It's good when everyone gets destroyed
There will be a name if it's a dox, he will potentially be in trouble wherever he moves..
end of sargon's career in 24 hours?
You would be surprised ta the amount of furries shits in texas.
Is there a good thread on the timeline of what has happened? I’m confused why Sargy is even still around
his name is known though. unless starboy shows up with an absolute bombshell, jim's livelihood is unphased in the long run.
knowing basedgon and his fag tag crew
it will prolly be fake doxx ( if they are trying to dox)
i have seen a few sargoy fans screaming about james O seanessy or whatever, which jim has already laughed about when brought up
Honestly i think his whole stream is gonna be 100% backpeddling and damage control.
why? for what? whats happening?
fucking based
but I was looking for a gif autist, I'm speculating sargon's ukip membership won't survive this series of events.
What's actually happening tomorrow? Are Sargon and Metokur going at it?
Dude have you heard the voice of that old fart? That's not Jim even with a voice change the speech pattern doesn't match.
>random shitter comes out of nothing and gets some fame
>fame goes over his head, starts to become delusional
>believes unconditionally that he is right no matter what he does
>fucks up in the end with a major bang because in his head, he thinks "this also is ok"
>going at it
no, sargon is gonna have a cuck stream while jim stream snipes it and laughs at him.
this happened because Jim did a stream laughing mainly at mundanematt, shitrat and cuck bunty, mentions Sargon flirting with trannies in the passing in a nearly 3 hour stream
all the skeptics jumped on him including Sargon, so now skeptic streams are going to be a regular occurence and they're not happy about it
why not just ignore him instead of having meltdowns on twitter like Kraut, Sargon, Shitrat, Shortfatotaku and the list goes on
why do these people stick up for each other? it's obvious they don't even like one another, but make fun of one of them and you'll have all of them jumping down your throat
>In the stream description Sargon links to Jims Kiwi Farms thread to show his supposed dox information
>Thread nearly universally defends Jim and doesn't think that he's a lolcow
>Thread also calls out the Dox as being one of Jims fake ones
>Moderator closes Thread due to negative reception
>Meanwhile Sargon himself has a 200 page thread of himself on Kiwifarms.
Is Sargon even self aware at this stage ?
I'm half tempted to believe the theory that he gave someone else access to the thinkery account.
and yet all the soigoi fanboys keep holding that up as proof of jims dox, dunno why but lol
He's immune to real life attacks because his buttpain karma manifested itself physically as ass cancer in his own colon.
They're just like SJWs
Sargon has a stream planned to discuss Jim, presumably to dox him.
Jim will be watching while doing his own stream.
After about 4 hours, every IBS jockey will do a post-stream in which Sargon's crushing defeat will be ferociously mocked.
All that is if he shows up.
>muh jim muh sargon of kikestan
hope both these 2 e-fags die off soon. all of you are pathetic wimpy faggots for following either of these plebbit-tier e-trash and worship them like mongoloid children.
Guess I'll watch if I've got nothing better to do (likely).
>T. BASEDgon of Mossad
You mean chanting slogans and pretending that uncharitable hot takes are equal to evidence and snide flaming is the same as a rebuttal? Gee, they sure are.
Sargon bought a copy of Machiavelli an rules for radicals and now thinks hes some epic string pulling shadowmaster.
If there's one thing Jow Forums's blackpill squadron is good at is destroying heroes. The only person you have left to look up to are wet dreams of the base white REAL MEN of 200 years ago, right? Because look at who else embodies white ethno-nationalism within the public eye: half-kikes, jew-fuckers, dick-suckers and trailer trash.
lol no way he does it, he'll probably dodge and then declare himself a trolling mastermind.
man, while sweden gave up it's dignity, norway must've lost their sense of humor. say, what will you be doing tomorrow afternoon? important business plans to attend to? children to take care of? it's a marvel of modern science that one man can contain so much butthurt with a single xxl leopard print g-string.
We're all on this earth to watch the world we once knew burn, might as well make it fun and entertaining.
he also bought a suit off the rack and thinks he's a politician
metokurs jew voice + his mic and settings are fucking horrible, can't listen to this faggot for more than 2 minutes
Jims fans follow him like a stand up comedian. Sargons follow him like a cringe worthy cult. If both of their careers suffered a killing blow Jim would just laugh, say goodbye and disappear. Sargon would scratch and claw to regain relevance by any means necessary.
>Carl posting
I seriously hope that you do not do this
I think metokur is a highly entertaining fellow, witty & definitely highly intelligent.
Sargon's ego has definitely caused his mouth to write checks his ass can't cash.
However, metokur seems to be taking the alt-right's schtick by trolling him to death.
Although I find metokur more entertaining than Sargon, at least Sargon is trying (we can debate how successfully) to improve things in his IRL community. Jim's sit on the fence irony bro schtick, although entertaining, is ultimately cowardice.
Sargon's seriously flawed, but at least he's committed skin to the game, which Jim's terrified of doing.
Jim's personal info:
James Patrick O'shaughnessy
1008 S Shore Dr
Forest Lake, MN
(651) 464-8644
Have you even confirmed this or are you making a target out of some random person?
>in which Sargon's crushing defeat will be ferociously mocked.
Or implied and force-memed like the bit with Serrah Richard Spencer of Ethnostatia, Who Doesn't Think Himself Clever Than Himself. The neckbeard isn't great at being one of the cool kids, that's a given, but spencer shat himself completely and grinned it out to win the smug-off which you sub-100 IQ mongoloids took to mean he was right.
Call the phone number
You call the number, record it, and post the audio
>some old couple is about to have box full of shit delivered to their address
pretty based
Jim is a great commenter but desu its easy to talk shit about people while being anonymous.
Saragon has been swimming in glistening pools of faggotry lately supporting matt and kraut out of butthurt though, fuck him
Committed is a big word, Sargoy is a low effort bag of hot air. His mic always suck, he's not prepared for shit and just half ass everything. The suit is just the tip of the shitberg.
it sounds like you've only ever watched a single sargon debate.
it should be said that this *isn't* a debate. it's sargon attacking someone he considers a political opponent, and as that opponent isn't political, he's tilting at windmills.
everyone will see it.
This is going to be great. Let the dumpster fire begin.
Name's right, pretty sure he's moved since.
>Soigoi of MyWifesSon's fanbase thinks this is real
hahaha tomorrow is gonna be a slaughter.
i guess you could call nihilism "not political."
jim is an absolutely massive contrarian faggot
Ah yes, EGOTISM, the crime about whining how much you don't want to get shit done because you'd rather slack off and bitching that you're more popular than you're comfortable with and that people are asking you to be the lynchpin of a movement. That was sargoy before last December. Metokur effectively trolled him into motion when he offered him the black pill, you can find the stream around that time.
But that's actively detrimental to the enthostate and we'd rather push for a future where anyone who's ever cranked it to 2D futa and loli is lined up against the wall and shot after the furries, faggots and blacks are done away with, isn't it.
Yeah there is absolutely no cringe in Jim's camp and Jim absolutely for sure does not care about his ego or e-shekels
Have some more kool-aid moron
I understand what you're saying.
What I mean is, Sargon's trying IRL activism & so far it hasn't accomplished much, but hasn't been the same monumental fuck up as the alt-right's IRL activism either.
I know there's a degree of ego & Narcissism involved, but say what you like, he's still trying (which is more than can say for Jim) & has yet to fail as spectacular as alt-right has.
Sargon has done, and will do, more damage to UKIP by joining it than he has by simply showing support from outside. Sargon is a 40 something faggot who at any point in his sad existence could have stood up and against the shit that was being done to put the UK on the tracks it is going today. The fact that he hasn't to my knowledge been involved in politics at all before he started getting paid by his vastly American based audience to give half a shit is telling.
as for Jim, well we know next to zip about his private life. As far as we know he's a governor of a state or city mayor.
When the fuck did he support matt?
go to bed,carl
Suck my fuckin dead ass dick
I doubt he's truly as apathetic as he performs. He's not a politician, and expecting him to be more than just a guy talking on the internet is sad. It's a sign of an internal need for leadership, someone to place above yourself. Shed that for your own good.
>unsupported claims
Is the tiki torch chafing your sphincter?
He was commenting on his videos, showing support, he did the same with that insufferable mgtow bitch Karen after she argued with Jim
will there be any pregnant fish?
found waldo of akkad
>Ah yes
Sargon just wants shekels. All the Skeptics (nu-atheists) metrics shot up massively during the 2016 Trump election but since then they've been declining again because eternal fence sitting doesn't make anyone but the hardest cringecore stick around. What is Sargon actually trying to achieve? Free speech is a nebulous concept and I have only seen him speak up for his co-anti SJWs, never for actual victims like Ursula Haverbeck. Otherwise he champions... civic nationalism?
Jim is a coward. The moment the mighty Sargon doxxes him. He’ll be gone for good.
I think expecting Jim to be a leader is silly.
But at least acknowledge our civilization is facing serious threats & pick a side for gods-sake like.
Again, I think Jim's highly entertaining, but we don't need people to entertain us like the band does in the sinking of the Titanic.
We need people to be involved. Don't have to be a leader, can be rank n file n keep morale up.
But you've got to pick a side.
Being a lol cow is being a coward.
Oh come on that's obviously a fake name.
Spencer crushed Sargon in that debate so hard Sargon refused to show up for the rematch.
Why can't liberalist properly dox people? It's not like it's rocket science and they seem to fuck it up or half ass it every single time.
If it takes you more than a day to thoroughly organize somebodies dox and demonstratingly prove it's legitimacy you're doing something wrong.
Fair points.
But what has Jim done?
Again, not supporting Sargon, but saying at least he's doing something IRL (again can debate how successful), what's Jim doing/done?
It's Irish name & very common here
O'Shaughnessy is a real surname
Jim always goes after lefties and commies and unlike Sargon and the others who want some endless war against bedroom feminists to get steady NEETbux he talked about the reasons behind all those ideologies (international finance and corporations funding them to break down peoples). He obviously isn't going to identify as alt-right since they keep shooting themselves in the foot, plus he is more effective like that.
Looool. Sargon has done fuck all. Spent +30 years of his life actually doing nothing and when he did get involved in the "cause" he's literally been shouting into an echo chamber that is predominantly American.
The internet is highly compartmentalized. Unlike pre-internet days when a large portion of the populace had a shared experience/culture, we now have just a super fine control of who and where we choose to share those experiences with. Internet communities being the best example of this. And as a result we tend to experience echo chambers more than probably any time in human history, and this massively warps our perceptions. YOU might think Sargon is a big deal/making a difference because of the communities you spend time in also share that belief and as a result have helped further affirm it to you, but I can assure you over 99% of the UK have no idea who the fuck this guy is. He doesn't even register.
That's what metokur was trying to get across to him. And Sargon and his little fanboys can't seem to compute that.
You condemning them for not acting out your wishful daydreams for you. How about you get yourself non-shit mics, non-kike voices and something to say that's not weeping in disappointment at internet daddies who failed you without even knowing you and taking some steps yourself. Oh right, you're bottom fucking lobsters here to weep at your flaccidness and call it humility and ironic lolcow milking. Get 'em pardners.
I didn't watch all of it and Sargon can be a disingenuous fag but spencer did try to insult him from the get go and poison the debate
jim has done more damage to sjw's by joking around and laughing than sargon has done by trying to be serious.
the power of ridicule while being entertaining is no joke.
Why can't the entho-nationalists remote their tongues from Jim's pucker? It's not like it's difficult to not insert it throat-deep in the first place but you just can't manage it.
>Lol you're so lame believing in stuff, what a loser!
>D-don't listen to me I'm just an epic troll! xD
All eceleb faggots deserve the rope
Seething. Show flag nigger.
Every video he does on their retarded shit does more than 20000 debates about the ethnostate. He is 'our' version of 2000's late night comedians.
i swear you zoomers are the worst thing to ever happen
get me a png of the card senpai
I think you amerifats can't tell when a bong is being facetious, you just assume they're trying to be condescending. Must be the genetic melting pot doing its job.
Metokur went after Sargoy for not becoming leader of the skeptics after Kraut, even though he's a hypocrite who bailed during Gamergate over the exact same thing
Jims info:
Moogooboogootoo Bookortoo
11 noggerside
>Sargon of Blackdad
Are e celebs Jow Forums related?
His name is James O'Shaughnessy. You heard it here first.
They are when they call for a race war: streamable.com
Again fair points.
All I'm saying is; Jim's a stellar personality & I can see why people try & force leadership on him, but, my problem is him butchering Sargon (who I'm no fan of) attempting IRL activism. Sure I get that Sargon's ego is prompting it & that may not be the best motive for engaging in such activity, but, people who get off their arse & try IRL activism is what's needed & they get automatic points for having a go.