>family dairy farms (always White) use contracts, with buyers, to manage supply


>government-owned healthcare industry decides who lives and dies
"This is fine."

So this is the power of Canadian libertarianism?

Attached: dims.jpg (630x412, 47K)

hmm better make this thread again
>t. OP

> People's Party
>Name similar to Bernie
Not coincidence.
Fucking Bernier Bros

Berniers' brand of libertarian conservatism
will mesh a lot nicer with the strong man politics we've seen growing round the world

>Opening our country to poison milk from America
>Is strong arm nationalism

Whew lad


It's like you're not even trying

ending supply management and protecting milk quality are not mutually exclusive. Option A, don't buy shit us milk. Option two legislatte milk quality regulations

Berniers brand of libertarianism will flow like water between the jagged facets of the big dons, much unlike trudeau, sheer and jagmeets socialist protectionism

Yup... words have inherent meaning

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I agree. Legislate minimum quality standards for milk, meat, and produce. Reasonable standards that will keep bullshit produce out of the country, and even stopping any bullshit going on here. I'm tired of paying so much for dairy products.


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This is super weak concern trolling.

Yes lets ask milk producers to decide which standards should exist and give them the power of law

> get guaranteed price for profit
> kills local agriculture amd in turn small towns with there ability to have money thrown at them by banks because they have guaranteed expansion and priced for profit.

yeah libertarians and NatSoc would be against that.

> I'm tired of paying so much for dairy products.
We pay the same as the US.

>Yup... words have inherent meaning
It's called a dictionary.

I buy milk for $2.50 a gallon and it doesn't come in bags.

>> get guaranteed price for profit

There is free entry. Thus no guaranteed profit.

>I buy milk for $2.50 a gallon and it doesn't come in bags.
That is an American gallon, 3.8L. 4L milk here is $4.8.

Adjusting for the dollar, we pay $2.70 per galon.
And it's better quality.

>It's protectionism to guard against poison milk
Libertarianism, not even once

Take option A, then don't buy poison milk!

Anyone can buy quota.

But funny how no one here is rushing to buy it, given our allows monopoly privilege.