Red Pill me on JQ

My friend and I were talking about the JQ and he was making some good points. What should I say to him?

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Tell him you’re a faggot, OP

How will that help me?

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Tell him to shut his filthy kike mouth.

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Lurk moar faggot. If a Mischlinge like me can figure it out so can you.

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Attached: Hillary Email 'Topple Assad For Israel'.jpg (716x654, 202K)

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thanks based leaf

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no problem

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tell him goyim are degenerate , contribute nothing to civilization and only destroy it

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>the jew recoils in pain as he strikes you

Thats right, you faggot, baby dick-sucker. Its all WHITE peoples' fault you're universally despised.

How come Israel gets to be homogeneous, but nobody else?

It must be fun knowing every post you make gets guaranteed replies.

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built by jews

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I just found out they transferred anne frank from a death camp when she got sick, why would they do that if they just wantes to kill her?

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Jews are the epitome of evil. They are Satan incarnate; deceitful, scheming rats.

They're descendents of God's chosen people.

>being good at physics makes your opinion on non-physics topics valid


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The jewish soul is one of constant insecurity and inability to fit in.
The jew is not comfortable around anyone that has more power than him and cannot be controlled
There is also a deep-seated desire to destroy. Natural things are impossible to appreciate, they can be improved upon, they must be controlled. Nature must be controlled.
The white is unpredictable and as such is dangerous. The lesser races are easily managed.
When placed in an environment of "diversity", the jew naturally feels comfortable, as the jew is "just another minority".
The jew *wants* the other minorities to be uplifted and feel smart and accomplished, especially if they are not, especially if it's all a lie, as this makes it easier to conceal jewish power.

Did you enjoy your thread Muhammad?

>The only people who don't like kikes are Muslims
Try harder rabbi

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related to your query

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>implying you're not a shitskin

Don't worry, friend. Your secret is safe

>Not denying you're a kike

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If you have around 25% kike blood in you, the Nuremberg laws make a lot of sense.
Most of the time you are just a normal goy and quite honestly you despise the kikery around you.
However you can feel the impulses from that residual 25%, enough to know that they are not natural, they are dark and sinister and evil.
Some of the most effective heroes that rounded up the kikes in history had some kike blood in them, simply because they understood far better what made them tick.
If you can listen to a speech and instinctively know the single word that will be all the headlines, you probably have some kike blood in you.

Kikes are paranoid, uncomfortable, anxious, and they think that the only way they can fit in is if they make everyone else the same. It simply comes naturally to them, they do what makes them feel more comfortable. The more you make them uncomfortable, the more extreme they become. The more they fight back.
If you want to lure them into a trap, you present a very comfortable alternative and they will flee to it like rats.
Otherwise, keep pushing them until they go too far, hammer them from all sides.

Read culture of critique, that's a good starting point.