Let us say it clearly. People living in those countries are not white.
Let us say it clearly. People living in those countries are not white
we all know that its a fact
Nice D&C there memeflag
Have an herb
ahhah haa sure bro
No shit
Mongol pride worldwide
I am not wh*te
>meme flag
Glorious history
Nice how you turn it around so all the non-whites have to pay reparations for white autism
>sl*vs are white
Some of them are......
Obviously in major cities there are a hell of a lot of nig nogs.
But I did not magically become black just because of all these immigrants.
I'm pale as shit and my 23andMe shows 99.9% white British / Northern European
> hurr durr
> memeflag
> 1 post by this ID
seeing 100+ posts in this abhorrent thread
nigger admixture
My country has by far the highest percentage of whites in western Europe.
chink admixture
whiteness of people
hair colour
Fuck you slav untermensch, slavs are only a part of white genoma, all the european whites aren't pure. The most "pure" r the italian sards , and in comparison to that, ure a fucking 56%
>meme flag
Pick one
Sure giovanni
why'd anyone want to be white if that's the case?
You can't be racist if you're not white