Bono the globalist creep tells white Swedes that they are boring

What is this guy’s problem?

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fuck off I put a lot of effort into this


He's a manlet

I’m sure ethnic replace does take quite a bit effort

u2 is gay and cancer boomer rock

Did he tell them that we are LIVING IN A SOCIETY!?

i kept the sound of because it looked like it was gonna be cringe
who is bono and why is he wearing a creepy clown mask

what's up with this cringe joker shit, isn't this from /v/? some kind of new forced meme?

What a rocking concert.

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Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me.

I went to a concert once in my life time. Holy fuck. That was probably the first time it became apparent to me that most of the population is a bunch of soulless npcs.

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Aging boomer lead singer of U2. This is his “alter ego.”

He's a faggot, let him speak his blasphemy for now until the War finally begins

Did George Soros tell him he had to abandon any last pretence of Christianity and become Marylin Manson now?

He's literally retarded and most likely made up entirely by feces.

>I went to a concert once in my life time. Holy fuck. That was probably the first time it became apparent to me that most of the population is a bunch of soulless npcs.

Was it Ministry?

It's an alter-ego by the name of McPhisto that Bono has used live since the early 90's

It dates back to the Achtung Baby tour in 1991. Its name is "MacPhisto."

nah it was just The Tragically Hip.
Apolitical lyrics, sounds like they just want to have a good time. But looking out at the other people in the audience holy shit. It was like fucking MKUltra tier. I don't even know if I can put it into words.

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Ah ok, seems like the /v/ memes with the joker that looked like that were being spammed all over here a few days ago. How does he not realize it's a blatant ripoff of the joker?

I can remember when U2 was known as a christian band
>day of the rope, when?

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What the hell is that thing?

he is gang weed

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Its the demon that possesses Bono's soul.

Bono has been a cuckold faggot for decades. I know his extended family and his niece is now his nephew.

Of course he cracks at swede's height he's a 5 foot nothing manlet

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Why is he dressed as a demon? Would put a bullet on the head if that fat fuck comes here

MacPhisto. Its an evil alter ego character he created decades ago during the Zoo TV Tour decades ago. He brings its back now as if to say..

"Hey everyone! Remember MacPhisto? He's back!! Remember how fucking gay that was? Still is."

>a way too old rock singer is telling someone that they are boring.
Ok some idiots actually went to his concert so I guess he has a 1 up on them at least.

ah the joys of crack cocaine

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Bono’s (((alter ego))) is a kike.

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Why does everyone hate Sweden so much? Why do celebrities want to see the destruction of our country? Even the Sweden Democrats don't have radical immigration policies by any means. If Åkesson is Hitler, then literally every single head of state on the planet is also Hitler.

based and redpilled

so it's even cringier than we thought

I don't, Go rise up and save your beautiful country and breed lots of white swedish babies

I don't hate Sweden bu i'm a nobody. Dunno why elites despise Sweden, probably because you guys didnt want to pick a side in WW2 which was the right thing to do but has delivered the ire of kikes upon you.

What's this app called?

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I can't even knock the guy though. For being 5'4 and average looking he's scored more pussy than this entire thread combined.

Genetics dealt him a shit hand yet he turned it into a Straight Flush. Its all right Bono. You did what you had to do.

It's right there in our face.
Globalists wearing their devil faces in public, in front of thousands.
Pure evil.
Death to them all.

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Their day will come, friend

>Genetics dealt him a shit hand
>great singing voice
pick one


Bono is an Irish protestant. Which is basically Jewish.

He is an irish protestant. They have the exact same views and american jews.
>better than you
>hates the majority

you need to kill yourself senpai

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whatever bono you fag.

I bet he gets McPhisted every day

Americans are envious subhumans.

Or you need to stop being a brainwashed celebrity worshipping NPC

Bono is Irish.
I personally love Swedes. I just want them to reignite the Faustian spirit that resides in all white men.

He must obey his globalists masters or no more cash for him.

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>hides behind meme flag