Why were people so happy in the 90's?

Why were people so happy in the 90's?

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They were not. It is just your nostalgia.

literally just replace all the windows with apple shit and you have a scene from 2018.

Because finally getting access to anime.

Many of them had no clue that the takeover occurred decades ago and their prosperity was nothing more than the result of a carefully planned time table.

More than they are now. I miss the 90s

The cold war was over and the future looked so bright.... So bright and full of promise...

When in truth, the future would be so horrible that they would no longer need eyes to see it

wewlad that is succint, would almost say prescient, but wew thats depressing to ponder

It was before 9/11

the 90s were fucking garbage, you dumb zoomer faggot

because things were objectively better.

>We hadn't yet been drawn until multiple unwinnable wars for the benefit of the kikes
>Internet was new and exciting, technology seemed boundless
>still pretty white
>radical leftists/fags/etc were laughed at and not taken seriously
>Cold War looked like it was over for good

We had nothing to worry about and the future was looking brighter than ever, why wouldn't we be happy?

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Rock and roll was still the most popular music, no niggers, smartphones, 9/11, Iraq, No nigger president, we were being shown our glorious tech future that never came.

the store i worked at never looked like this when windows was released.
only one person showed up

Quake came out

The photo was probably taken last year in the ukraine

They were happy, it wasnt just nostalgia.

No internet

Or barely

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Cause after I'm born

This is 2018
Notice anything?

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Watch seinfeld to understand. Jews hiding in plain sight, totally light hearted concerns and behaviour, indians + arabs didnt exist in the west, even black people were 1/10 background fillers, no concerns of social justice outside meme shit like fur and abortion being jokes, white society a given, not a mirage

because 9/11 hadn't happened yet

There were less niggers on Martin in 1993 than there are in the average Netflix show.

Even without 9/11 you would be still 56%. Your country was doomed with the immigration act of 1965.

They are projecting the future they want to create.

Stfu the adults are speaking

I know your rabbi told you are an adult with the age of 13, but this isn't true.

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we'll get it back one day, anons

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>tfw a song like this, with all it's optomism, could not and would not be made today

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Even the German villains were better in the 90s, before we found how shit you are in real life.

American villains in the year 2018.

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Reverse image search. Hm

Maybe because they where living life before the implosion of information. Yes they had TV, but in the 90s the news where mainly, if not only, talking about local news and never derailed off topic with useless information.. Because of that, they where actually more relaxed and had space for joy and wonder in their head. It was after the 90s that everyone knew everything and nothing. An overload of useless information. Bottom line, selective ignorance is bliss. No one needs to know everything around the globe.

You have to know, and if you don't know then you're an IST.

GB, 1991ish

I graduated in 99. My first post-college job paid decently, and rent for my ginormous three-bedroom apartment was $600. I had no debt and few bills.
Students graduating today have a very different life.

they weren't, the music was shit and life was just a downer as it is today, people only assume they were happier because they took more drink and drugs in the 90's.

No 9/11, no 7/7 means the west wasn't a police state back then. Being a while before the great recession means normal people were able to invest in Microsoft, Apple etc stocks if they were intuitive enough. House prices werent so insane that with some work you could get a good family house within ~10 years. Can't do any of that now. Immigration picked up significantly post millennium, the demographics % change on paper wasn't that drastic until the late 00's, but they began clumping together more, now you see them everytime you go outside...

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No smartphones
No 24/7 cable news
The food was more real than today
Better music

They were ignorant of the schlomoist zogism that eventually got slapped out of them by Sept. 11, 2001.

>no one has mentioned prozac
stop taking your SSRis you chemically lobotomized faggots
you might as well be on hormone replacement therapy.

9/11 didn’t happen - which created a global police state and brought in depraved and sociopathic forms of morality and family upbringing practices.

M-maybe this

> No 24/7 cable news
That's just false. Headline News started in 83, CNN in 80. Fox News started in 96, to the immediate derision of the Simpsons, who also aired on Fox.

I choose to learn things one at a time. Understand them and move on. Never have i tried to jump from ideology to another without first wrapping my head around them. People nowadays talk about Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, etc, without even understanding the basis, or even tried to read an article or, heck, a summary. I never even bother to read the news or learn about politics. As long as i and my family are doing well, i don't bother. That is my way of staying positive most of the time. Learning ephemeral tragedies that happened across the other half of planet earth will never benefit me.

Holy shit that receding hairline.

This. Everyone looks happy in old photos because people actually got excited to take pictures. Besides school photos you were lucky to be in 2-3 pictures a year.

Because they didnt have a clear representation of who was behind all the toys they were selling and now we are slaves of the kikes.

They were happy because they were stupid and selfish. And here we are pagando el pato.

> you were lucky to be in 2-3 pictures a year.
Maybe if you were poor and couldn't afford film or developing. I had tons of photo albums growing up in the 80's and 90's.

No social media or smart phones. People went outside and talked face to face, kids were out playing instead of being in front of screens all day. If you wanted to play multiplayer video games you had to get some friends together and sit next to each other.

A 36 roll of film cost a few dollars to buy and develop, he said 1990's not 1890's.

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No niggers or Jews existed back in those days


Optimism. People were excited fr the future. The internet was new, the new millennium was approaching, music was good, and people were trying to be color blind instead of playing ID politics.

Anyone competent enough to spell their name correctly could make 100k starting, in tech.

You could actively pick the shittiest stock possible and it would moon you to a millionare in a month.

Housing still cost 80's levels(2 yrs US avg salary max). No chinks or browns fucking it up.

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People in the West felt PROUD of their way of life, they enjoyed it. Now, Western people just flagellate themselves and live with the massive burden of white guilt, and they will do ANYTHING for minorities to try and relieve this guilt. This includes allowing an unrestricted amount of immigrants into one's country, and allowing them to destroy the country from the inside.

It is truly tragic what has happened to the West over the last twenty years.

>The food was more real than today
I don't remember taco trucks of peace in the 90s.

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People weren't that much worried about politics or social upheavals.
Hyperconectivity made people angry about everything and the fact that the bottom of the barrel can be noisier than ever gives anyone a tremendous headache.

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because our countries and peoples were still relatively civilized compared to what we're seeing today.

also, just think how few of the problems of today had reared their heads back then. the average person's biggest fears seem like a walk in the park compared to what we're dealing with today.

Everyone wasnt happy, but the 90s were great times for the economy, schools, technology, computer internet, stocks, housing, etc.

the cartoon of the kid and his dad walking on a nice sunny street in 1998 and then the guy sitting with the gun looking out the window at all the freaks in 2018 really succinctly sums it up.

And replace all the white people with shit skins

The 90s were like a living death. Stagnant. Eight years of Bill Clinton. "Grunge." You live in interesting times, user. Revel in it.

because i was one of the first with a dial up modem. I bought a shitload of floppydisks and put 3 porn pictures on each one. Sold them for for a few guilders a piece.

Made a shitload before i was 17 lol. I was the king of porn in highschool, carried around a bag full of floppies and everyone knew where to find me during lunch break.

Still have my cd rom copy somewhere.

what's this image from?

Wonderful times, more than enough tech without losing humanity
Relations were meaningful
You were free to act as a degenerate, but why would you?
Niggers belong to the museum (literally, google negre de banyoles)
La puta mili means that every adult male is a man, not some big effeminate baby
The list is really long

Ha, same. Went to the internet cafe and downloaded 9 pics of girls in bikini to put on a floppy disk.
Good times. Unfathomable what free porn access will mean for teens coming up now. Well maybe it's not as influential as I imagine. It was not a time where you'd expect that hordes of amateur 18 year old would one day be willing and in the mood to do explicit recording videos of their vagina close up and even show their face in it.
I explicitly remember that I went at lengths at 12 to find an adult guy who could buy me a Playboy mag and kept that hidden under my shelf for 2 years before I sneakily got rid of it.

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better drinks

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Listen to that entire album. It's pretty amazing.

What I hate about today's music is that it's all depressing, emo edgy garbage with power chord after power chord. It's predictable, boring, and depressing. Why the fuck can't we have genuinely good, optimistic, happy music again? Even "you get what you give" was slightly melancholy for the youth now it gave an optimistic tone for the future.

We had internet here in the 90s, at least the latter half. What we DIDN'T have was dumbfucks posting and surfing on their phones. Using the Internet in the 90s largely required at least basic computer literacy, so the dumbest were sort of filtered out for the most part.

Then came the smartphones, and as your Louis XIV said, "Apres moi, le deluge."

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Graduated in 1998 and had essentially the same experience. Had a large one-bedroom in a decent area for $400, and that was in Denver. Also able to afford payments on a new car to replace the clapped-out beater that got me through college. Zero debt as well aside from car loan, that I paid off less than two years later.

>You were free to act as a degenerate, but why would you?
What a great line. Perfect. That's exactly how it was.

Real early days of the internet was full of porn as well, it was a lot lower quality, mostly still images and you could pay to download 90 second 240res movies.
It was bad enough that Yahoo and Netscape search engines would yield porn if you searched for "Doom Video Game Maps." Most sites at the time were scams, they had a few free images, then if you paid you got access to 1 video worth of free images. Like they just took still frames from one video and made a library of 200 photos from the same scene.

They had windows 95

People weren't cunts yet who thought being depressed and sad all the time = being smart.

Yep, it's no coincidence that the internet, video games, social interaction, and most other things started to be ruined around 2008 when "nerd culture" and smart phones started to emerge. Don't get me wrong, society went to shit after 9/11, but at least you still had the online world to escape to.

No nu-male mouth either

We had a monoculture

Goes to show ya. Never trust Russians.

In my experience, Russians lie like it's a sport.

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It was the best!

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Grunge beats nigger rap anyday.
At least Kurt Cobain was white even though he was an edgelord.

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Maybe in Huezil but nah, people in a real first world country were definitely happier. More prosperous, more cohesive society not yet feeling the ravages of third world and beaner flooding, not driven to insanity by changing community and anti-depressants, people having more money, etc.

>no fear of cold war
>no 9/11, wars after that
>no 2008 financial crisis

life was objectively better back then



people weren't completely dead inside back then

The future was going to be colorblind, we were told.

meant for

No social media.

God damn that is one sexy hot fucking pic.

Baby sadism.

I will need to save this to fap to after I get back from the bris.


Man there is a filthy fucking chink RIGHT THERE IN THE STRIPED SHIRT in OP 90s photo.
Why we ever let chinks into the country I will never know. Whites could have built the railroads.

I think not having the dick of social media riding the subconscious of the general public made people on average much happier than your average fellow today.

nice try bigot

Also 9/11 changed everything. I was 13 and I still find it hard to just understand how oblivious everyone in America was about the entire existence of Islam.

>Why were people so happy in the 90's?

No internet
No smartphone