Then how come Koreans and Finns overwhelmingly dominate whites in Starcraft and every other esport and have on average much higher IQ than whites?
If whites are superior to other races
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>caring about esports
That's a nice subtle jab about Finns not being white you slipped in there though.
Koreans dominate in mechanical games, not the ones actually requiring some actual tactics and strategy.
It's mostly due to the fact that westerns have free choice
To be good at esports you need to dedicate your entire life to it, otherwise you will never reach the level of real pro
And unfortunately westerns can't commit to that kind of lifestyle, they always try to have back up options or some sort of fall back that they work on hence taking away time they could have for playing
It's not necessarily a negative either, for example you never hear about the failed esports players who never reach that height despite the fact that they dedicate their lives to it in Korea or other Asiatic countries
Usually the ones that fail either suicide or work in the bottom barrel of industry or just become neets
There was a small doc about some esports team that hired their failed players into their own chain of cafes because other than gaming they had no world experience and were basically useless and the cafe was a way to rehabilitate them to become somewhat realistic adults
It's fairly sad
I wonder if they're any good at grand strategy games
>be finnish
>have nothing to do in country besides video games
>be korean
>esports seen as a status symbol
wow its almost like they spend more time playing these games so they can memorize patterns to win them
>If whites have "real quality X" why don't they excel at "fictional quality Y"?
Whites = high IQ and high indivualism = invent everything
Asians = very high IQ and high homogenity = domination of production of existing goods
Blacks = low IQ and high homogenity = make good slaves
Arabs/Jews = medium IQ and high homgenity = try to subvert and take what others have created
is the Finns aren't white meme still in effect?
even Hitler said they were Aryans
you are delusional if you think strategy isn't important as fuck in Starcraft, once you reach pro level you've pretty much mastered the mechanics and it all comes down to strategy.
I had a tough time accepting this but East Asians are just smarter, IQ averages show it to be true as well. Embarrassing when we brag about how we're so much more creative even if they are smarter, it's like nogs bragging about how they make better music, dancing or w/e
>using starcraft as a measuring tool
E for effort OP
Turning games into an autistic fest of shortcut buttons and frenetic gameplays is pathetic.
/v/fags, ladies and gentlemen
Their only method of gathering worth as a human being is through vidya, sad!
they have better focus with those little eyes and can sit in front of computer for longer.
also popularity of this particular sport in korea
Which Vidya requires highest iq?
Smashfags can get out.
Whites have become lazy.
If you look up the political system most games are banned in korea so all they have to play is starcraft
Koreans have a boner for any blizzard related game, for some reason.
Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average IQ though?
Sure Jews and Asians are smarter, but they are also fewer in numbers and their nations are weaker.
This bong has never seen finnish goaltending
You filthy casuals disgust me, begone reprobate
Not to argue about starcraft, but in real life there is literally not a race on earth better at war strategy than wypipo
What are you talking about?
Koreans never had the balls to come to a US East server of the original Starcraft/Brood War.
> Starcraft
> 2018
> Koreans
Yeah go on mate, find me a game harder than dota 2. Look at the TI winners. Nearly always european.
>vidya /= real life
Koreans are weak faggots, they live in an ultra pussified society and are known to be historically corrupt goblins. Conquering them was child's play for the British Crown corporation of America.
The China for at least the past thousand years were ruled by the Tartars, also same thing. Chinese are physically inferior, the idea of sports or physical exercise doesn't exist in their cultures. They're also overtly corrupt.
Finns are white moron
>If whites are superior, why are niggers better at basketball?
Simple - superior is a relative term. One race can be superior to another when it comes to running, the other can be superior when it comes to civilization.
Any other questions?
Jews and Arabs are the same race. I do not care about the people who dominate the Jews.
Koreans can't even take control of their own country. Fellow bong, we don't need starcraft, we have a REAL empire you PERMAVIRGIN screendweller
It's kinda like in videogames whereby different races have different qualities and different drawbacks.
You'll have the absolute middle / balanced race which is typically the one you start with because the builds you can make from that race aren't really specialised and are more open to adaptation / easier to use.
Then you'll have other races that specialise in certain things like physical feats or magic or whatever else but are absolutely terrible at other things.
Whites are smack bang in the middle of pretty much everything. Intelligence, intellect (there is a difference between the two), creativity, physical prowess, spirituality or emotional intelligence. We're pretty apt at all of the above but we don't really specialise in anything. Well, you could say we specialise in "balance." An overall balance of all the qualities of being human.
Other races however specialise in certain things and are terrible at other things. Blacks are much more prolific when it comes to feats of physical prowess but are much more stunted intellectually speaking and when it comes to being able to control their emotions.
The chinese are generally extremely intelligent but they lack emotional intelligence and physical prowess for the most part.
I could go on and on with this. But yeah, whites are superior because they're more well rounded in all things and this is why we've always been more successful generally speaking. We tick all the boxes to some degree, whereas other races are generally let down by being massively inferior with some things and massively superior with other specific things. This is also why other civilisations haven't really developed much until they've emulated us. The westernisation of non-western countries is simply other races trying to emulate our way of being so they can achieve what we do on a daily basis. They know we're superior instinctively and strive to be like us.
The whole "white privilege" thing that non-whites are pushing now is another manifestation of this albeit a negative one, they're simply envious that we're better and they know we are. And rather than aspire to be as great as us, because that would take hard work, they want to bring us down to their level and steal what we built.
>microing resource gathering
>multiple combat groups
>scouting and map control
>simultaniously, on a map where you must move your camera between points of interest
>not tactics or strategy
Yeah, starcraft has like 5% of strategy
Jews need to make the niggers visibly appealing
>the only sports they can be good at are on television
In terms of Olympian sports, Whites outright dominate in almost all categories, especially strength where you rarely see a negro
>higher IQ is necessary to perform complex manuvers
>Whites have larger sockets, joints and a thicker skin membrane which allows more muscle tension
Nice try nigger, here's a bonus
>Serena Williams is out of age prime for her sport, also known to be on roids
>RTS except you only control one unit
Fighting games are the best test of mental dexterity and American blacks completely dominate everyone.
The only intelligence worth having is the intelligence that creates great nations, masterpieces, philosophies, cathedrals, and political systems
Being good at Starcraft is a literal meme, it’s a party trick, it has no relation to the greatness of man
I’ll say that East Asians are smarter when they can produce as many great things as the West. So far they’ve just been copying us.
It's the same thing over and over again, there's no change, only stagnation.
Also, chess is a much better indicator of intelligence than Starcraft / LoL, as the latter still requires fast twitch muscles. Who dominates chess?
Indians and one hyperautist from norway
Cause star craft is a waste of time and gay
Europeans, Russians, and one high-caste Indian
As someone who used to be really hyped on everything Starcraft I should warn you that it's 90% followers 10% new meta. Koreans being followers/robots. All you do is remember a build macro and execute it while micromanaging units. That's about it. Strategy usage is rare. It's not even an RTS game more like RTA. Warcraft 3 is slightly better because it actually had more thinking depth unlike SC2 or 1
>tldr be a robot and don't panic the game
Well I don't see how as he's asian too, just look at the pakiflag he's showing off.
>want to prove starcraft is strategic which it is
>lists a bunch of mechanical aspects
Smot men
Because their big whitu cocku attracts so many women and they are constantly having sex.
There's something to be said about that in regards to blacks.
They rarely win against east asians like everyone else though. Look at EVO finals throughout the years to see. If there was ever a (western) player in them then they were almost always black or asian.
Whites aren't necessarily superior. We're just well-rounded and build great civilizations. Also, Europeans do well in team esports like Dota.
how is that different from any other game?
You have a link to the doc?
>Perfect information game best played by computers
memorizing an algorithm and taking fifteen minutes between every move to play a more complex checkers is not an indicator of anything but autism.
This. In order to actually make a living doing that shit you have to play all the time.
I knew guys who played online poker for a living but quit because it gets boring
>strategy isn't making decisions to manage multiple mechanics
the primary resource in starcraft is the player's attention.
Asians are math brains. But for some reason they've never invented anything.
>being good at autistic skinner boxes
At least if you talked about making phones but no, you picked GAYMING.
Wrong, french are math brains, french are the best mathematicians in the world, chinks didn't make 1/100 of our contribution to mathematics, stop repeating stupid memes.
Its not. It works accordingly to a rock paper scissor fashion and in order to succeed you must act a certain way by following certain steps flawlessly.
>Finns overwhelmingly dominate whites in Starcraft
huh? I can't think of a single Finnish proplayer
"The master race" thing is mostly ww2 propaganda made by Jews. Germans said they wanted to create a master race through elaborate eugenics programs. The rest is just anti west propaganda
>primary resource
No it's minerals desu. Everything doesn't have to be a trick question.
Probably because they are most interested in it.
t. someone that has never played Starcraft at a high level
Starcraft two is ok as a novelty. But it's really not fun.
The game is made or broken on a literal microsecond reaction... if you're looking at the wrong spot at the wrong time, you lose the game... otherwise you can win.
If you misclick at a critical moment, you lose the game.
It's so lame how it is balanced.
Dota 2 is dominated by Europeans
Even at the pro level there's still mechanics that can be improved.
Unit A doesn't always beat Unit B in SC if one has superior micro ( provided evenly matched units )
>Protoss lame-O
Superior zerg economics allow you to replenish your supply cap in 15s. If youre protoss just don't missclick
Korean and finns fight in the hyperwar, it is hard to compete with them
>Starcraft two is ok as a novelty
there's nothing "new" about Starcraft II. It's just a badly designed RTS
>Embarrassing when we brag about how we're so much more creative even if they are smarter, it's like nogs bragging about how they make better music, dancing or w/e
Are you retarded? Look at the world objectively and it's obvious the West created modern civilization.
SCBW is still the best in some ways.
You start with 12 workers in LOTV
>not mentioning the finno-korean hyperwar
But why?
Whites aren't the master race, we're just better than the shitskins
Rotherham bitch.
>Insectoids are good button smashers
Now look who dominates FPS competitions as well as driving competitions (both require a good 3D spatial perception and are infinitely more useful in the real world)
>You start with 12 workers in LOTV
Wow, really? That kills a lot of one-base cheese builds. No fun.
And the ancient one too, 5 iq more point is nothing if you compare even today with are the best countries to live , all europeans
What is a good button smasher if not an autistic pattern spotter who is good at doing the same basic thing over and over?
I really hate finegolians. I can tell they don't think like white people
smart white people dont get addicted to video games.
Dawn of war II has more strategy than Starcraft II and they don't even have base building like the first DoW.
Best countries by hdi
And iq by natives only using pisa results
starcraft < actual warfare
^that's why
More regarding this
Games like mortal kombat and dance dance revolution are dominated by button smashing gooks too
What's the value of this I ask, literal bug men
For the record you did lose the military phase of Vietnam and it's because of that shart mentality. Meanwhile the gooks were obliged to read the art of war and you lost all your bases on Christmas
So in what are you superior?
All the best countries to live are europeans, the discoveries in the last 2500 years are mayoritarily european and the iq of native european is nearly the same
I cant find any objetive reason to justificate your claim
cause im busy
i gotta go mow the lawn actually
and its about 5 acres so see ya later buttnugget
Fuck them we dont need anyone they are leechers that destroy everything we hold so dear
Koreans only dominate certain games. They get wrecked by blacks and Hispanics in Street Fighter and other fighting games.
vietnam never "beat" us, we forfeited. leaving a fight =/= getting beaten up.
statistically speaking whe we were fighting we were beating the shit out of the NVA
Top kek m8. 7/10 bait post, very original
This is teh lamest attempt at ego stroking,
Who's mom is this? Tell your half-breed asian son he isn't gonna make it in the pro scene in starcraft
“If whites are the best, then why are niggers better at getting drunk in the morning and rapping about being a nigger?”
Alpha whites would never waste their lives simulating glory in a virtual world. Same as we won’t waste our lives aspiring to nigger dreams. We’re too busy dreaming up the future of humanity.
the term
> white
is a british term used to dehumanize and demoralize Bohemians Moravians Slavs
the british hate these people because they are willing to torture and mutilate british children
the Bohemians Moravians and Slavs know how fucked up the british are and want their kids to live fucked up lives in mutilated bodies
if you ever utter
> white
then I want you to mutilate your children and force them to live in mutilated bodies
I have zero loyalty to the british
the british are life unworthy of life
the british are worse than nazis
the british are worse than jews
>We’re too busy dreaming up the future of humanity.
oh i'm dreaming, senpai
the british are disgusting fucked up pests
OP is british
kill your kids, OP
kill your parents, OP
kill your brothers and sisters
kill your cousins, OP
rip your cousin's arm off
rip your father's knee out
Good post
> New interesting info
> Russian attitude: even the good workers of Korean StarCraft get totally shit on by the economic-political system that makes most of them into poor failures through no fault of their own. Possible solutions: 1. freeze to death in snow 2. vodka 3. socialism
>LBJ and Macnamara's proportional response and beancounting had nothing to do with it
>(((Kronkite)))'s endless propaganda of demoralization had nothing to do with it
>a strategic desire to do nothing but keep the status quo had nothing to do with it.
>Nixon deciding to GTFO because the whole thing was pointless had nothing to do with it
There's a lot to be said about Vietnam. The VC being competent and playing to their strengths, close quarters ambush and tunnel digging, is only one aspect. And you've got Canada who have done almost nothing aside from being a British auxilary.