I-It's not true...right...?

I-It's not true...right...?

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What would Sargon's IQ be?

He did it! He took down Jim! BASED GOYFATHER!

Lock Jim up! UKIP 2020

metokur has been grooming us for years, that sick bastard!

Attached: reall am going to.png (574x302, 129K)


Sadly yes, Jim groomed 9 years old Sargon to start gamergate and sold him off to Farage, in exchange for Brexit

Sargon raped Milo

Imagine tanking your career this hard. Applebee's meme becomes reality in 5...4...3...

Quick rundown?

Sargon just my house flew over

I can't fucking believe that I was groomed by Jim (Non-sexually, wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea when I say he grooms people.)

Sargon did a stream, accusing jim of grooming young people into trolling, calling him a failure and more shit. He also played some material collected by the guardian, from 2011 i think?
Pretty much he fucked himself badly, can't wait for jim stream

Sargon's jimmies got rustled by a professional internet troll and challenged him to a debate. It's all over.

Sargon of Applebees gave me a much needed laugh.

Just more youtube drama, but it will cost Sargon his reputation because he is acting out of pure egotism and delusion and it's so obvious.

>Sargoy announces stream called "Hi Jim" calling out Mister Metokur
>starts stream really fucking early and has live chat disabled to avoid Jim's stream sniping and everyone else's criticisms
>makes a fool of himself and calls Jim a pedo with no evidence at all


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It's like you like being mentally molested.

>tfw groomed by metokur

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Another eceleb thread to report
Another garbage OP to get banned
Keep revealing yourselves, Jow Forums is only improving as all you ecelebfags get purged

I had no idea I was being groomed.

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100, probably. It doesn't take a high IQ to read books and just spout what you have read from books in a debate, and if we just look at the Spencer Sargon debate we see that he isn't good at fluid thinking in the slightest, he is a horrible debater. Spencer, looking at a lot of the institutions he attended probably has an IQ of roughly 130 and the differences in their levels of intelligence were so evident.

i don't think he even reads any of the books he mentions. he just asks people if he read book "x", without ever touching on the subjects in said books

IQ increases as people become more educated (high school vs uni). Spencer is much more intelligent than Kkkarl and his “what is white?”

He didn't even molest me

IQ doesn't increase as people become more educated, that is a misrepresentation of statistics. Richard Spencer isn't intelligent because he is well educated, he was able to attend these institutions because he is intelligent. The intelligence comes before he education, not the other way around.

He's not dumb. He's almost definitely smarter than average. But he's not a genius by any stretch and Spencer WAS right. 110. Maybe 120. Can't see him being much higher.

Yea and nay
You have baseline intelligence, yes. But the more a person learns their IQ does see an increase.

>100, probably.

I don't believe its that high at all, maybe in the mid 90's.

Juden Peterstein talks about this same concept. He specifically mentions the IQ increase seen from high schoolers to when the leave uni. It increases at least 5 points or so. This is because you are actually pushing the limits of your abstract thinking

OH boy, can't wait for BASED Jim to BTFO Sargoy and the sceptics, this time for sure!

Sargon debates in a way that is disingenuous. I'm not sure if it is on purpose or out of ignorance.

The former means it is a tactic, the later means he is stupid.

He is a slimy rat when confronted by ideologies he doesn't necessarily understand.

I used to think Jim acted like a petty high school kid because he literally was a high school kid. At last my eyes are open.

Don't worry, I was left out of it too

Ego IMO. He thinks he's smart enough to hide the fallacies he knowingly engages in.

I like sargons vids but he should just ignore metokur. Makes sargon look stupid. Metokur is an absolute loser and so is anyone that likes his content

Why is Sargon so obsessed with a loser?

My IQ is ~127 and he strikes me as being roughy on my level, perhaps slightly below. Metokur on the other hand seems smarter than me, or least much more quick-witted.