Basically asking people "are you sure you don't want more terrorism run rampant in the UK? "
Sadiq Khan calls for a second referendum on Brexit
i cant claim to know bong politics but i bet he doesnt actually have any lawful ability to do that
I hope he will be the next Labour leader and PM.
I’m sure they polled to be certain that stay has votes to win this time
>keep voting until we get the 'right' result
Jesus fuck
They already voted to leave. Any new referendum should only be about accepting the terms of their departure or not.
You know they will have the second one rigged.
these fucking remainers pushing for a second referendum, it's an insult to democracy itself.
what happens if the brits vote to leave again?
will they demand a third referendum?
they will keep doing this until they get the answer they want.
fuck them, the people voted to leave, so it's time to leave, not be having pussy ass second guesses
If they decide to have a second one the brits should go to war against their government.
He doesn't have any power to do this, he's just saying it to appeal to the degenerate leftists living in the city state of London.
OK, This one is the 'people's vote' the original one must've been for androids.
can some kindhearted bongs please take this guy out already?
Why doesn't someone kill this dude?
shouldn't there now be a vote to re-join?
why would they be afraid of that possible vote?
The first one was nonbinding to begin with. Though I'm sure he doesn't have the budget for a national poll
Sadiq "nigger" Khan
First time they really had no idea what the were voting for though.
Let's do it!
>leave the european union
>remain in the european union
fuck you flaggot, the people knew damn well what was on the plate
fuck this guy
Democracy: The process of voting over and over until your side gets it's way
Should you be surprised that the jihadist wants more kin? Better elect Tommy.
Well I call for Sadiq Khan to be [DELETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EU ARTICLE 13] his arse.
i still haven't figured out what a mayor does in this century
>budget for a national poll
What the fuck are you talking about? He doesn't have jurisdiction outside of London and that's not how it works. The mayor of a single city can't reverse the results of a national referendum. It'd be like the mayor of Worcestershire reversing the Scotting Independence ref.
Although I'm glad he's bringing up this point. With London's murder rate out of fucking control I'm glad he spends his time bickering with Trump and whining about Brexit.
his job is literally just to virtue signal about how good mooslims are and shit on the potus
This. This shit is about as democratic as Sweedens "Secret" ballot system
This guy who you should elect to PM, but Mayor of London is a good start.
I mean, I don't believe in this shitnigger's doings but he's not wrong.
Please remove traitors
Sadiq Khan has done actual wonders for London's transportation system and is committed to making London a safer and better place to live for its inhabitants. He is a hard worker and absolutely dedicated to his job.
>Zero scandals
>Always working
>Implemented several great things in London such as a fare freeze and the Hopper system
>Experienced and level headed
>Numerous scandals, including cheating on his wife
>Went around the USA doing talks to gain cash
>Speaks racist drivel on his radio show
>Has been btfo time and time again by actual politicians.
>Abandoned his party when they needed him most
A second referendum is very much needed. The British people were lied to about Brexit and if given another chance they will put right what ignorance and hatred has made wrong.
Shut up Taig, nobody cares what you think.
Fuck off you paki loving cunt.
>Completely ignoring the acid attacks, murder rate and spikes in terrorism
But yes he is based due to his fare freeze.
You want democracy??? You'll have it until I win!
how is this guy still in office?
Khan's legacy as mayor is going to be the pile of dead bodies left in his wake
Ok mate whatever you say.
So the vote will be lopsided against the EU? Good.
democracy doesn't work -- no matter who you vote for (even donald trump) -- there will always be a shadowy cabal of unelected officials making the real decisions behind the curtain. Alone, on its face, that is dangerous territory. Even stranger, after years of the media pushing denials, debunks, and so on of a deep state. what shows up in the times? an op-ed from the self-confessed and identified deep state, or as they apparently prefer to be called, "the steady state."
it's being waved in your faces that democracy is a sham. furthermore, if the political system is broken, then it follows that the government is illegitimate and should be overthrown. surely the (((globalists))) and (((cultural marxists))) realise this and if we pursue that assumption, what are their motivations in doing such a thing? are they agitating for civil war? does the pope shit in the woods?
they just count the number of refugees they unleash on the public
now that refugees outnumber Brits, it's time for a vote!
Everybody who isn't a member of the Conservative's is against Brexit and asked for a new vote - why is this new? Sadiq is a member of the Labour Party and so obviously he is against Brexit and at this point i would be as well, it will be a disaster thanks to May and any bong who thinks otherwise is delusional.
You just need to be more sympathetic to those Muslim mobs that are harassing your daughters. If you would just learn how to pay the jizya, and accept that these muslims will do whatever they want, when they want, then you'll get along fine, as long as you don't insult Islam, Mohammad, or have any property that a muslim wants to get dirt cheap. Oh, and you can't teach your own religion, send your daughter alone to the store, and you can't have your daughter in school. Other than that, oh, and we're gonna have to cover your wife's head if you don't want her raped, but other than that, we're just gonna get along great!
Based Pat.
>we need a people's vote
it's like they've just memory-holed 2016
>lose referendum
>Europe and UK collude to fuck up uk economy in the short term.
>Media collude to shape public opinion against leaving Europe.
>Purposefully fail to reach a deal.
You are here.
>Extend deadline to leave.
>Hold further referendum.
>Majority vote to stay in Europe.
You had better listen to your president Brits
Someone should kill that mussie cunt.
Would take a man which doesn't exist, apparently. (((They))) would just turn him into a bigger prog martyr. "The greatness of an immigrant mayor in London, and they killed him! Look how irrational" (while they stand on the innocence of tens of thousands of girls and women in Europe).
Khan's little warriors
Can't someone just like, you know, kill him already?
they need to deport that little fagget back where he came from
Damn ISIS has their own Mayor.
>Sadiq is a member of the Labour Party and so obviously he is against Brexit
The whole reason he's bring this up is because the Labour Party is officially pro-Brexit and they're using that to coup the current leader.
>If they decide to have a second one the brits should go to war against their government.
Brits should have gone to war against their government long ago. If Trumps get impeached we will burn the establishment to the ground.
The original YouTube skeptic
>wonders for London's transportation system
You post this in every paki thread you dumb cunt
Sorry Mr. Goat Fucker sir. There was a vote and the Illuminati and all goat fuckers lost. Live with it.
Thanks for the input Shlomo. Now run along and eat some baby foreskins.
So in Britain you guys have votes and if you don't vote for what the government wants they just ignore it until they can have another vote and you finally vote for what they tell you to vote for?
This. They'll just keep doing this until they get their way. Even if Leave wins the second referendum, they'll just keep impeding it and delaying it and then demand a third referendum 2-3 years later.
What about a second election for mayor?
Fuck the vote... just flip a coin.
Fuck the coin. Just do as the leftglobalists say.
>just flip a coin
There was already a vote and Brexit won.
Just shut up and do as your betters tell you, as ever, you retarded bong cucks.
Public ought to ask for a vote to get him the fuck out of there
>We lost. We demand a do over.
Right, all of the Swedes were posting how you can just grab five ballots and go behind the curtain, as if that isn't a HUUUUGE tell to all of the people at the polling place when most people just grab a social democrats ballot and go vote. Like gee whiz, I wonder who that guy with the Sweden Democrats ballot along with all of the others might be voting for?
I want to see them try have another vote. Might create the biggest happening in decades.
oh look a shitskin rooting against the interest and sovereignty of an european nation, imagine my shock.
deport them all, especially the one who pretend to be based
They did. Unlike the left the right doesn't think the populace are retarded sheep that need to be herded.
>implying you will ever be allowed to leave the EU
Fuck off mohamed
This will undermine peoples faith in democracy.
Especially if people vote no.
>>keep voting until we get the 'right' result
>If Trumps get impeached we will burn the establishment to the ground
Bull fucking shit. There are significantly more who support or see him favorably than there are those who'd revolt behind an impeachment. Certainly not anywhere near the kind of numbers you'd need to have even 1/4th of a decent shot.
Sadiq Khan has done wonders for the public transport of acid from containers into the faces of Londoners. Truly groundbreaking work.
>If you don't have the result (((you))) want, make the population revote indefinitely until you get the result (((you))) want
Democracy in a nutshell.
>With London's murder rate out of fucking control I'm glad he spends his time bickering with Trump and whining about Brexit.
It doesn't take that many active participants, it just takes a lot of people who will stand by while it happens.
Are British people seriously retarded?
>Pro-EU ((democracy))
Really gets the noggin joggin.
Came to post this
Ahhhh, now THIS is an Englishman. I met so many gentlemen like him in England in the late 80s. I was wondering with great sadness where they'd all gone, but I find many are here...and then there's this guy. Bless you all. May you get your country back. Praying for your victory.
>now we can fix the vote to remain
Being a hard worker doesn't mean shit if you are terrible at your job.
You actually think its the EU and not yourselves that are the cucks. I'll let you in on the joke: terrorism will be the same/worse when you leave the EU onoy you will further fuck up your own country and will yet again be a laughing stock. And god damn will it be funny.
I kinda like some of you, hence why I'm telling you whats really going to happen. Berate me all you want, its evident for the rest of us.
democracy is dead
>Sadiq Khan has done actual wonders for London's transportation system and is committed to making London a safer and better place to live for its inhabitants. He is a hard worker and absolutely dedicated to his job.
Go fuck yourself, liar.
Unfortunately the vast majority of those you need to stand by & let it happen are all in military & law enforcement.
Both of those populations voted Trump in disproportionately high numbers. Why do you think they haven't just Kennedy'ed him? They are trying to brainwash most of the country and remove him on bullshit, but now that even that is failing they are getting desperate for a solution. They didn't take the easy route because of the bloodbath that would result.
Still, the organizations they've sworn loyalty to serve at the behest of the nation they've also sworn loyalty to. More likely if the republican were simply swept out to make way for the dems/libs; I don't see it happening just for Trump to get impeached & Pence to step up.