When will you racist fucks on Jow Forums realize that everyone is more scared of a rifle wielding white guy in a MAGA white than good, hard working brown people?
When will you racist fucks on Jow Forums realize that everyone is more scared of a rifle wielding white guy in a MAGA...
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>white guy in a MAGA white than good
She's Jewish. Of course white people scare her while she doesn't fear "minorities" who her people use as tools.
She doesn't think that for a second and will call the cops on whatever shitskin even comes near her. She just wants the positive attention from the twiter horde.
What do they mean by this?
When will you idiot commies realize that's because you've been brainwashed and programmed by your TV and your liberal arts/socialist studies education?
Has it never occurred to you even once that people in authority lie to you?
She better watch out for reality or she'll turn up raped and murdered on the side of a road laying besides Juans' left over burrito.
It should. Soon the happenings will commence.
Hey you! Yes, you.
Annoyed with the constant stream of these low effort shareblue shill threads? Want to send the people behind them a message?
Vote Republican in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION ON November 6. That's 51 days away.
Remember...Every. Single. One.
Get every single sane person you know in real life and on the internet to do the same. Make a list of all of them. Throw an election party on that day. Remember, November 6.
COPY AND PASTE THIS IN EVERY SLIDE THREAD TO KILL IT! Notice how they all DIE after you copy&paste this
The beauty of 2A is we don't have to fucking care. Get fucked faggot.
Kikes should be afraid.
Does anybody else find these naive liberal girls extremely hot? Whenever I see this kind of shit, I can’t help but imagine her her getting disillusioned by the harsh realities of the world, her sheltered worldviews torn apart as some violent negro forcefully pins her down and pounds her asshole with his massive BBC while she begs him to stop.
>easter egg
>being based
choose both!
that because liberalism is a mental disorder they think ever black and brown person is a good guy when they are the first to rob rape or kill you
>while she begs him to stop
that part wouldn't happen
>It's funny.
>>t. very smart and dramatic the twitter post.
She should be afraid.
Oh, nice, I LOOOVE when white girls on social media pretend that white men are or should be scarier than a pack of 76 IQ pavement apes or rapey dune coons. Like sure, I'm sure a group of guys who look, sound, and act like your dad or brother are way scarier than Taquan and his buddies or Mohammed and his pals.
And yet it is the minorities who would rape and murder her.
Why are white women doing everything in their power to destroy their own race, and why do white men do nothing about it? It's fucking baffling to watch.
Oh, thank god I thought I was having a stroke halfway through reading.
It's because she's a privileged White Woman. She doesn't view Mexicans as a threat to her White Woman privilege. She can call the cops on any of them and, no questions asked, the cops will be on her side and arrest the brown man. She fears White Men who won't bow to the female privilege.
Type of girl who deserves it
I’m doing my part voting Republican and no to every communist proposition, are you faggots?
It’d help me bust a nut.
check the nose on that lul
>famous last words
And that's probably the reason dumb liberal bitches like yourself get raped in half by undesirables so often.
Consider the simplicity of the average white chick, and couple that with ((indoctrination)).
They're simply not smart enough to see through what they've been told.
why does it scare her? statistically the other two groups of people commit higher amounts of violent crime.
It's cool that white people these days are color blind, but as a minority it kind of scares me these naive people are also danger blind.
Take the place, time, environment, demeanor into consideration without your ideology getting the in the way. Be careful out there, you sheltered gringos.
>hard working brown people
Good, they should be afraid.
They have nothing to lose and they’re docile
When I have nothing to lose, I will sacrifice myself, even if its short lived and painful.
The lemmings should be afraid.
sometimes i get migranes and have trouble reading words properly
unfortunately this wasnt one of those times
Who cares what a fucking 15 year old npc girl thinks? Especially when it pertains to politics.
Russians have invented nothing, they just copy everything Germanic folk invent haha
Emails has never been culturally enriched. Safe bet she's van affluent (((white))) liberal who lives in a gated community and has very limited and controlled interaction with "other cultures."
how long till they find her dead in a ditch?
it will be the guy with the USA hat and Confederate sticker they that save here from being raped by a brown
This. White women are the biggest traitors known to man-kind. You hardly ever see black, Hispanic, or Asian women bashing their own race. But white women do everything in their power to betray their own race
The problem for her will come when she has her Bret Wienstien moment and realized that black people don't see her as a minority. They just see her as white.
Yes I am
my god that kindergarten humor...
Not like the upstanding ninja larpers of Antifa!
Everyone knows that they are the carebear party who express their feelings through peace and love!
It’s like a prison guard being scared of the prisoner that he beats with a stick every day
Hitler was right about Slavs. They fuckin suck
I would be so fucking happy to see her end up like Mollie Tibbetts.
>hardworking brown (people)
Pick one
She A) doesn't live in an area with large amounts of mudslimes or niggers or B) Lives in the boonies where white trash might as well just be albino niggers.
>woman with a retarded opinion
cool also water is wet
We already realize this and are patiently waiting for the "good, hard working brown people" meme to literally die off. Brown people turn flaming gay or liberal within two generations which guarantees them to stop reproducing too.
Why do you think they're going nuts over open borders and not breed more minorities goyim? Niggers and spics are the biggest consumers of birth control.
>hard working
sure, man, sure.
What can I tell you. I feel safer around patriotic armed white guys.
Let's agree to disagree. Keep walking in the ghetto, you eventually come around.
t. mahmud ahmed
Hopefully she gets "Molly'd".
The chances are high considering she would lack common sense and awareness about the Moon Crickets ways.
Whats that you slavic untermenschen?
Getting tired of the wait desu
Fuck off Hogg
Black are the only homeless that physically assault you if you say you don't have any money to give.
t. Chicago
Fantastical ravings of a leftist
great trigger discipline
>complains about blacks looting life and death critical supplies like beer and shoes during a disaster that leaves them homeless and penniless
>can’t understand that blacks are only here because whites looted them from Africa in the first place
whites are the real niggers
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Brainwashed is what thats called.
What have slavs ever invented except marxism?
weird because I cross the street when I see a fucking nigger. Statistics mean something.
2000 IQ post.
LOL what a dumb nigger
That was the krauts.
>People who dont look at crime statistics
Keep speaking your masters language, untermensch. Your best spy got caught on gas station cctv lmao
And what did the blacks invent?
You tell me, Im 100% white Germanic English. We invented the language you're typing in, the computer you're typing on and the world wide web you're using to communicate with me :)
>It's funny
>I never think for myself when I'm in public
>I just follow the emotional stimulus response talking heads on fake news give me
>It's the people who can think for themselves and see how much of a golem I am who scare me
Nip youre retarded. Africa sold their own niggers
>of a confederate flag
oh shut the fuck up
this is why northerners have such a bad rep down here
The thing is, I want them to be frightened of me. I want them to be petrified by the fact that someone like myself that tries to live a quiet life can suddenly stand up and start shooting traitors with no remorse.
>tweet is from a jew
Shit. I hardly go outside anymore because theres liberals everywhere. Im literally shaking 24/7. Someone make the bad men go away. Please
>I am unable to understand statistical probability and have been brainwashed to disregard my own safety
Ive probably eaten a dozen spit hamburgers over the past few months. I think theyre poisoning me
fuck off you nigger
Why is murder illegal?
>Man clearly announcing that he is armed for the defense of his home and his God Given Rights
>Jew Nigger who allies himself with Muslims pushing for Sharia Law in the US in order to destroy western civilization.
Is this supposed to be offensive because the white guy is fat?
she a motherfucking liar...niggers and spic scare everyone including other niggers and spics
Amerimutts love the fact they got their capital city turned to a city sized barbecue
How am i supposed to end their evil? Dont tell me to love them because were beyond that
call ice on that spic
It's well known Africans sold rival tribesmen to anyone asking. I would also like to remind you that chinks/gooks were brought over as absolutely-not-slaves too at a later time yet somehow found a less nigger-tier standing in society despite doing much more dangerous work. Maybe the trick always was to simply shove niggers in the coal mines instead of the plantations.
Pretty sure you could bet people $10 to go into a black neighbourhood with a handbag and they wouldn't take the money. Compare that with a white neighbourhood and they'd wonder what the $10 was for
When are you fucking progs going to realize that we don't fucking care about you and your're feefee's?
If the poster honestly believes that, take a look at crime stats.
Working/middle class white male gun owners commit less crime than any sort of brown person.
>inb4 source
FBI crime stats faggot. I'm too lazy to pull them up, if you're curious, just google it.
It's very racist of people to think non-whites are too incompetent to be afraid of