Under president Obama:
>Muh deficit!
Under president Trump:
Be honest. You don't give two shits about the deficit. You were just looking for an excuse to discredit Obama because you are a cowardly racist. Hypocrites. Lol
Under president Obama:
>Muh deficit!
Under president Trump:
Be honest. You don't give two shits about the deficit. You were just looking for an excuse to discredit Obama because you are a cowardly racist. Hypocrites. Lol
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>furries are cool
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Jow Forums BTFO
>not all jews
*sips tea*
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
Hide the thread because you don't have a valid defense? Seems on par with the average Jow Forumstard.
Obama was an enemy occupier of the US. He was not eligible to be President, he was a Kenyan Muslim who illegally occupied our presidency.
Would you give your checkbook to a nigger?
Came to this thread to call you a nigger and sage. Have a good day.
Oh so now the party of extravagant government spending is now suddenly the village bean counter?
Color me shocked.
Deficit or debt?
Why is King Cheeto sitting next to that basterd Paul Ryan? Why can't the Orange blob do want the people voted for and beat the hell out of Paul Ryanstein, the inferior sucker of Jew cock (Trump being the commander in Chief of Jew cock sucking).
You assume too much. Your thread should be hid because you predict outcomes while providing no proof. You assume my opinions without knowing me.
The only thing you’ve done is to create a strawman.
Giving us back our own money is a problem now ?
I'm hoping we get real spending cuts soon but I doubt it. Probably just CRs.
Hey you! Yes, you.
Annoyed with the constant stream of these low effort shareblue shill threads? Want to send the people behind them a message?
Vote Republican in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION ON November 6. That's 51 days away.
Remember...Every. Single. One.
Get every single sane person you know in real life and on the internet to do the same. Make a list of all of them. Throw an election party on that day. Remember, November 6.
COPY AND PASTE THIS IN EVERY SLIDE THREAD TO KILL IT! Notice how they all DIE after you copy&paste this...
sage saga
You mean debt?
I don't care about the deficit.
just print money
Source: some shithead sherrif in Arizona who labors to string complete sentences together
Turns out you can reduce the deficit by cutting spending. Could we maybe try that, or is that too crazy?
^ lets bring the debt slavery system to an end. Renig on the debt then close the federal reserve.
>mom was american
>being born in kenya makes him unamerican
There are people that voted for Cruz and think Obama was not eligible
I don't know if you remember the Bush years, but suffice to say Obama ran on "fiscal responsibility" too, it's almost like the deficit isn't something that people are worried about except as a partisan attack issue.
I bet 95% of people upset about "the deficit" wouldn't be able to explain what it actually is.
>Be Democrat
>Complain about deficit
>Not a single one suggesting what social programs to cut to make up for it.
>muh estimate
just like they "Estimated" the deaths in Puerto Rico lmao
>OP thinks the deficit matters
>OP doesn't understand baby economics
>Be honest. You don't give two shits about the deficit.
No I honestly want to blow up the deficit so by the time Democrats turn Texas Blue that the congress has lost the power of the purse and we can use our collective buying power to segregate ourselves from niggers once the feds are too weak to interfere.
Trump attracts
For the nationalism
For the wealth transfer to the rich.
Each group voted for him for different reasons.
Thats why you get retarded outcomes like Bernie Bros voting for trump Because hillary was a multicultural fiscal conservative.
Holy fuck a poison pill for government that is fucking brutal
Deficit is too high. Almost 900B last year. We had to get everything moving again before the spending cuts hopefully come. Lets see user
There's also the added advantage that jews will abandon our government once it becomes clear that it can no longer bomb their enemies in the middle east.
So we get to rid ourselves of two parasites by destroying congress's ability to borrow.
>giving even one shit about the deficit
Is the sign of a Democrat establishment shill. Refute this or kill yourself.
Pro tip: you can't and you should.
Every single dollar in your pocket is part of the national debt. You ain't got shit, cuck.
>actually believing government needs to borrow
Found the Fed-loving kike
There's nothing cowardly about my racism
monster deficits don't matter anymore, because Trump is about to unleash monster economic growth like you have never seen in your life.
Holy fuck, Jow ForumsmurderedByWords
The government funds it's daily operations by selling debt paper. Any interruption of this issuance of bond paper would cripple the federal government.
Without the promise of interest on fed deficit spending, we would have massive inflation on the level of Venezuela.
Right wingers have no grasp of economics. They think they can use magic rocks to provide the liquidity to run complex economies. Literal retards.
The difference is that the media is lying about Trump.
>They think they can use magic rocks to provide the liquidity to run complex economies.
Magic rocks already provide the liquidity to run complex economies; only difference is that the rock isn't Au, but Si.
>The government funds it's daily operations by selling debt paper
No, it sells debt paper as a means of welfare for the rich.
>Any interruption of this issuance of bond paper would cripple the federal government.
False. Congressional appropriations create money. It is literally spent into existence. While the money itself is a liability of the Federal government, in that spent money can be used to annihilate tax obligations to that government and in doing so annihiliate the money itself, the bond issues are, once again, simply a means of welfare for the rich.
>Without the promise of interest on fed deficit spending, we would have massive inflation on the level of Venezuela.
False. Spending and taxation work TOGETHER to 1) ensure that money motivates economic activity, and 2) to regulate the total supply of money in circulation.
>Right wingers have no grasp of economics
Read and refute it, if you can. Pro tip: Mankiw is a theologist, not an economist.
>every policy exists in isolation, completely divorced from all other policies and their effects
>Mankiw is a theologist, not an economist.
So like most "intellectuals", an idiot outside of their area of expertise.
And yeah his shit is a cult.
>Magic rocks already provide the liquidity to run complex economies; only difference is that the rock isn't Au, but Si.
Yeah just like dollars are valuable because of their valuable paper...
>Spending and taxation work TOGETHER to 1) ensure that money motivates economic activity, and 2) to regulate the total supply of money in circulation.
Not what I said, retard. Go and read it again.
Are you actually saying that Gold and Silicon are worth the same as paper
More like Nassim Taleb's "Intellectual Yet Idiot".
>His shit is a cult.
Unfortunately, it's the "standard" university-level macro text.
Nope, still bullshit. Taxation prevents inflation by reducing the money supply and drawing money through the system. No jew is required to be paid to loan the government money, because the government is the monopoly issuer of its own currency and it can never run out.
I think it's a reference to high-frequency trading, aka digital front-running.
Magic rocks is magic rocks; microsecond trading has completely destroyed the traditional concepts of liquidity because the purpose of liquidity is that you need to be able to apply it in great amounts at a second's - or microsecond's - notice. Computers are quite good at that, coming considerably closer to physical limits than human-powered systems ever did. And with interbank networks, it's reasonable to argue that the vast majority of extent capital sits in a pool which can be tapped at any point, should the need arise. Any successful arbitrage or speculatory position using even modest portions of this pool generates value far outstripping the US government's day-to-day actions.
guess we should bail out more bankers LOL
If Trump removes Taco, the deficient will go away
Like, out of a helicopter?
The debt is so much more than any president retard. We all know we're fucked, it's just a matter of being slightly less fucked
To whom, Pluto?
>Taxation prevents inflation by reducing the money supply and drawing money through the system.
What? No. Are you a fucking idiot? It is redistributed from citizenry and spent by the government in various ways, almost all of which can be described as one of the following
>paying government employees to perform a service
>paying general contractors to build a thing
That money doesn't just vanish into the ether you brainlet.
>No jew is required to be paid to loan the government money, because the government is the monopoly issuer of its own currency and it can never run out.
>the government is the monopoly issuer of its own currency
Either a jew, a brainlet, or a hired shill. Getting redpilled on the Federal Reserve should be mandatory on Jow Forums.
>Taxation prevents inflation
I'm not talking about taxation I'm talking about the time value reflected in the interest presented on government paper. If the government just printed money there would be massive inflation, but because it's done slowly through debt instruments the blow is softened. We're still no less screwed in the long run, but I'm saying that the issuance of bonds prevents runaway inflation and I don't get how anyone could disagree with this statement given the continued existence of the U.S. government despite literally endless deficit spending is all the evidence you need that it is true.
The literal only reason the US economy hasnt completely imploded is because of the petrodollar keeping most of the printed money outside of the states since other countries need them to purchase oil. If those dollars came back stateside, the dollar would hyperinflate within a matter of weeks.
>time value reflected in the interest presented on government paper
You still haven't presented a case for why the government "needs" to borrow its own money back from the private sector instead of printing it.
>If the government just printed money there would be massive inflation
Why? Is there an oversupply situation of some sort when an equal amount is taxed out?
>but because it's done slowly through debt instruments
Debt instruments aren't needed to regulate spending. Only a jew who jews the government would say that.
>We're still no less screwed in the long run
Supposing we instead shoot the entire financial class, and then regulate the amount of money in the economy according to the real resources and labor available to be motivated.
>the issuance of bonds prevents runaway inflation
No, it doesn't.
>deficit spending
Government deficits = private assets + private saving. Why don't you want the private sector to have assets? You're literally paying jews for permission to use your own money, and I can think of nothing more cucked than that in the entire field of economics.
[spoiler]>You still haven't presented a case for why the government "needs" to borrow its own money back from the private sector instead of printing it.
It doesn't "Need" to, but it works in preventing inflation, even in a case like now where there is very low MTR.
>Why? Is there an oversupply situation of some sort when an equal amount is taxed out?
Because taxes are not removing an equal amount. They are very very low historically and compared to the amount of money being added to the economy.
>Debt instruments aren't needed to regulate spending
Okay well in the perfect libertarditron utopia in your head they're not needed. In the world we live in they are needed.
>Supposing we instead shoot the entire financial class
So what's stopping you?
>No, it doesn't.
There is record low taxation and record high spending. Sorry your retard theories don't work in real life. Maybe if you fantasize about shooting people they will start to work.
>Why don't you want the private sector to have assets?
Straw man. Yawn.
Look kid, there used to be this line in economics textbooks "Caeterus Paribus." It's latin for "All things being equal" which basically means our thought expiraments work in the best possible world. Which is the one we don't live in. Your utopian blend of austrian nuttery with religious bullshit is just as unworkable as the communists. And shooting people won't make it any less a fantasy.
>the petrodollar
Oh really? Where can I invest in some of these "Petrodollars" they sound like a pretty safe bet.
So, basically, your entire argument is based on that we should pay jews to exist because they keep us disciplined. How is this not LITERALLY the language of the cuckold and why are you so proud to shill it?
>Your utopian blend of austrian nuttery
Literally wat? MMT is Austrian? Are you high or just trolling?
>Because taxes are not removing an equal amount. They are very very low historically and compared to the amount of money being added to the economy.
That's a policy problem, isn't it?
>In the world we live in they are needed.
No, they're still not. Libertardian? I'm a commie, you fucking jew.
>So what's stopping you?
Jews like you running interference for them.
>There is record low taxation and record high spending
Again, isn't that a policy problem?
>Sorry your retard theories don't work in real life
Oh, but they do. Jews like you make money off of them not working, so you shill for them.
>Straw man. Yawn.
Not a straw man, it's the sectoral balances model. Government deficits = private assets + private saving. This is an accounting identity, not an opinion. Prove it wrong, jew.
>there used to be this line in economics textbooks
So you're believing a bunch of rich jews and their servitors and their high priests instead of basic fucking logic?
>Which is the one we don't live in.
Tell the fucking economics profession that.
>we should pay jews to exist because they keep us disciplined.
No my argument is that the time value of money requires that interest be charged on even very safe disbursements of money such as government spending. And that if this is not done then there will be inflation, all things being equal.
>That's a policy problem, isn't it?
There is no scenario under which the United States stops spending and raises taxes. Issuance of bond paper is the least worst option to deal with the political reality.
>Jews like you running interference for them.
No what's stopping you is that you're a coward. But it's okay. I give you permission to go shoot them. You can get off the internet and finally sate your incompetent rage with blood.
>Tell the fucking economics profession that.
Economics isn't a profession, you kool aid sipping re-re.
>time value of money
What does that have to do with a government that can spend money into existence now without any impact on whether it can do so later?
>then there will be inflation, all things being equal.
So you are explicity and intentionally ignoring the fact of coordination of spending and taxation as a means of regulating the money supply, because the ruling class looks out for its own at our expense?
>There is no scenario under which the United States stops spending and raises taxes
What is net, fool? They don't have to stop spending. They simply have to raise taxes sufficiently to remove excess money from circulation. You, once again, seem to be missing the coordination part.
>Issuance of bond paper is the least worst option to deal with the political reality.
>political reality
jews writing checks that third parties have to cash = reality. Got it.
That's pretty cucked.
>Economics isn't a profession
I'm not the one who needs to hear that. Tell THEM that!
Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to do so, but it would be, as you put it, the less bad option versus putting up with paying Wall Street kikes just to exist, and perhaps someone or someones who are in a position to do so will stop pulling knives on middle-class guys and actually do something good for society.
>Being a coy cunt
Literally just google, it's a common term used to describe how America is forcing the middle East to sell oil in USD, thus forcing any country who wants oil (read: all of them) to keep a reserve of dollars to purchase it with, thus allowing America to print far more dollars than it could otherwise get away with without running into hyperinflation.
>You don't give two shits about the deficit.
Trump knows, pic related
Based Croat knows MMT.
(((Cohn))), what's in a name.
>"Hide the thread because you don't have a valid defense..."
>No longer hearing anything from OP.
OP ditched the thread idiots. It is a slide thread.
the fake media wants to start a new recession
they are shilling hard, trying to scare people from spending money
not just in the US, but over here in the EU too, and they want to blame Trump's tariffs on it
globalists loosing power want to burn down the world
even the state media over here is shilling for an new recession
reminder to zoomers and pedes this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread
always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/slide/containment threads so it does not bump them
>any thread not about shilling the GOP is a slide thread
Wew lad
Yep, turn your money into means of production as fast as you comfortably can.
your deficit doesn't matter as long as you have geopolitical leverage. Watch a peter zeihan video.
He was right
Is this real btw?