He is next. Soon. Very soon

Will you miss him?

Attached: John McCain-DEAD_Bill Clinton-NEXT.jpg (1626x726, 99K)


Checked, but Ruth bader Ginsberg dies first

they always wait until theyre about 70 or 80 to off them. That way it looks like natural causes

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>they always wait until theyre about 70 or 80 to off them. That way it looks like natural causes
fucking leaf, LMAO

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The day Bill dies America will breathe a sigh of relief.

You know, McShame was put to death for treason in us court of law?!!! Why do you think her daughter chimped out on trump as well as others, because they are going to be gitmoed or executed without public knowledge. This is the fight human traffickers pedos and treasonous govt officials are facing. We are winning and willclean the house of filth that has been running the govt for sooo many decades! God bless Trump and all oath keepers! Pence, I don’t trust him, still. Something not right from the beginning. It was friends of his that I question. I hope I’m wrong.

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Did all of Canada just find out about koth?

If it is this specific image and this specific filename then it is all me. I applaud your diligence.

I'd trade bill Clinton for soros though....

Guys, bill looks pretty Ill
>I miss Ill bill posting

>Guys, bill looks pretty Ill
he has 23 days left

Hillary has 4 months left.

I don't think I could handle all the "sympathy" for Hillary. I'm going to put some chicken wire fencing in front of my TV now while I can. I bet a shekel that they have "polls" about Hillary running in 2020 after he dies with the "sympathy bump".

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LOL, reads like a novel....

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Bill was more decomposed than McCain, Bill should've been first.

He's got one of these inside of his head keeping him "alive" as it eats his brain.

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He eats pituitary breakfast every day.

after his and kissingers posthumous trials i will miss them
do you really think someone would do that? just go to the DNC and run hilldawg again?

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Bill is harmless but great for memes. He'll be fine.

Checked. Make it so.

He's still got many years to live.

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