"With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling."

Attached: lisa-page.jpg (618x410, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck the sHill
OP didn't even bother making an archive

and yet, every time they try to investigate hillary, they fucking DIE, in suspicious and mysterious ways.

>some of the most awesome


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But it was useful for getting dirt against Trump asociates to use as personal attacks to "kill" them.

goddamn I want that mouse-faced bitch so bad.

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Just a coincidence

>Just a (((coincidence)))

Seek help user

shareblue mad. shareblue yell. more shekels david brock.

How the fuck is this not blowing up all over Jow Forums? This is a massive story that questions why a special counsel was ever needed to be appointed.

There's a decent amount of shill distraction tonight

The truly hilarious part of the entire charade is everyone accepts this “they were having an affair” shit. 50,000 texts and not ONE “Oh, thanks for the BJ.”

I mean, think about it. The whole reason people engage in affairs is because they already have at lest ONE loveless relationship.

The can't prove it NOW.

only shill threads get shill replies

At this point there is no one who believes anything other than Mueller is a Deep State plant. The entire thing is a Deep State op. Hell, even the libtards know this and are laughing up their sleeves.

Because Jow Forums always knew. That the thing was a hit job was obvious from the beggining. If there was actual evidence for the investigation it would have been all over the liberal media long ago, ergo there is none.

That's what happens when the Trump administration get their hands on good FBI agents. They torture and blackmail them in order to "turn" them into loyal servants. Typical of a dictatorship.


deep state on suicide watch

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Well only a small percentage have been released. Maybe repubs are keeping them secret because dems would turn it into a slut shaming protect the womyn smear.

I didn't watch his congressional testimony but the gifs that came out of it clearly revealed him as a faggot. it infuriates me to no end that people will believe anything stated by the media without a modicum of skepticism.

Only braindead progs do.

he also struck me as a decadent.

a really sophisticated man.

a man of aristocratic tastes.

a refined man.

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fuck me lets find out

Don’t you know? It doesn’t matter what evidence exonerates Trump, the media will bury it and the sheep wouldn’t believe it anyhow. We live in some sort of bizarro world right now and desu it worries me. Imagine the reaction we will see when mueller shuts up shop and GEOTUS is cleared. They’ll say mueller is a Russian or trump had his Russian buddies threaten him, or some horse shit like that. Either way, im ready for this nightmare to end

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So when is Hilldawg getting put against the wall?

here I come Huma

um, can I pick whichever sine I got trips? Please?

>no comments section
All media kikes must die

page it is

you saw the rules. you're lucky. page is hotter.

no God damn it, I want some kebab

I need pics of her butthole for science

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>Meanwhile back at the Hall of Justice!

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are you on crack? page is a disgusting pig

What evidence is there that Page and Strozk were fucking?

If they never had a relationship, then these texts are conspiracy to overthrow the US government.

I think the Mueller probe is a political hit job as much as anyone, but this isn't really news. The deep state has freely admitted that they had no evidence of Trump Russia collusion when Trump took office. This video is from May 2017.

They will just argue that Mueller has since discovered evidence in defense of the probe.

i hope you're not my son

more of a gerbil face, no?

nice boomer meme lmao

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yeah, a bit. I don't care what you faggots say, Page is hot af and she could become /ourgirlontheinside/ with a proper dicking from a true alpha.

Attached: 1536153594281.jpg (674x867, 593K)

Check meme flag.


that proves a lot

>this is a massive story
Because there have been 1000 massive stories but no arrests.

It gets really tiresome knowing that none of them will ever face justice for any crimes.

If I had known that the Trump presidency would just be about covering up Obama era crimes, I would've voted for Hillary for acceleration purposes.

The Trump presidency has been a fucking shitshow

>everyone accepts that they were having an affair
Or some people are good at not focusing on the unimportant things.

Does an affair or lack of an affair actually change anything? No.

Either they used "affair" as an excuse early on as to why they were texting, and they stuck with it because it looks bad to admit you lied about it OR the DOJ was being nice in not releasing texts that would only serve to humiliate people (including Strzok's wife). At this point it's irrelevant

Never. The deepstate succeeded in preventing justice.

With all the FISAs and other warrants by Mueller, they have enough blackmail material to force even loyal GOP to obstruct Trump.

As soon as Jeff Sessions became AG, the cover-up was guaranteed.

>if they never had a relations ship it's conspiracy!
They engaged in illegal behavior regardless. The affair or lack of affair means nothing now

Shut your whore defeatist mouth, he got two SCOTUS justices and tax cuts. Quitters can join their brothers back in Canada or any other crownstate

nothing ever happens. there is so much evidence now that the whole investigation is a farse, not too mention their biggest lead is looking into pornstars that Trump fucked. Mueller is a kike controlled faggot, but even when it all fades away, liberals still wont ever realize theyve been played. They completely lack critical thinking skills and self-awareness.

They didnt fuck. Page is on our side, she was a DOJ plant to take out deep state assets such as Strzok, McCabe and Baker. Amazing that people dont get this yet.

>he got 2 scotus picks and tax cuts!
Neither of which is an accomplishment for Trump, and both are things we would've gotten with Jeb!

Trump hasn't done a fucking thing as president except cuck to the deepstate and democrats, and whine on Twitter.

Absolutely shitty fucking president who can't accomplish anything

When do all these shits go to prison?

Munson yourself

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Jeb was unironically one of the most ideal presidential candidates, though still Trump being better.

And by "cuck," you mean fight a one man war against the half the country and the entirety of elites and their propo machine and come out on top? Hes a champ and redpilling millions.

Like I said, time to go back to being a subject to the crown. Plenty of weak willed, valueless insectoids who all subscribed to a sadistic, why-bother attitude

This is different than any other news because it's coming from the deep state itself. Before it was just conjecture that they didn't have any evidence, and shills would argue "you can't know that for sure, there could be mounds of evidence they haven't made public yet".

This is a direct admission of it from someone who no one can discredit as pro-Trump.

All they can claim in response is that she wasn't talking about Russian collusion or that Lisa Page wasn't involved at all in the investigation, but this is really closing in on them.

Never unless Trump dumps all of it out for everyone to see before the mid terms and actual arrests occur. If the House flips, the deep state wins and consolidates total control probably forever after. Everything is riding on that and it doesn't look good right now.

No fucking way. The "affair" was a flimsy cover for burners and a shitton of communication. It would only hold up until the texts came out.

Besides, Strozk is a faggot.

It's not over, it's just a much tougher fight. It may even help us in 2020 though, you need to think long-term. Trump has already done a lot of long-term good by forcing our enemies to show their colors and triggering a historical political realignment.
>Everything is riding on that and it doesn't look good right now.
Have faith

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This needs to be blowing up on normie news feeds.

Jeb would have signed the TPP into law and deported even more jobs, you knuckledragging faggot.

>when they go to prison?

Trump honestly doesn't give a fuck about justice or law & Order.

Trump doesn't like that he was targeted, but he truly, honestly does not give one flying fuck about fixing our unfair justice system.

He just doesn't care. So there will never be any arrests. If he wanted arrests then Sessions wouldn't be the AG

Is Huma actually evil or is she just a well trained MB agent?

[email protected]

>what is NK, china getting btfo in trade, Canada getting btfo, tax breaks for everyone, all time high gdp, friendship with every non faggot country solidified, soon to be 3 Scotus picks, the intelligence community being btfo left and right, shitlibs embracing bush 43, the resurgence of right wing populism, dead island niggers, the list goes on

>distraction tonight

Hey, Airman. How's Guam?

Why the hell would Lisa Page have a glamor shot?

lets see

>it may help us in 2020
Trump will not win in 2020 if dems take the house in a couple months.

Trump failed to pass his agenda with GOP controlling everything. If dems take the house, there will be ZERO congressional victories that matter.

When 2020 rolls around, TRUMP voters will compare what they THOUGHT Trump would do with what he ACTUALLY did, and many of us will stay home.

I voted for Trump to come in and make shit happen. I voted for him to do the things that no other president would do. Instead we got a massive faggot cuck.

WHY would I vote for Trump with no wall?

WHY the fuck would I vote for Trump with all the deepstate criminals walking around freely?

Fuck Trump. He betrayed us. The only way I'm voting in 2020 is if Trump is not the candidate

prob just a photoshopped FBI offical photo

watch as I dodge Huma's nasty feet


damnit wanted me some lisa.

Are you saying you don't believe the six million Intel agencies got? Oy Vey you are a hate group.

>NPC spacing

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There needs to be a law that blackpilled wignats are indistinguishable from shills. We'll call it Ricky's Law, after the Martyr himself (PBUH)

Attached: BlackPill.png (1150x768, 147K)

Press L to laugh at Demcucks and libturds and S to spit on them

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>what is stuff that didn't happen.

Nothing has fucking happened with NK you braindead retard. Having some people shake hands doesn't fix anything.

It will be years before we find out if anything was accomplished

>Canada BTFO
Another thing that hasn't happened yet

>tax cuts for everyone
Small tax cuts that largely get phased out for middle and low income earners.
Also, every Republican passes small tax cuts, which only offset the previous tax raises by democrats.

Tax cuts are literally the only thing the GOP ever "accomplishes"

Trump still hasn't done a fucking thing as president, and it will hand the House to democrats in 2018, and the Whitehouse in 2020

my cashews are captivated

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>scotus picks
That is not am accomplishment.
Supreme court retires or dies, and the president picks a new one. Not an accomplishment, it is a function of government done by any President.

>the intelligence community BTFO
Another thing that never happened. Zero arrests and they still fuck with Trump daily

>shitlibs embracing Bush
How is that an accomplishment?

>right wing populism
You mean the same right wing populism that brought us Trump who refuses to do a fucking thing for this country? Refuses to do the things he campaigned on?

Trump's lists of failures goes on and on

>cnn level psychological projecting
get the fuck outta here Blitzer


Lmao at retarded faggots dismissing potus and Kim having the summit when for 6 months they were claiming Kim was going to make the sky cone down. Way to prove my point, the fact that NK hasn't had anything happen is exactly what I'm talking about. Sidebar faggot, do you even know what happened inSK in 2016?

How many jews died in the holocaust


Anyone remember when someone claimed "my almonds are activating" was a phrase for White Supremacy?

In what fucking universe does losing the house, and failing to do what he was elected to do = good thing for 2020?

The first 2 years of Trump's presidency were the most important, because they determine everything else.

Trump accomplishes shit in first 2 years = GOP maintains control = Trump can do shit with his 2nd 2 years = Trump can win re-election in 2020

Trump fucks up in first 2 years = Dems take the house = Trump doesn't get anything done in last 2 years of term = no re-election.

Literally the first 2 years determined how the next 2 (or 6) goes, and Trump pissed away his first 2 years.

>they said Kim would ran down nukes
Only absolute retards thought that, so no, you are wrong.

>but we didn't get nuked!
Is that how low you have to search for an accomplishment?

LITERALLY "we didn't get nuked"

More than the number of deepstate criminals arrested, and much less than 6 gorillion

No. Hes not as bloodthirsty as /pol

Imagine being this much of a faggot. No moron, it's not about nukes it's about the lying msm drumming up hysteria and then the first meeting ever between a us head of state and a NK leader. Again, retard, do you even know what happened in sk in 2016, what monumental event occurred?

B-but muh 6 gazillion sealed indictments

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This, to make a senior FBI counter intelligence make him lose his shit and commit treason must be awesome in the sack

Guys, stop responding to brain dead shills. I mean, jesus christ, the reddit spacing alone should have alerted you.

I can smell your fear. It's salty.

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>MSM drumming up hysteria
True, followed by
>republicans pretending that NK is now officially 100% dealt with and we know they will never have nukes and everything is great and it's always going to be great because we fixed all of it
The right was just as dishonest as the left. Do you understand that? Claiming that all these things were actually accomplished is just as much of a lie as all the shit the MSM was spewing