For a lefty meme you gotta admit this is pretty good
For a lefty meme you gotta admit this is pretty good
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Got emmmm
Lol! Can I save this?
Go ahead friend, it's all yours.
Its one of the best i have ever seen from their side.
Ok that made me laugh
Based leftist memes
It's the least-shitty of their shitty memes. That doesn't mean it's good, it's just sparkly shit.
The one where he's wearing the tower hat and holding two toy airplanes is better
>being anti trump is left
Looks like neo cons are lefties now. That overton window shifted quite a bit
>just sparkly shit...
I find the best memes to be ones that actually happened
thats not a meme
>neo cons are lefties
Its a hypermeme
>Looks like neo cons are lefties now. That overton window shifted quite a bit
What are Cuckservatives?
What the fuck as your average Republican done for this country? They haven't done shit to stop illegal immigration, sending our jobs to Ching-Chong Land, the destruction of American civilization by the left.
They cuck to leftists the minute somebody screams "racist".
Plumpf btfo
How will he ever recover?
no, its just a screenshot from fox news.
It's a natural born meme, my dude.
That pales in comparison to even the simplest anti-Hillary/bernie meme
they are globalists, so in a sense they are part lefty
its not clever, it took no effort, its just a screenshot of two assholes.
Wasn't he greeting a kid with cancer ? Lefties make fun of that.
Well it looks like they did. Why are you angry?
Example 5478 that the left can't meme
Hey you! Yes, you.
Annoyed with the constant stream of these low effort shareblue shill threads? Want to send the people behind them a message?
Vote Republican in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION ON November 6. That's 51 days away.
Remember...Every. Single. One.
Get every single sane person you know in real life and on the internet to do the same. Make a list of all of them. Throw an election party on that day. Remember, November 6.
COPY AND PASTE THIS IN EVERY SLIDE THREAD TO KILL IT! Notice how they all DIE after you copy&paste this...
>develop a weapon
>enemy is totally btfo by weapon
>watch enemy fail to replicate
>explain it to their face
>still fail
2 years later:
>a single instance of the enemy understanding the weapon
>gaslight instantly and effortlessly
this, too, kills the left
Example 5479
how does Mario still look the same as when he was in SBTB?
do people even know what meme means anymore?
It's funny to me and upsets you apparently, so its having the desired effect.
>Trump actually turns out to be the best president ever who goes down in history as being better than george washington and lincoln combined
>this fag's wife's black grandchildren ask him why he got a tattoo of the best president in American history sucking a penis
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA imagine being such a pathetic freak you have a dick tattooed on your leg HAHAHAHAHAHAA
Why are millenials so touchy aboht everything.
Whether right or left all americans are pussies.
Yeah that's a good one. The other edit is good too. I wonder who did them. It's a great feeling when you make something and everyone shares it around.
who cares
left will hate trump forever
loyal pro-trump will love him and continue to love him unless he does something that is obvious betrayal
undecided are basically non-political
so leftists making fun of trump for his mannerisms is just funny to fellow leftists who already hate him. technically it helps group cohesion as they laugh about these sorts of edits, but it's not as powerful a meme because it isn't really grounded in truth. a photo edit of trump made to look like a retard, a kid, or a baby is the same as calling him an orange cheeto or a nazi. all that stuff rolls off like rain on a watercoat.
>"the left" is the only group who critcizes drumpf
shut the fuck up, fag
>they bring me no pleasure
I see the left is still projecting their lust of molesting children.
OP is right. The only group that criticizes Trump are clinical narcissists and the left has a monopoly on them.
Yep, breddy gud.
It’s good because it was created by a larping Jow Forumsack as a joke. The left still can’t meme, and they never will be able to.
>number of white baby's Ann produced: 0
I doubt this is a lefty meme, it doesn't have a wall of text.
please, look up meme in the dictionary
I find it funny that leftists make pics like these while proceeding to act like overgrown children who never grew up themselves.
>having fun is bad now
I guess I should do "adult" things and drink whiskey while being a depressed shell of a man.
I prefer Tyrone memes.
It took no effort to make you react like a bitch.
Holy shit look at that honker
Im from Canada and they think im slow eh
Obama asking Meliana how not to hurt when taking the big dick? Mike is rough on him
Why are they so fascinated with infantilizing the president?
It’s really cringey like do any other joke that isn’t a 90’s shitty romcom plot.
no clever punchline, might as well slap trump's face on a pile of poop
Even if one really disliked Trump. If Trump murdered your mom. This one is still a bad idea.
Somebody will be wearing long pants all summer in the future
He doesn't dodge them so much as he just can't read the papers served to him.
>le evil drumpft is a babby! XDD
I love these memes because the far-left is basically admitting their side is so retarded even their most brilliant minds got fucking outmaneuvered by a giant babbyman. Tell me /leftypee/, how is Mr. Babbyman formed??
hey ill give you credit at least you didnt use half a page of text to make this meme and did it right. Now is it super funny not really but hey you did the meme right pat yourself on the back.
>Pretty good
It's the same recycled baby Trump bullshit, which in turn was recycled from the little Putin "meme" leftist faggots like you were trying to push as if anyone here actually found them "funny". Remember, this ain't reddit you cocksucking low-t cuck.
See if you want an example of a real meme.
Are you implying that Trump is a robot suit, controlled by someone else?
That actually IS pretty good. Now the left is 0.000000072% as funny as us. Good work, left.
Except White people don't go to Chuck E Cheese unless they want to watch Niggers fight.
how will xe ever recover.
As a texas born mexican i just want to say: fuck you taco nigger. Worry about the cartels.
I wonder if whoever screencapped this was actually taking the piss out of people like , considering that it's essentially a meme with a shit-ton of text, which explicitly tells the viewer what to think, arguing that memes shouldn't have a shit-ton of text that tell the viewer exactly what to think.
Can leftists even come up with any meme that isn't "LOL TRUMP IS A BABBY"? I swear that I've seen thosands of these already. It's incredible and scary at the same time to see how leftists are all so void of intellect and originality; NPCs through and through.
>has invented 0 memes
>calls others NPCs for not inventing more memes
It fails on every level since it has no basis in reality.
It's simply Leftists projecting their own immaturity on the President, since they decided that he is a mass murdering authoritarian tyrant, simply because he is trying to uphold our laws (instead of a billionaire who is risking his very life and reputation, simply due to him loving this country, and seeing how corrupt it became).
Lincoln, Madison, Adams, Washington, etc could be reincarnated tomorrow in new, generic white bodies and they would still be villianized and attacked for the same views they founded this country on
>they decided that he is a mass murdering authoritarian tyrant
Clearly that's what the meme seeks to convey, well done.
You best not be talking shit about Chuck'E
t. traitor shitcano
Who the fuck goes to Chuckie Cheese anymore? Dave and Busters is where its at. Fucking liberals can't do anything right, I swear to fucking god.
that image isn't a meme you dip, it's an infographic about memes. The left can't meme because it just makes infographics.
Thanks, Lori!
I think you might need permission from CNN since they are different from normal people when it comes to rights.
you need to leave and never come back if you seriously made zero memes my dude.
>this is the event leftists chose to mock
Thats how desperate they are for memetic material
Chucky cheese seems so fucking lame now. When I was a kid and they were new, they had plush carpeting everywhere and the ballpit was huge and you could climb shit and jump into it and fight other kids in the balls ect, it was deep enough that one of my brothers would play shark and keep trying to grab people and drag them down to the bottom and give them beats so we're trying to punch the shark through the balls while he tried to find us, it was so fun.
I took my kids to one in the 00's and the pit was so tiny and shallow and parents were supervising instead of fucking off to get hammered which used to be the entire point of the place...
>it's an infographic
It's not an infographic
An infographic can still be a meme
I don't think you know what fully constitutes a meme my guy
This thread is full of triggerd Blumbftards
Right wing memes are just as bad, left-wingers just aren't stupid enough to go back and forth with the right wing going "Nuh uh!" "Uh huh!', though right-wingers are perfectly willing to waste their own time repeating the same invalid points thinking they'll become magically true if you just and force them down peoples throats enough.
>B-but right wing memes are better
>Just because!
All republicans did with Obama was call him a communist vampire even though he bent backwards to appease conservatives to the point you can just barely call him a liberal.
It's because he calls out the media on bullshit. The media is always on some bullshit about him, so he's always doing it. Thus to them he's "a baby". They call him a baby but use Harry Potter stories as political examples. These are people that do not believe the media is anything but a pillar of truth. The brainwashed masses.
Tits or GTFO roast beef.
Only women try to pull that arguing semantics bullshit.
pol BTFO
It's a stupid meme because Trump is still obviously in charge. Leftists really just don't know how this works.
If you show the President as a chad child getting everything he wants from good looking women and beta losers, THIS DOES NOT MAKE HIM LOOK BAD