What are your thoughts on satanists using pateron money from youtube to attack Christianity while defending Islam and Jews in the United States?
What are your thoughts on satanists using pateron money from youtube to attack Christianity while defending Islam and...
I'm sorry -- what the fuck did you just say?
Satanism is just Templar-Gnosticism and Feminist-Theosophy (by way of Blavatsky).
Hollywood Satanism is just the CIA mixed with Epicurian philosophy.
Why are they attacking Christians and defending Jews/Islam? Because it's just another psy-op. Christians are NPCs and they love to be attacked. Jews and "Satanists" are meming WW3 as the Christian version of Revelations (which was really about Rome).
Blow up the Dome of the Rock --- blame Muslims. Start WW3 (EU/America vs. China/Russia/Iran). Then re-establish the NWO under a new Israel Temple where Jews rule us all through technocracy (Communism 2.0).
My thoughts are this:
Satanism is only an edgy thing used by edgy people to seem like outliers and free thinkers of society while maintaining the "dark" imagery they want for themselves. The church of satan is nothing more than a tourist attraction where you can buy a "club card" to show off to your friends at the next watain concert. Real satanism deals with psychosis and people hurting others in the name of a Christian Deity that fell from heaven.
Your thoughts are stupid. You shouldn't post your thoughts. Read this
Crypto jewry.
>Crypto jewry.
Of course
Just more of the same, really. They'll pay the big price sooner or later.
Please. The Church Of Satan is just a buncha atheists on a LARP.
>The Church Of Satan
But that's not the only group, stupid. Read it
>my thoughts are stupid
>he literally believes in angels
>tfw that picture is correct
Your thoughts are stupid. And nobody said angels, NPC
They are just trolls. La Vey said that he was bored and just needed a reason to get women nude. Once people started paying for his seances then he went with the bullshit but there's no supernatural anthropomorphic entity he prays to. He said most of his followers were mentally lucid atheists with a thing for hedonism and wanting to troll Christianity for its prudish nonsense. It's fucking theatrics. The guy was a Jewish circus entertainer too.
There is no official transcendental Satanism that sacrifices animals and people unless you bump into a Varg level antisocial retard. I was into black metal and alike in the 90s when I was young. It was the counter culture to push back against Orthodox idolatry but like most of the metalheads were broke af and had low amounts of sexual partners too. Nerds and losers mostly from working class posing as edgy looking for a reason to be publicly drunk and yell at strangers.
Well, Judaism and Islam are both Satanic. So, I can respect that they are following their actions to a logical conclusion.
hi karl
The Old Testament is Satanic. Slavery, animal sacrifices, blood sacrifices...
Low level Satanism is doing edgy shit like fucking a hot chick on a black altar and walking into churches blaring heavy metal. Real Satanism is about killing the planet.
There degenerates that need to be ovened
If satanists and atheists only knew how most muslims feel about homosexuality they'd think again....? Or maybe not they do tend to act as if they know everything.
TST are faggot trolls.
CoS has been discussed.
There's some based Satanist groups, although it's incredibly rare.