How do you keep your sanity in this God-foresaken world Jow Forums?

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Post ironic memes, extememly dark jokes, video games, going to the gym 2-3 times a week.

I don't. I'll probably kill myself in the next couple years. I'm miserable.

Amor fati

> 36, old fag
Mostly self medicating with drugs and alcohol. Bury myself in work (~60 hr work week).
Try to maintain a hobby or two.
Trying to come to grips with the fact that the world isn't really much worse than it's always been, but our ability to receive news makes it seen worse than it is.

No coping, it's over....we are in a nightmare

i dont haha

I can't and I'm not exaggerating or trying to sound edgy. I can't really function anymore, I completely let my mind go. I know how and what I'm supposed to do but I just can't. I can't relate to anyone irl. Blackpill is one hell of a drug.

I feel fucking terrible. I try to ignore social media but then I lose a lot of interaction with friends. I bury myself on my computer, but I keep thinking about how much life is depressing right now

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Without religion, you are doomed and will probably go insane and/or kill yourself.

There are no atheists in foxholes. Atheists are pussies who have had comfortable lives and never stared into the abyss.

Music and reading about the jew fascinates me. What makes the jew a jew?

>There are no atheists in foxholes

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I make dank shitposts for my friends on Jow to read.

I don't really. I feel like I'm witnessing my own mental state deteriorate, and there's nothing I can do about it. Some days are good, but others are fucking terrible. Been trying to keep up with the Faith, but that's difficult too.

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shitposting with frens on Jow Forums

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disconnect from digits in every form.

Its not your fault if education and society when growing up was not the right one . its your fault now as an adult not educating yourself and stop the vicious lifestyle .the just life is its own reward . its difficult and very hard . but all excellent things are as difficult as they are rare

I control what I can control and don't worry about things I can't control.

Dude the world is unironically getting so much better.
We're winning the culture war hand over fist, here and in yurop.

I drink a little and play vidya

Do you want to know the worst thing ? We have see nothing yet ; we are witnessing the fall of a civilisation, every institutions is rotten, we can't even trust our own elites, the streets are not safe, public transports are failing, entertainment is SHIT, every movis suck ass because the PC culture killed it, even bridges are falling.

Now I'm actually fearing a nuclear incident in a nuclear reactor with this metaphysical shit of civilisation downfall. I mean, with the Hawaï incident, with the guy who pushed the wrong button, I think everything can happen now.

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I weld mostly

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I don't

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Provided you're not certifiably insane or disabled (like quadriplegic and shit) you have your brain and your hands to work your will on the world.

Say Yes to the war of life. Become a warrior.

Easy, I check digits

Look at my name and do that faggot

Did you hear about The Coast Guard incident? That shit almost made me lose faith in humanity

Nuclear is a hoax. The fear of nuclear war and fallout is a form of (((mind control))). Also the 'end of times' mysticism is frequently brought up to veil the fact that (((they))) will continue to domesticate people like yourself.

laugh or cry, dont do both or none.

take this 5 and gtfo of here

Drugs and madness is the final waking up

I masterbate everyday to screenshots

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I'm currently writing a novel.

Join me this morning non NPC frens.

What is that???

Steady diet of CWC videos for lolz seeing that tard rocket always puts a smile on my face

If you're white don't, if your not white take out commies.

>you keep your sanity

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There’s a plan, we will all be okay, just not right now
You just have to keep believing

Go to the gym every day.
I just found out that I am a complete autist though. I fucked up really hard with this chick, so idk if going to the gym is going to be enough anymore.


You learn from it. It wasn't meant to be.
You'll find "her" when it happens, don't dwell

>when the suicide thoughts return again
alc and weed

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coming to /pol

Three drugs (psilocybin, LSD, weed)
and a belief that someday we'll be in a right wing death squad and we will give new definition to the meaning of cruelty and fury.

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God will judge this world.
If you repent and accept His pardon, you won't be punished with them.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help:
TTB,org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late

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They don't even realize they aren't in a foxhole.
Don't listen to these idiots.

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I troll people in video games

I hate niggers and Jews. Works every time.

lifting, grappling, reading the classics and Jow Forums

trying to avoid at least some forms of (((mind control - tv, junk food, consumer culture, smartphone things etc)))

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always have been.

why dont you actually play worlds? make an account and lets play

By embracing it

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sort of cringe, but I also agree, lol

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bro come on, it's Jow Forums


seeing dead Americans on tv gives me hope.

By mocking you for being a drama queen

>How do you keep your sanity in this God-foresaken world Jow Forums?
Ohhhh I see...

And shitholes like this
You my think chans are the opposite of sanity with their shitposters, irony and edginess but here is the only place where despite being anonymous people can truly shed their masks.
This fucking trash of a site is nowadays one of very few places that value truth.

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>realize nothing really matress
>enjoy the ride

cringe Learn English - Basic rules to improve your spelling
This keeps my hope up.

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>in the end it doesn’t even mattress


Why is everyone depressed in your country ?

I hate to break it to you, friend, but you missed the boat and didn't realize it. You're already in hell

>mfw they finally shut down Jow Forums and it's equivalents on the Internet
>suicide attacks erupt forth on a scale that would turn the darkest skinned hadji white.

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Thats a load of shit. We are wayyyyyyyyy better off now because we have medicine and technology that DRASTICALLY DECREASES THE AMOUNT OF SUFFERING YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH. DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN THE WOODS AND HUNT YOUR FOOD AND FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL EVERY DAY FAGGOT?? Appreciate what we have nigger




Ah, it's starting to fall in place again. I've been in this thread before. The posts, the images, all in the same order aren't they?

You feel uneasy too, don't you? Haven't we been in this thread before? Over and over and over

The most cliche of NPC platitudes

ItS called deja vu you retard

Does it ever piss you guys off that NPCs just wander through life happy and oblivious?

I walk through the streets knowing that we're living in a nightmare and I'm surrounded by smiling, laughing, hand-holding normies. It rustles my jimmies quite a bit.

you sound like a normie faggot who needs to return to plebbit immediately.

well for a while i was hanging out with my houses boogy man. its some infant that died of the red death some time before electricity was harnessed i think. it didnt even "live" in my house originally ...i think. its small i know that . and others who frequent the house are from way back spook wise

but then some tard tried to kill me a few times and now its like all out war . half the spooks who come to this house dont even know that the other half of the spooks arent just humans souls. its kind of funny. iron and copper dont affect some of them and they kind of dont get why it affects some of the others who look normal. a pretty face is enough to confuse most. some guy got really mad his girl friend had to leave the house. he doesnt even understand he wasnt a option. another suiter showed up later crying foul. i guess the "girl" went to another house. that guy didnt even sound human.he was bitching about shit outside

each morning i awake with a new spiritual augmentation and each night some one tries to steal shit or otherwise attack me. i was shocked at how petty some of them are and local "law enforcement" isnt much of a help. our towns reaper has a hard time keeping people in the grave yards so hes always busy. i mean its odd when some one steals a old jacket you used to wear a lot because "its special"... my socks must be sacred then

I want to believe and try to admit it, but It feels like I lack the conviction needed for it to 'count', you know?

Here's what you have to do, OP.
If it's day, get out of your house, feel the sunlight brace your skin, and stop believing in crazy nazi conspiracies.

If it's night, get yourself to sleep, and when it's morning, go out and stop believing in crazy nazi conspiracies.

Surround yourself with people you love. Have some fucking self-care, please.

Ah, and go to therapy.

>get sun on your face, that will fix this shithole world we live in
great advice, douche

Prayer helps.

The biggest redpill is realizing that despite some things, humanity's future shines bright.
And yours can shine too.

>books, memes, shitposting, trolling
>nature, traveling
>diy projects
>bike cross, footbag, table tennis, martial arts
>trips into depp sessions of creative work
>recreational drugs occasionally

Sanity is overrated. I need to clone myself because there is much to do.

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humanity is destined for destruction in the very near future, you insufferable blue pilled faggot

>destruction in the very near future

Read Revelation.


>I'm too weak to go through life without relgion, therefore every human is as weak as me
There's nothing wrong with having a religion, but cringy kids like you really hurt the image of religions with your illogical ramblings. There are plenty of things to lean on outside of religion



Oh. So you will be reunited with your Creator soon, no?