Viva Mexico!!!
Viva Mexico!!!
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I'm an american born mexican.
I haven't been to Mexico and feel no strong connection with Mexicans.
Does any other American hispanic have that disconnected feeling with them?
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I was honestly expecting to see an American flag, puta.
disgusting anchor babies why dont you fucking go back to your homeland and make it equal to the US you grew up with. So disgusting I have to walk around my life seeing your degenerate people. Fuck you for ruining white culture.
how can you know yourself, when you don not even know where you came from where your family comes from?
no, i have 5 generations on both sides of the border. you live in minnesota or something?
I got called white my entire childhood. I didn't learn any spanish until high school my cousins made fun of me constantly about it. I work as an accounts manager in a large bank and now I purposely turn down loans to spics and niggers. I have the best job, am the only one with a fucking masters, and fuck my white wife nightly while celebrating my white heritage with my three white children. My children will never know my fucking family. God bless America!
I seriously cant wait to chop up you pigs and sell you're meat to the starving kids in Africa.
I'm not at that level.
I speak Spanish pretty well but I can't connect with many other Mexicans beyond shallow small talk.
Do mexicans like Canelo Arbales?
Why would you cheer a disfunctional shithole full of socialist losers who has presidential candidates that campaign on the promise of keeping the borders open?
Even president of Ghana realizes that young people leaving is a disaster for a country.
Mexico literal worse and full of failures than African nations.
Mexico for Spanish culture, America for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture. Don't like it, go to the other side.
He is alright
How about you fucking make me faggot? Oh that's right you niggers never do shit irl.
I don’t feel much of connection toward Mexico either. I grew up speaking English as my only language and I get really uncomfortable if someone talks to me in Spanish. I wish I were more white looking so people wouldn’t assume I don’t know English.
I gave up long ago. Always excuses, always complaints, never any action, well fuck that shit get off your ass, stop buying do much beer, stop getting fucking dui. Elevate yourself, if that means everyone else wants to stay down then I say let them.
Quit speaking my language to me. English doesn't belong in the mouth of someone with skin darker than a potato.
Thought so cunt, keep barking on this Cantonese dog forum while your country keeps getting browner.
You're annoying.
what if you where taught Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture since kindergarten?
>doesn't want non-whites to speak english
>complains when someone doesn't speak english.
Can't please everyone.
Globalism, our culture there, their people here, disgusting.
¡Viva Mexico!
Poor shitskins, you will never have skin as beautiful as us. You will never be American. By 2024, you won't even have air to breathe north of the Rio Grande.
if that was a real reason senpai, globalism would have improved the world.
I want to die every day. The only people I can truly call my own live in a shithole and have no connection to. No one in America wants me here except stupid left wingers.
Still waiting for that wall lad...
Reminder that pancho villa is part of the team hitler and Jow Forums aproved.
I actually have very light skin to the point that people think I'm a white guy or a french guy.
I may be hispanic, but my family has a strong geneology with Spain.
It's the very worst of our (((modern))) culture like porn and rap though. Or am I missing something?
Mexican Pig! Who's ready to eat!
Mmmm. ¡Muy Delicioso!
>everyone is Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture
>not improving the world
What's this post even supposed to mean?
>Americunt sending resources to Africa to raise more of his beloved niggers
>more news at eleven
Potatoe skinned faggot confirmed
No really how the fuck being jewish's cattle would improve something?
>your language
It's british language you annoying degeneracy exporting mutt. Go listen to hip hop.
Read that a while ago, sad. Doesn't mean we should all be a multiculti melting pot or quilt, though. If anything, it shows the danger of one group or another being a minority.
i like mexico
i think mexico is nice and full of nice people
and as a french-canadian, i am a fellow latino.
hello latino brothers. what do you think about my country?
i hope everything is doing well down there
signed, your best friend canada.
ps. do not tell usa that we said you are our best friend. they get jealous and are reminded they are closer with israel now than the great country of Canada.
Oink Oink. Porque nos dos, vamos! El escribir muy tambien!
>catholic states are redpilled,and not jewish cattle.
Vamos vamos el ovano! Vamos vamos mi pork!
Funny how you write these memes in english
Canada is cool but i find really strange how the US treats you you know both are mostly anglos.
I guess the snake ate the eagle.
How do we treat the leafs that's strange to you?
Kek that's superold.jpg
Good work colombian bro
How are you doing venecobro?
fine, how are the cartels?
Viva La Raza pinches gringos
Holy shit why is there so many spics? I honest to god despise you subhumans. My state is over run with you shitskins and seeing you mutts every day makes me want to fucking kill myself. It’s so fucking soul crush seeing you hideous mongrel spics pour over into a country you don’t belong to. How do you vile mongrels even live with yourself? This country is fucking pathetic. Once this place was nice and beutiful now over run with non white mexishitsmingrels. It truly does make me suicidal as fuck seeing you mongrels over here.
>be fourth generation (mostly) spic
>family is completely Americanized, little to no Spanish spoken
>also live in Texas
>Spanish isn't very good
>unable to fully identify with Mexican culture
>all the Mexican kids saw me as a white kid somehow because I wasn't burnt brown
>"Pat Benatar? What the fuck is this white people shit you listen to, man?"
I'm thinking of moving to Minnesota where my dad's side of the family lived when they came from France and before they left for Texas. I love the cold and some family is still up there.
We want to have a laugh with you. Otherwise we would be at hispachan
basado y rojopilado
>tfw when you're too kind to let the gringos die of their own diseases
On the many things gringos don't speak about when they bitch about mexico
Mexico is literally a country filled with 56%'s
>moving to Minnesota
Holy fuck are you spics never happy? Even when we let you mongrels over run a state it’s not good enough for you mutts. Why do you shitskins feel the need to destroy everything beautiful?
I hear Mexico is pretty based in terms of white superiority. Maybe Mexico should be the ethnostate?
What hurts the most is that the only people holding us back from fixing this is other white people.
They keep shipping out the short dark skinned natives by the millions, leaving behind the intelligent, tall, fair skinned people. We all know they aren't sending their best, they are sending their worst.
>fourth generation
>calling him a spic
He's by all definitions American, unless you still think you're some sort mongrel yuropoor
>Be USA have poor people and limited jobs
>give them gibs
>Be Mexico have enough poor people to do jobs tell the rest to bugger off
>They go to USA to do below minimum wage jobs
Right so you are calling, Rape, Murder, Drug dealing, jobs? Because illegal immigrants are involved in all of these things in the USA.,
Spics ain’t half bad , least they fucken work and hate nigs just as much as we do
amerindians will reclaim this entire continent. go back to europe if you dont like it.
The Reconquista is soon mis amigos.
America is rightful Spanish clay.
>have a demand, and supply
>need labor
>only illegals to crime, yo
You're American first faggot or a filthy Chicano
Can confirm, the wife (another illegal) of a cousin that went over was forking fake papers as a job and got caught now my cousin lives alone with his 2 daugthers but he got to stay thanks to the kids
Nice white color ID
How can you mexishits even identify as american when not very long ago we would have hung you niggers for being here?
America is a Continent mate
>angry mongrel shitskin doesnt like the truth that nobody likes the sight of him
Friendly reminder that the True Mexico goes from Utah to Costa Rica and very soon we will retake what ours
The nahua prophecies are only ones that come true, its inevitable
The pope drawing a line across a deserted wasteland doesn't mean shit.
Yes and? What retarded logic.
kek gringos wont do anything ever. all you do is cry and clench your fists while we take over your country. sad.
Not an argument.
Si Hombre, the Gringo cannot stand up to might of the conquistadors.
Can you stop making threads about your stupid garbage country and culture?
No one cares about you, fucking apes.
God why didnt we genocide you like the Anglos did with their natives.
Im apologize in behalf of my ancestors, US bros.
You are traitors to Spain. We will keep working to restore the empire while those of you in Europe are too weak to claim back the crown.
One day the sun will shine upon our glorious empire and you will regret siding with the enemy.
why do you apologize in behalf of moroccan arabs? its not their fault
Faggot lisp boy
proof please it my recollection that Mexicans where treated fairly till the 1934's where a new immigration act prevented them from becoming citizens, which was lifted in the 60's and were giving citizenship to all those field workers.
>wanting guac niggers, and central shits.
Having the Yucatan was enough.
>Moros en la costa
Checked and keked.
>proof please it my recollection that Mexicans where treated fairly till the 1934's
That might had been due WWII since the US needed to be in good terms with Mexico for resources. Literally the eternal anglo meme
You never fail to amuse me.
Everytime someone reminds you youre just a dirty ape we taught how to speak (and 500 years later still cant do it properly) you go insane with the replies.
Now go wild on this post too, but remember you will always be brown, low IQ and owe your life to us.
Would have been less cruel to simply genocide you to be honest.
Talk about mongrels in denial
I'm sorry for you brother, your mind has been corrupted by the devil. You are too far lost.
I hope all the and shit cancer people die