Why was medieval Europe so cruel?

Why was medieval Europe so cruel?
Was such cruelty useful in any way?
Should it make a return?

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>falling for the inquisition was bad meme
absolute state of Spanish education

Semitic influence from Christianity.

white people are evil

Everything that happened in the past got us to where we are today. It's really faggy when you try and sound smart and question it. You can't change anything. Move along

Yes it has great power. Jung showed us that we need to channel outer shadow. The more evil we spill onto the earth, the more pure our goodness will be. Gas the kikes.

>taking a former freudian psychoanalysis seriously.

Everywhere was cruel. You ain't seen nothin', boy.

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Didn't happen, it's black legend meme.

Medieval Europe was one of the best times ever. Lots of leisure time and the conditions weren't as bad as commonly portrayed. Don't fall for the successful Enlightenment smear campaign against the era.

Without modern communications, Ancient societies were were built upon trust as the foundation. A mans word was literally worth his life, Those who chose to be criminals were humiliated in public events (Mostly so that everyone can walk by and know that this particular person causes trouble). or a public example would be made with a violent execution.

Only low status criminals. High status criminals like a pedophilic pope wouldn't be subject to such treatment.

it was the communist oppression of its day

It did good work killing all the criminals
But it weeded out all the fighters leaving only the cowed into slavery by niggers kikes and THOTs

>medieval Europe
Burgerland had flogging and genital shock torture until the 1968

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it is nothing compared to the ancient Assyrians

>believing the lies of the middle ages spread by libertines who were pissed the church would not let them be degenerate nation wreckers.
kikes, and good goys, who call dissolution progress. Don't believe their lies. The inquisition was completely justified.
Hell the whole protestant reformation as little more then property theft under the guise of religious freedom. Temporal kinds wanted to usurp the power of the church, that all it ever was.

I'm sure the world is a cruel place where you can't get a spice latte, yes indeed

It kept people in check, you don't see shitskins in countries with sharia law committing even a tenth of the criminal activity they do once they get to the white man freedom land.

In the 1910s and before that, each city published a local directory that contained the address, net worth ( assets and outstanding debts) of all the people who lived in a town. A person could request an IOU or write a check to you and just by checking their name in the directory you'd know if they were good for it.

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>The absolute state of bong education.

The bad one was the inquisition in central and northern europe

killing people that act like Jews or worse literal Jews is a tradition

>Why was medieval Europe so cruel?
Everywhere was cruel back in the day. The difference is that Europe grew out of it and then forgot that there are bad people lurking out there.

>Was such cruelty useful in any way?
Yes. In the abscence of a modern prison system the choice was between cruel punishment and just letting them of with a stern talking to it was necessary with swift and effective punishment to deter criminal scum.

>Should it make a return?
We need to find a balance. Like I said people in the west have completely forgoten the realities of life so they are to weak to resist the current mudslime invasion. I mean a year ago in my country we could read about a guy who was out walking his dog and when he came back to his house he saw 4 niggers armed with axes and machetes knocking down the door to his house. He called the police because he hoped they would get there in time to stop these men from killing the wife, who was inside the house. Once they were done with her they came out and saw him standing there on the phone with the police like an asshole and they ran him down and killed him.

The guy had witnessed against one of the assailants in a trial and he just figured "Oh nothing bad can happen to me since I live in Sweden where nothing bad ever happens to good people". And no one picked up on the fact that if the wife had an AR-15 she'd be alive and she could have saved her useless husband and their dog. Westerners are naive to the point where they deserve to get an axe to the head desu.

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The time that spaniards went crazy... horrible people they were

The evil she must have done to be whipped by a negro

It was done to deter crime.
Unlike in our fucked up current world: criminals aren't considered victims.