How much does the idea of civilizational collapse bother you, Jow Forums? It terrifies me that by 600 AD...

How much does the idea of civilizational collapse bother you, Jow Forums? It terrifies me that by 600 AD, barely 150 years after the fall of Rome, the majority of regular Europeans assumed that the ruins of their recent ancestors had been the work of giants. What if that is the fate of our grandchildren?

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The romans revered the ancients and regarded their civilization as more developed.

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that's south america and this is from egypt.

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Giant are/were real, so it's possible.

the mummies found in connection with the Chinese pyramids were white.
Basically, there used to be a global white highly developed civilization that got owned by catastrophic cataclysm about 12 000 years ago.

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Knowledge about the past will fade with time, it's inevitable. What I'm talking about is having such a decline that you don't even have a clue about the world of your great-great grandparents.

Can you imagine how much more wonderfully simple life would be?

It's as good of a theory as anything else out there.

>implying your modern life isn't a crazy quilt of crazy bullshit even now

One of the benefits of living during the kali yuga appears to be the accessibility of information. Never before has information on our history ever been so accessible to the common man.
With respect to those that follow in my footsteps I imagine they will be sorting my trash trying to piece together my lifestyle.

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you dont know what you dont know. you cant tell how successful the revisionism has been. better just assume everything you think is true is false, or rather some kind of half-truth. we know so little about our history still.

just judging it at first impression sure. however if you dig a bit and disregard the jewish history then it becomes much more clear.

You must secure civilization or watch it perish, christianity and islam and other faiths must be eradicated.

>25% East Asian 3,000 years ago

the absolute state of Reddit crackers. genghis khan was whiter than the Tarim people.

>Genetic analyses of the mummies showed that the maternal lineages of the Xiaohe people originated from both East Asia and West Eurasia, whereas the paternal lineages all originated from West Eurasia.[11] Mitochondrial DNAanalysis showed that maternal lineages carried by the people at Xiaohe included mtDNA haplogroupsH,K,U5,U7,U2e,TandR*, which are now most common in West Eurasia. Also found were haplogroups common in modern populations from East Asia:B5,DandG2a. Haplogroups now common in Central Asian or Siberian populations included:C4andC5. Haplogroups later regarded as typically South Asian includedM5andM*.[12] The paternal lines of male remains surveyed nearly all – 11 out of 12, or around 92% – belonged toY-DNA haplogroupR1a1, which are now most common in West Eurasia; the other belonged to the exceptionally rare paragroupK*(M9).[13]The R1a1 lineage suggests a proximity of this population with Andronovo culture related groups.[14]

>barely 150 years after the fall of Rome, the majority of regular Europeans assumed that the ruins of their recent ancestors had been the work of giants

Bullshit nobody believed that, especially not with east rome aka Constantinople being " alive "

Imagine going up to a serf or a minor lord in 600 AD and asking them the simplest question about Roman society. Their ignorance would likely astound you.

imagine the stories she could tell

If you would knew already about the roman society you wouldnt go to the local lord. Your first adress would be monks and church in general

Your or better our believe of the " dark ages " is mostly coming from a smear campaign beginning in the enlighment era to give themselves a better image in comparison. Especially when it came to the topic of the Church.

you're not making sense, your memes are too spicy for me.
the egyptian pharaohs were also white.

wrong. my great grandpa is still alive(hes 95) and he tells me stories about his dad and granddad all the time. i am very well connected to my familys past.

i dont even wanna know. imagine her seeing todays society, taking her on a field trip.
>this is the TV, it shows pictures of pretty women doing war stuff and sex stuff.

looking forward to it desu

Tocharia was white until not too long ago

shed probably be too terrified of her surroundings to care. imagine going from prehistoric hunting and gathering and waking up in modern day europe. how would she even react to cars, skyscrapers and screens evereywhere? i doubt she would even care about societal decay


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>muh fall of rome
bitch please. That had nothing on The Late Bronze Age Collapse.

that's like saying southern italians are also white
not technically wrong, but missing the point entirely

So which important people weren't white, Sven?

things will get better

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the what?

Work of Giants? Nobody thought that in AD 600 dumbass, the Hagia Sophia was built then.
The Ancient Greeks thought that about the old Bronze Age Palaces, they thought they were built by Cyclopes because of the huge stones they used.


Unfortunately civilizational collapse has never actually happened. Even in Italy post-Roman empire they never abandoned the city, which was a 800 BC invention (sure pop decreased but cities remained in use).

>he doesn't want to watch this civilization fall
you have to go back

Shortly after the Trojan War, around 1200 BC or so, all the Bronze Age civilizations just full-out collapsed.
Myceanean Greece, destroyed and people reverted to living in mud huts.
Hittites - gone, Kassite Babylon - gone, Egyptian kingdom collapsed, Levant in chaos

Its really insane to think people were living that long ago.
Some of us literally have these ancient peoples blood coursing through our veins.
Where did it all go wrong?
Will they ever reveal themselves to us?

Global civilizational collapse is a sci fi meme. It never really happened except as regional economic depression and political chaos in Europe - the Eastern empire went on without a hitch. Egypt had continuity all through the Bronze age collapse. Today, true collapse would be incredibly difficult in the sense of losing context with the past owing to the global distribution of books, even if electricity and production of electronics became impossible for some decades. Cannibalizing old infrastructure and waste dumps could provide enormous amounts of raw materials for civilization on a scaled-back basis.

Whatever it was, it shifted the equator almost 30 degrees. Maybe, say a moon being towed into orbit.

the faerie folk

The Bronze Age was the best Age.

Such beauty, such purity. When Achilles still walked the earth

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> He thinks Giants weren't real

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To be honest if it took giving up the electricity and the internet and gasoline and other dumb shit just to have a wife and security for my family and a comfortable brick/stone home without paying taxes of becoming a slave to have all that I'd rather be a bronze age father than a modern day numale slave.

They literally still exist theyre are just qts now.

Is Lauren Southern a zombie thot?

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already happening my friend

99% of the population couldn't explain how electricity works, 99.9% couldn't explain how smartphones or a computer works, in the future 99.999% won't have a clue about how quantum computing and AI works

I'd bet over 70% of people don't know how roads are built, how plumbing works, why gas makes your car go vroom vroom, what's a carbohydrate, just everyday things

if the nation state model collapses it's all over, we'll either regress to tribalism (unlikely) or become completely alienated bugmen wandering the globe in search of work on amazon's mechanical turk 2.0 (more likely)

What bothers me is that by 2018 decades into the information age where the first world's most powerful and everpresent organization is based on an internet search engine, you could post something so ignorant of basic history of the civilization you belong to. Are you 12? Because if not, you are the reason we are dying culturally and intellectually

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Yeah. The country of my ancestors was so cozy around 1000 BC - huge wildernesses separating my small tribe and qt waifu from the rest of the world. Hunting, farming being all you need to support the family.
You had faith in your gods, good organic food, passing your entire life not ever seeing a nigger, only blue-eyed Aryans

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>Global civilizational collapse is a sci fi meme.
Globally, yes. But civilizational collapse as suggested by the OP has occured numerous times with many examples. Except the one in the OP which is Harry Potter tier bullshit. Imperial Rome moved it's administration center east to Byzantium in the 4th century and ruled from there until the 15th century. People today are driven by their feels and not facts and information somehow. I'd worry a lot more about that my dudes

>What if that is the fate of our grandchildren?
They won't be around to wonder who made the AI overlords. Be grateful.

Ignorant people are easier to control. When our civilization collapse, they'll erase everything they can.

Rome was in eastern Roman hands during 600 AD. I’m sure the Romans didn’t forget who built their former capital in the span between the fall of the west and the Justinian conquests.

the current predominant civilization is hardly creating anything of long-standing value. short-termist thinking is the norm. i wouldn't shed a tear if its gone...

Imagine that this knowledge isn't available without the people who lived through it though. Imagine literacy rates drop dramatically, and fewer things get written down. Over time, the oral tradition will be seriously obscured. We've been freed from that with the emergence of new technology such as the photograph, film, etc. People in the Dark Ages didn't have that as readily available. Especially when compared to the time that came before.

Not everybody. Obviously, there were regions of the world that didn't experience the collapse, but picture England. In 100 AD there were Roman Legions and aqueducts. But by 600, even the most important petty kings and nobility would have a hard time grasping what came before. Not to mention the average farmer, soldier, or even Monk.

This. This is the point I'm trying to make.

You think the average Briton had a clue what Classical Antiquity was like? It took society until the Renaissance to rediscover and recapture what had been lost. The information wasn't gone, but distribution plummeted in parts of the world where it had been ubiquitous (Italy). You're missing the point.

Christianity and other faiths like this are extremely dangerous and can end civilization and human life.

The Catholic Church was the institution that best carried on the legacy of Rome in the west.

We must eradicate the blind faiths of christianity and islam and introduce rationalist logical theist religions such as roman or greek ancient religion.

The catholic church ended civilization and ravaged europe to depravity and superstition.

While Europeans were logical, self interested, and could create logical dicisions, with christianity their minds were poisoned by the blind faith cults that told them.this life didnt matter only subservience to the cult.

Christianity must be eradicated totally and completely, islam as well of course judaism as well.

t. Fedora lord.

It sounds fucking great this civilization deserves to be forgotten. It’s degenerate and empty of any soul.