How come if North and South Europe are so genetically/phenotypically different, why does art from centuries ago depict both populations very similarly? Like pic related of England and Spain, I can't tell which is which.
How come if North and South Europe are so genetically/phenotypically different...
global warming after the industrial age started made the south europeans more tanned
England is only "northern europe" in geography.
Most of their population is same old celtic/latin stock of Spain.
i need spanish strawberries 24/7. what do you mean its turning the state into a desert?
Have you forgotten two other fucking regions of Europe; Central and Eastern?
It’s not a plain North-South divide yknow..
South Europeans are NPCs
False, only northern Spaniards are genetically similar to Brits. Rest aren’t.
The aristocracy are all inbred but also white and also.married with the aristocracy of other nations. For example with the English and Spanish, the Spanish aristocracy are part English, the English aristocracy are part Spanish, all are white, and they're all cousins. But the Spanish aristocracy rule over a bunch of barely white people, whereas the English arostocracy (used to) rule over purely white people. It's the peasantry that one should concern themselves with.
because Rome allowed all of us southern christians to get royally fucked by the turks for 6 centuries. /thread
I can recognize my fellow countrymen on the left. But it was due to the attire.
Shill thread
sage goes in all fields
Drop a redpill before you go
because the nobles were all intermarried
because pale faggots were always on top while the brown retarded peasants in Italy and Spain were busy committing crimes
>committing crimes
that's because of the goth genes
if by goth you mean black I agree
no i mean germanic people's genes
Good joke you filthy guinea wop pizza nigger
Left is england, right is Spain.
Its cos Conquistadors fucked all native woman, and created the new race and in the north they were all killed
Wrong, left one has a Santiago cross
Mestizo are much browner than that baby
nah. celtic and latin are distinct. you can pretty easily tell italians/spanish from anglos, and you can tell germany from both. germans usually have deep-set eyes, square heads, straight hair, and are brawny. anglos/celts have fucked up teeth but are usually tall and often have blackish hair. latins have darker skin, especially their hands and forearms, and darker eyebrows. they are usually skinnier but more athletic than the previous two. they also have darker and more facial and arm hair.
Right side is hispanic.
Look people were difrent back then but we werent that into race as most people died before reaching 35, people seeked peace but most men even the young peasents loved to go to war. The vikings did in with Constantinople , the Hispanics did it in italy/North africa etc.. for money, respect and woman
Im pretty sure our empires proof its the other way around. All you guys are good for is working.
>as most people died before reaching 35
entirely false. we are living in a period in which human beings are the least healthy they have ever been. historical life expectancy statistics are manipulated. the reason avg age of death was lower is because of infant mortality
>How come if North and South Europe
I read North and South America
In that case its because Spain has always been similar to any european country, in fact basques are now one of the most pure european races, also the goth invasion that maked us even whiter. All the greasy brown meme its bong propaganda
finfag forgot to read bello gallico
Because painters tend to paint people similar to what they are used to. See japs/chinks painting westerners with eastern faces
This is a picture of Spanish elites, not common scum. Just look at their royal family.
My bad didnt see santiago...
I guess the spaniards brought theyre mix british to the meeting and so did the Bits.
Aren't Anglos just Germanic tribes that went to England?
I do know of many portuguese that lived up to the age 70 and still managed garrisons all over the world.
But surely you cant claim that people live less now, we dont have the plague have a much less death rate even in adults.
no. british & irish are more closely related than anglo-german. where the fuck did they get red hair and freckles?
>inb4 burger saying b-b-but THEY’RE FRENCH, CHECKMATE CARLOS
you probably think napoleon was french too
They powdered their faces and the rulers of Spain during that era were from the northern provinces
Had to google it. Based Caesar btfo germanic npcs.
i don’t know if they live less, but they are a lot less healthy and happy
uneducated. learn latin and start reading. if you’re from iberia and you don’t know what bello gallico is you have a lot of work ahead of you
I want her to royally order my execution
I agree with happy part, the healthy is hard to accept since we lead a much difrent life, are people put of shape and that affects theyre health? Sure but we also use our brain much more then we used to.
A new era has arrived for mankind?
Because despite Jow Forums memes Spaniards are white
I humbly accept your fair criticism, and i will read it today.
I dedicated most of my life reading my nation history and know very little of Iberian untill Tarik invaded, only basic stuff like the tribes, and even that just the that lived in Castros that exist in my city.
eww, they're starting getting ugly
Never understood how the Castilian allowed both hasburg dinasty and later in Napoleon times the Bourbon again.
White people by our standarts dont need to be blue eyed or blond and we honestly dont give a shit what others think .
But im not going to learn latin, dont have the will for it even tho i agree is basic tool to study Iberian history.
Go sniff some cocaine Pedro.
Varies widely depending on the region.
Most of the western parts of England (both North and South) are mostly Celtic. More Germanic imprint in the East.