Well Jow Forums?

Well Jow Forums?

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Its either a wall or child prisons. You decide

Turns out they got sand volleyball courts and Zumba classes... google it fuck nut!

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His opinion means nothing to me.

What if I support it because they're brown?

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why cant we have both?

I don't even know who this cuck is... so why should I care?


He looks like a 50 year old lesbian

I cant wait for Islam to kill these faggots

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I support incinerating them. Am I still an asshole?

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Party at Leary’s house. Everyone is invited.

is this like eminem where a former politically incorrect dick is now a bleeding heart lib for no reason at all?

>Dude how can borders be real if our country isn't real lmfao
Always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jimbo.

*crosses the invisible line outside his house past the invisible line outside his wife's vagina*
*crosses the invisible line outside all his things and then walks out to my car and drives away*


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Was Denis Learey always a liberal. I always thought he would be a libertarian or something.

Leary is obviously toeing the libtard party line because he still wants to keep cranking out shows.

He was based before being based was a thing back in the day.

>breaks your window

no sovereign citizens here pls

>implying we can't have a wall of prisons

>lmao, nothing matters, everything is arbitrary brah

or we could just shoot them all

always an option

that's right tho

Why not a prison planet?

Well then I guess they won't mind if I cross an imaginary line into their artificial bank account and take all their make believe money.

yes he does!!!!

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not the same thing.

He literally has a song about celebrating himself as an asshole. I think it made it on the billboard charts as well.

So nice to live in that reality where we are united with billionaire's accounts and we don't need borders, nor work, we print money for our tribe and everything is open to us. I mean i am just jealous because i didn't make it, right Hollywood? I am jealous Weinstein didn't rape me for me to get the role, i am jealous i can't keep a relationship, because what the hell, let goyim create order while we fuck trannies and children, let goyim raise everything, while we exploit everything. Nothing matters, but hey lets live where high security and lawyer laws matter, just not for goyim. Somebody has to harvest the fruit of Mexican illegal cleaners employed by HollyJew.

If you support putting children into adult prisons with people who merely claim to be their parents then you are a naive fucking retard.

>expecting people with no principles to understand principles

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if it's just a floating rock, they're just a sack of flesh

Fake news.

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It's 100% the same thing. The reason you keep unknown people off your property is the same reason you keep unknown people out of your country. You don't know their intentions, and you shouldn't risk yourself or others on the assumption that they're decent humans.

Let all 150 million people in? Put them all on social services? Where they going to work? Are you fucking retarded?

I thought they were splitting the kids because they shouldn't be in a real detention center mixed with all kind of criminals.

>imaginary line
Let's invade Mexico, then.

thanks for wasting 25 seconds of my time

>he didn't watch the last 5 seconds
Literally the best part

>Caring if one person sticks its fleshy bit in another person's fleshy bit without first hearing the guttural screech that signifies that its chemical wiring accepts the proposal on a giant rock floating in infinite space.
Rape isn't real, I guess.

i watched the first 5 seconds which were not a waste of my time

I hate Americans

Why not just build the wall out of documentation checkpoints

[spoiler]massive taxes for illegals until they become legal *hand rubbing*[/spoiler]

time to invade mexico.

Blown the fuck out.

fuckin tojo

why don't you just ransack it?

That border is some of those kids last chance to not to be sold into a lifetime of sexual slavery.

Resisting the president is treason though, isn’t it? Occupy democrats told me that it was. Supporting your president and hoping he succeeds is patriotism

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And we should care why?

Borders are no more imaginary than any law humans devised. Why not just get rid of law all together? It’s not like laws have formed the basis of society. Let’s take a look at murder. Murder isn’t killing another human. That’s homicide. Murder is the unlawful and intentional killing of another human. The necessary elements for murder are just as imaginary as a border yet we rely on those elements to determine culpability. Yes borders are imaginary. Murder is a legal theory just like borders. Advocating to abolish one you don’t like means you give up on the principles of all other rules of law. Abandoning one law you don’t like leads to anarchy.

Listen to the faggot that does Ford commercials... kek

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In the first place, Denis Leary is an asshole. In the second place, they crossed that line with their parents who knew it was illegal, or by themselves when they should have known better. In the third place, I just don't fucking care. There are far worse things than cages, and I am sick of them invading my space.

So, you're saying we should kill them?

Of course not. Send them to someplace where people speak Spanish and let them figure it out.

>borders are imaginary
So are morals ;^)

if you support dragging children over an imaginary line and through a desert with only a 6L bottle of water to make a several-dozen mile and multiple day journey, you're not a humanitarian, you're a fucking human trafficker.

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Just because you are a large clump of cells that is sending electric signals to certain clusters of said cells, in order to move them in a way that alters the pitch and volume of sound waves, doesn't mean I should listen to you.

He's back on coke and taking a big cock up his ass. Is denis Leary dying of AIDS?

You can make the exact same argument regarding what they do with a burglar breaking into your home.

>haha, I'm so clever, everything is made up, nothing really matters
>but that smelly resource consuming pile of matter is a PERSON DAMMIT!!!

Did he rip that off from Bill Hicks as well?

if you think abandoning the clay you were born on and invading someone else's clay is okay because a human trafficker PROMISED you that the guy who lives over there will give you free shit if you come on over, then you're probably an asshole but not nearly as much of an asshole as that guy with the huge nose and the grabbling hands who is promising to give you someone else's shit for free if you pay him.

I don't know let's call it a hunch.

His fireman stuff is the shit. Other than that, he's a wreck.

Go set up a tent on his lawn, use his bathroom and kitchen.

When he calls the police say that you accepted his verbal contract. And he has no right of eviction.

When he loses in court make him admit hes an asshole.

Oh man, there really is no cure for cancer.

if you don't let poor refugee Ahmed fuck "your" wife (as if she's actually your slave and doesn't have choice), you're not a patriot, you're just an asshole.

Isn't he famous for singing a song bragging about being an asshole? I therefore assume he means it in a good way.

chop the border into little pieces and put a private contractor in charge of each segment
starting pay is 20 million each and for every human being that crosses it 100k are deduced.

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Why are you upset that a clump of cells got moved to a domain of walls?

It works like this. The children I care about, on a scale:
1. Mine and my family's
2. My countrymen's
3. White
4. Everbody not in those groups can go fuck themselves, they have their own parents to worry about them

How is the line imaginary? They are borders that have been created by countries and their existence and placement is agreed upon by other countries.
Why are leftists so mentally feeble?

He's also famous for stealing jokes and entire acts.

Borders are not imaginary from a legal standpoint. /thread.

>it all doesn’t matter because we’re irrelevant
I hate liberals and their defeatist personality. They don’t have dreams of grandeur, a vision of man ruling the stars, they rather focus on gay shit.
That doesn’t mean cuckservatives are any better.
In a completely perfect universe, both those faggot groups would be nonexistent and the only people left are communist, Nazis, fascists, monarchists, and libertarians

>good goy

>why don't you just ransack it?

What's the point?

it's pretty well ransacked, isn't it?

I am finding if where or when Leary said this but I am not really looking that heard
I want remember MTV-era Denis Leary :(

the people with those edgy statements have never considered any other explanation for whatever is being done

for example - the children may not be the children of the adults they're separated from, they may be witnesses to crimes convicted by the traffickers, and witnesses end up getting silenced if they're not kept safe

Fuck off you dirty dog of a Turk!

Ah, it's the classic liberal:
>we're all just on a small pebble in infinite space bro
>nothing really matters bro
>just let this black man fuck your wife bro
It's just one of the many reasons why these people lack morals.
They themselves don't even think their lives are important, nor are the lives of other people.
I wouldn't listen to the opinions of people like that.

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Fuck that joke thief, Leary has no clout in my mind.

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HA! got em. Libtards trolled awesomestyle

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Kevin Bacon is such an asshole. #Footloser

did you think this guy would respect me coming into his home and fucking his wife ?
I think so thats why imma do it.

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What I support, dear Roach, is them staying in their own fucking countries unless they ask for permission to cross my fucking border.

The real reason kids are separated is for their own protection. You can't put kids in a jail with adults. Would everyone be okay with them getting raped or beaten? And it's the parents that are being punished not the kids.
>JFC how stupid can people be?


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