Let us say it clearly. People living in those countries are not white

Let us say it clearly. People living in those countries are not white.

Attached: nonwhite.png (1374x1245, 108K)

we all know that its a fact

Nice D&C there memeflag
Have an herb

ahhah haa sure bro

No shit
Mongol pride worldwide

I am not wh*te

Attached: 1526068389795.png (1600x660, 145K)

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>meme flag

Glorious history

Attached: GenghisKhan.png (543x600, 161K)

Nice how you turn it around so all the non-whites have to pay reparations for white autism

>sl*vs are white

Some of them are......

Obviously in major cities there are a hell of a lot of nig nogs.

But I did not magically become black just because of all these immigrants.

I'm pale as shit and my 23andMe shows 99.9% white British / Northern European

> hurr durr
> memeflag
> 1 post by this ID
seeing 100+ posts in this abhorrent thread

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nigger admixture

Attached: R1b_map.jpg (797x467, 97K)

My country has by far the highest percentage of whites in western Europe.

chink admixture

Attached: 1535216473738.png (953x551, 72K)

whiteness of people

Attached: 1535938260503.png (1000x880, 405K)

hair colour

Attached: 1536255581272.jpg (3664x2850, 2.43M)

Fuck you slav untermensch, slavs are only a part of white genoma, all the european whites aren't pure. The most "pure" r the italian sards , and in comparison to that, ure a fucking 56%

Attached: IMG_9031.jpg (550x543, 40K)

>meme flag
Pick one


Sure giovanni

Attached: I_AM_WHITE.jpg (152x209, 14K)

why'd anyone want to be white if that's the case?

You can't be racist if you're not white

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