Tell me what Article 13 is supposed to be

Tell me what Article 13 is supposed to be

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China firewall Europen Union™ edition

i dont know ive tried reading it but its too boring and i would rather read some comfy manga or ln instead if i were to read something

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Pic related says it all bro. They are evil fucks all around.

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They want everyone to pay the big media companies internet money.

The only way to pressure IT companies is by making them liable for copyright violations of users.

The end result will be global hard censorship with algorithmd to avoid having to pay the big media companies more money.

Is this real? I'm not even in the EU. EU WHY YOU NO FIGHT HARDER. :(

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whats real?

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let the west burn idgaf anymore

Ur blocked too m8. All is lost.

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Useless directive from useless people

Another general committee

Can confirm, your image is not showing in the EU.

>Tell me what Article 13 is supposed to be

a meme about memes

Do you remember when everyone said Hitler is bluffing in 1939? It is kind of the same with Article 13 and global censorship of the internet.

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Only 2 more blocks and we break the blocker!!

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fuck it imma roll

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You better not fuck this up

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not bad not bad

reported, blocked, reported to authorities, called moot, called gookmoot, contacted CIA

im calling it sharticle dirtteen

watch this ill get quads

rolling again if quads all jews die today


It's basically nothing
Does not stop me from shitposting

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watch how its done

How about his half brother, Joot?

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I'll try to explain it simply.
It creates an obligation for sites (such as Jow Forums, Reddit or whatever) to have an algorythm that checkes the license and legality of using images or text.
It's like YouTube banning things because of copyright but with images and text, and it's mandatory.
If you want to use them, you have to pay.
The biggest problem is: let's say NYTimes wrote a shitty story and we want to make fun of it. You can't link it as a site, unless you pay. You can't even post screenshots.

based,chadded truth- and redpilled

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>internet companies will be required to filter everything
>eventually some people will die due to online harassment
>they will use this as a narrative to require companies to filter out bullying and harassment using the AI already in place
>now they create fake accounts that bully and harass mixed in with the truth they want to cover up
>AI algorithm filters out the truth due to its association with harassment
>people get unfairly banned and push back against this obvious ploy
>now require people to have verified government IDs to post online
>AI will still be in place though
>all dissidents can be found and pressured into silence

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fuck almost there

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So basically Murdoch won?

I'd say half of this idiocy is within the expectable of EU institutions, but (basically) monetizing links is just going full retard


>do you have a license to post?
>do you have the creator's permission to post their intellectual property?
>do you have the right to use said intellectual property in a way the creator sees fit?

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Well, it was just the first vote, there's still a long procedure ahead and it might change drastically.

Bigger sites are easier to control. The ones that oppose the mainstream media will be too small to pay for licenses.

Article 13 is basically a way of preventing the Europoors from having their own Great Meme War and starting to take back their nations through grassroots operations and free thought.

It's Article 11 that's the real threat: this "link tax" is almost certainly going to be used to prevent most (if not all) non-EU information sources from being viewed within the EU. They want to create an informational black hole so they can control what their citizens think is real.

What is real is what is rational, the concept in its determinate self-actualization

ADD faggot

it belongs now all to me

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You already found the solution. Hardcore porn can't be copyrighted, so all future EU memes are now based on NSFW pictures. Great!

It's a low effort .gif file where you think your getting A but you are getting B.

Check the file type next time pablo.

It's like you can not read. Where did you get this bullshit from? Trudeau?

Look here What he wrote is the standard intellectual property law that is even in the US my dears. The only substantial thing that art 13 adds is that not only you need to be sure now about whose intellectual property you use, but also server/administrator of sites in the EU.

So nothing will fucking change, expect for Jewbook/Nigwitter/Jewtube

Is Jow Forums in the UE? If not it does not need to do jack shit

Yes, it does.
If you want to provide anything for the EU market you have to comply, otherwise your site will be blocked. Just like some videos can be unavailable in your country. Or some news sites.

oi m8 u got a loisence for those memes?

Are you sure? It's not how property law works, there is owner, there is property and there are terms of use. If the last ones are not met than the owner can sue/or press charges/complaint but it doesn't work automatically. There isn't any law or mechanics that allow you to block this site for shit and giggles.

Just like you mentioned the movie is blocked in some countries because the owner set it in the terms of use. So to do the same shit to Jow Forums the administrators of it have to do it. Any other company con not, that's the thing.

>nothing will change, except the policies of all the major platforms
how much do they pay you?

>There isn't any law or mechanics that allow you to block this site for shit and giggles.
Now there will be, and it's the point of this thread.
Sites will be forced to check if it's legal, instead of presuming it's legal until told otherwise.

>>law in couple of countries affect every single other country

mutt education at it's best. Fuck off

Yes sites in EU will be forced, that statement is correct. But to block anything there must be process, there must be "intellectual property" and owner who claims it's misused.

If you are so sure about this "blocking" claim which I am not, please provide source. I didn't see anywhere in art 13 any means for EU to block whole sites OUTSIDE EU

That's how it works though.
A good example is online poker in Poland. It is illegal and blocked. Nobody gives a shit that the servers are in Malta. The access from Poland is blocked (in general).
The physical coordinates of where something takes place have almost no meaning in the legal aspect of the Internet.

It's literally paragraph one of art.13, the "in cooperation" part. The internet service providers are supposed to do things on their own, without a court order.
Until now it was "legal until proven otherwise" now it will be the other way around as there is the burden on the internet service providers.

Also check art. 11, it quotes another directive that forces member states to automatically enforce intellectual property rights.

Yes I get it :)
I know that is how it will work for any site in the EU.

Poker isn't good example because you are doing cash flow from country that prohibits such activity, sites that let you play poker for fun/no hazard aren't blocked. Like it will be blocked buying prostitutes in Poland on Russian server.

Let's make example. Jow Forums says it obeys this art 13. and someone posts video or something else that is copyrighted. Who have power to block it?

That's the thing, art 13 in the EU gives the owner of such video possibility to sue not the one who posted it, like it is now, but to sue the owner of the site. That's why providers will be checking those things, but what will they to some thread that will vanish and it's outside EU?

Boomer lawyers trying to into technology

Providers will be forced to check, unless they want to pay.
Combined with the ability to control who quotes what (art 11) you can effectively silence anyone.
Also cash flow from poker sites is a different thing. Poker sites are blocked per se, not just cash operations. Not even their programs, sites also.
You have to understand that there is no such thing as a "site in the EU", it doesn't matter where it's hosted, it matters who wants to access it.
If this law is imposed Jow Forums would be responsible of making sure that the users don't post things they're not allowed to post.
Member states are supposed to make it happen, and the only thing to do if a site does not comply is to block it.
It does not only give an opportunity to sue, it moves the obligation from the owner to the site and the member state.

Sites can be in EU, it's not only hosting but f.e. Jewbook has subdivision in every single country.
I see your point now, but still. Breaking "terms of use" on some article or video is not the same as poker example. Jow Forums isn't site that does only that, or do it all the time. Many articles or videos are posted by links to their original places where they are posted on some "terms of use" like this isn't available in your country and we all use a proxy, that shit is 100% legal. maybe except the proxy...

But still I don't believe there will be any major changes or any changes at all here, maybe moderators will finally wake up to check things, but we will still call niggers what they are

Open source memes

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why fight when you can comply user..
join usssssssss…..
it's fine once they remove your prefrontal cortex user.... You'll never feel unhappy again...

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A giant black cock in your mouth

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because the majority of the population in every country is npcs and they cant think or see