Rational Sexual Preference:

First, let's clear one thing up: humans don't have (((instincts))), only reflexes.

That is, one's disposition towards sexuality
is entirely rational- from imitation to a fully thought out sexual philosophy- with most people being a compromise
between these 2 extremes. If you shirk the notion that you choose your sexual philosophy, then you're doomed to living a sexual philosophy that you believe you can't change- when you can.

Given that Jow Forums skews towards both asociality and high intelligence, Jow Forums is predisposed to thinking in lieu of imitation. And given society's cost/benefit of marriage and family, Jow Forums's sexual philosophy skews towards traps- traps offer a comparable sexual experience to that of women, without the detriment of children or the female temperament.

You are a man, be rational.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>people dont have instincts
>Homosexuality is rational, goy
Leave my country motherfucker

>My country
I'm here to stay. Deal with it, bucko!

I hate my country. Where is my controlled opposition. Canada doesn't even have a controlled far right, the nationalist party has 10 members. what am I to do?

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Hehe, I missed you

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>where is mommy to save me
Right wingers are pathetic.

>Jow Forums skews towards high intelligence
Comedy old

Missed you too!
Mods been giving me hard time, so I've been on /b/.

Nice thighs btw, would love if riding me.

You are right. I will kill the prime minister. Thanks fellow civilian!

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Where is the line between wanting a trap and being a trap? The more I see them, the more I want to be them...

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>Where is the line between wanting a trap and being a trap?
While both roles are rational, which role only depends on who is in charge. IMO the stronger one gets his way, and the other fulfills her trap role. That's how I see it, anyways.

whether you're a top/bottom, exactly.

Please rake yourself

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traps are a meme. theres just really stupid people along with Satanic minded people who constantly socially engineer youth

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The future is bright. Traps, and those open (not bigotted) to them, are increasing in number. We are becoming the new normal.

Pic related is Sneaky, a gaming trap. Trap is going mainstream!

Attached: sneaky.jpg (194x259, 9K)

Well I'm kind of a manlet. I'm only 5'7"
But I don't really wanna be a girl ya know...

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I believe you 100%

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>The more I see, the more I want to be a trap
>I don't want to be a girl

It's not about being a girl, only about acting & dressing as the submissive PARTNER.

Traps are the future of relationships, as they evolve from child-rearing, to life-affirming.

>Jow Forums's sexual philosophy skews towards traps
I think you misspelt /b/ here. Fuck off.

Haha, well I guess I could do that! Thanks friendo!

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>choose your sexual philosophy
>be rational
>be a faggot
>get aids
haha kys

Sage and report this thread.

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Be passable, be slutty. Simple.

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All merely toys in my ultimate agenda to take over Canada by subverting Greek-Roman homosexual warrior culture for a very relevant contemporary Nazi Trap revolution to take over the Canadian Government

The system is mine !


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Classiness, imo, is missing from traps these days. Glad to see there are some traps who maintain themselves well. A guy does not want to a bring a trashy trap to see his parents, just as he would not bring a slut.

>humans don't have instincts
Stopped reading there.

>All merely toys in my ultimate agenda to take over Canada by subverting Greek-Roman homosexual warrior culture for a very relevant contemporary Nazi Trap revolution to take over the Canadian Government
You don't have to subvert me, I see the light.
There are other leafs though, that you must convert.

Hehe, that sounds wonderful! I'm a NatSoc trap, I'd love to help you, sir! Let's purge the non-Whites together while I wear the prettiest panties

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>NatSoc trap

It's amazing to me how fast the NPC threads get deleted, but trap threads never do

Don't be silly, we don't even know each other!

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Theres alot of people in society you know

>Don't be silly, we don't even know each other!

I'd like to know you intimately.
I'd like to know what you feel inside.
I'd like to put it there.

This is why mods have been giving him a hard time.
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"humans don't have instincts"/type/op/

you gotaa be real cute, no man-ginas, tomorrows nazi trap society will consist of feminine looking males who will be bottoms of tomorrows Canadian homosexual warrior army

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That's because traps are the ultimate PC. I always play as a girl and there's nothing more PC than choosing your destiny as a girl

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>NPC theory
You're focussing on the wrong issue. NPCs are Inner Monologers.
The issue is Inner Monologers vs Inner Simulators. The InMos are attempting to pass the Turing Test by imitating InSims.

InMos can only pass the Turing Test when tested by a fellow InMo. Us InSims can pick them out easily.

>humans don't have instincts
Well, that was a short read.

Hehe, well I have my R-PAL and I'm just working on my SVT-40 while I browse Jow Forums
I'd love to be in your counter-revolutionary army, sir :3

>Mods can't handle the truth.

Nothing to see here.
Mods are probably Inner Monologers.

this really depends on your viewpoint. Even in videogames i end up wanting to bang the PC

If instincts are not a thing then explain latent phobias like arachnophobia.
(((random word)))

Coz youve seen this , its a trend sometimes you see in videogames, they have females that kinda look like males, and feminine males, but i really rather be the giver instead of the reciever in any event

Mmmm, I'd like that too
You have discord?
Alandic Separatist#4391

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>NPCs are Inner Monologers.

Another NPC spotted. I seriously hope you get removed on patch 2.2.1.

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>latent phobias
Senses (nose, most of the time) create chemicals that trigger fear emotion.

Is that even in mein kampf? I can't find it

>Canada will be nuked in your lifetime.

Really? Do you mean it?

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>patch 2.2.1
>not patch v1.4.8.8
Are you alright Aristos?

No. I do has email though.
[email protected]

im not even surprised or angry

>humans don't have (((instincts))),

Nice pseudo-science breh.

>an InMo who does not understand that InSims exist.

It's a backwards-compatibility thing. We InSims recognize you, but you can't recognize us.

I was supposed to respond to I found it but it's in chapter 2

Save for Canadaian traps.

And where do those senses come from?

I can't wait for the nuking of Canada! I'm prepared, daddy! I'm out of the blast zone and have almost 1000 Bic lighters, with plenty of cheap alcohol and smokes for trade!

And most of the time people don't go around sniffing large spiders, they have an instinct to recoil from them at the mere sight of them.

Ass or liquor. Tough choice.

>And where do those senses come from?
Instincts are not biological reactions. Those are reflexes.

Can't it be both?

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So it will be.

Reflexes are born out of instincts, they are entirely biological. If not for instincts we would be long extinct by now.

You seem powerful and cryptic

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Sent, baby

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>"critical thinking"
piss off
thanks to listening to my instinc and my primal animal in me i can still look at myself in the mirror without any remorse nor guilth

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Come get it leaf trap.

I want it, daddy

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delet this, i'm doing nofap
you fuckers will never succeed if you keep wanking to sexy girl pixels

Is this /soc/ now? GTFO you two

Well there you go.

I want to go alright
Go right down on my knees and take your cock for the ethnostate

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Nice. I'm in bed, I'll checkWho are these semen daemons you're posting?

Just a bunch of pretty girls (bois)

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Haha hi gypsie boi

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I want to kms. To chasers passable traps and cockbois are literal crack. Women don't make me this horny irl as these mentally ill homos do on chaturbate.

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