Bolsonaro is BACK

Attached: 1537060437165.jpg (711x900, 203K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Empire soon BOIS

>When you win the presidency just right

People should go sing the anthem outside the hospital and he should open the windows and sing with them.

Spread this idea. 55ch seems to be down, but spread it there after it goes up again until Danilo Gentili or someone else sees it.

Sing this shit, blast it everywhere

Bolsonaro edition

Remember that for every OC you make, Bolsonaro gets a little bit better

Attached: patria.png (590x443, 1023K)

more bolsowave

Attached: 1537061900217.jpg (660x439, 309K)

which one is better, this or the next one?

Attached: andhismusicwaselectric.png (353x414, 572K)

Attached: andhismusicwaselectric2.png (353x414, 572K)

> Macedo

another one I did yesterday

Attached: bigguns4.png (550x400, 861K)

Our soon to be iron chancellor lads

Of all, this one was the worst, but I'm spreading all the others on local groups, this could viralize

Will he win?

And what will Lula do? Ask people to vote for someone else?

Someone, plz convert this to mp3, let's spread this around so this can play everywhere!
Let's make this the official song against the leftist scum.

Attached: Bolso.png (960x960, 1.31M)

I did it as a joke only cause I was bored.
It holds no real political meaning. The phrase is from a game that I like, and that's it

No, all your other posts are looking insanely great, don't stop bro, you could soon be seeing this being thrown around on twitter or even posters. Don't stop, keep them coming, they are god tier quality!

yes and yes

Attached: Brasil.jpg (1440x960, 1.04M)

I would bet money on Bolso victory.
Think his victory is 65% certain

Won't like 30% of the public vote for the one Lula selects?

I've seen the one on the OP being posted around on facebook. Made me a bit proud, tbqh
As my friend said, it's like seeing your kid go to college

Attached: esperanca.jpg (560x560, 367K)

Man on white horse.
Its this bullshit? I don't buy kardecism for a second, but it's kindda interesting.

Lula is off the election, his faggot substitute is a corrupt retard, the political moment is to see if his campaign will fly or not. And it will probably won't!

Nah, Lula's voters are

Attached: defenda2.jpg (596x800, 605K)

This image has great potential, you need to seek another phrase, and change the text color to white. Maybe put Bolso colors, like you did the rest.

This picture, has even more potential to viralize, do the color thing with the flag and Bolso, change the font to the other one, and it's color.

Your stuff could viralize and become shared trough millions of people user, don't stop!

Seriously, someone convert the Fibra de Heroi song to mp3, and start sharing it on Bolsonaro groups, we can viralize this shit being played on max to annoy the commies.

55chan is down, but we are not.

>Bandeira do Brasil, ninguém te manchará

I'm afraid they will just rig the elections. Like they did last time.

I live in an 80% white southern town, but I live downtown, a few blocks from a humanities university campus. I'm surrounded by autistic, petulant lefty whites. I wanna fucking punch them in the face.

They're gonna orgasm if Bolsonaro loses. They're gonna cheer as we all plunge into socialist hell. Already Ciro is rising in the polls and our currency is plummeting. All these fucking faggot pasty nerds and all these feminist spoiled cunts. Fucking hell.

yeah I decided will be my next work. It was the first ever bolsowave pic I did, so it doesn't have the stuff like different colouring for bolso (which I only started learning recently) and the colours used are a bit unmatching.
The phrase is good tho, it is his very fist campaign message

Attached: 41647106_137376770542156_8016764617868967936_n.jpg (640x558, 43K)

Also recolouring the flag on will be hard. Maybe tomorrow I'll do it

>Your stuff could viralize and become shared trough millions of people user, don't stop!

Just remember that stuff that was posted on Jow Forums, already viralized. Remember the faggots posting that the knife attack was fake because they image reversed?

We can help the man get into power, and make patriotism and militarism mainstream.


Women will save the world from Trumpesque fascism once again.

Fuck whores, they need to be removed from society

Thank you for your work user, I have been sharing it locally!

Where is the Integralist tinder chad hunting for commie wombs still?

Good old shitbag returns!

Attached: monkeymedicine.jpg (720x960, 156K)

Integralists were always alfa

Attached: 1473289850282.jpg (400x469, 90K)

El Bronco was our /ourbolsonaro/ and we fuck it up

We need to meme the heroic struggle myth to the masses boys, let's make Brazil great again.

Attached: 3f603eb9744cd5312e9dfb7be615d66f10c241c56ea65c6f865782469a575e16.jpg (500x590, 118K)

His shit looks better than the average petralha's face after plastic surgery and make-up. If I entered a bus and there were only two vacant assents, one next to a petralha and the other next to a randomly selected pile of Bolsonaro's very own bagged shit, I would sit near the shit.

We could use the war with paraguay? A lot of heroism and martyrs

Like us Brazil uses a 2 round system for their elections. He won't be elected.

heroic struggle against COMMIES, it seems as a just war to normies Bolsonaro fans, and even other center-right people

and it seems like a 'clean' war, because it's a war of spiritual resistance and has zero blood, it's easier for them to digest

The people who would be inclined to accept such memes already vote Bolsonaro.

We need to meme him to 60iq trash-cleaners now. How we will do that, I don't know. It's probably easier to just attack the opponents saying they're corrupt thiefs or whatever.

>not voting Ciro

I know how:

We need to create a degeneration youtube video compilation to go viral. We put on it whatever the left used to attack Christians, Children and the rest of things normie masses consider SACRED.

Remember the queer museum, the lgbt attacking Maria and putting crosses on their assholes.

'Um voto para a esquerda, é um voto para Jesus é travesti'

We could make 15s small clips, ending with this phrase in the end. It WOULD viralize for sure.

maybe something like this? had to rush cause I have a date soon and I should be getting ready already

Attached: esperanca2.png (560x560, 1.2M)

my low tier 9gag memes have been doing great on facebook. Just google "meme template" and do something cheesy with them. You're gonna be surprised how much it works (like pic related)

Attached: quadro.jpg (532x704, 131K)

Convince the bitch to vote for Haddad instead of Ciro.

Looking great bro, just need another phrase, you could repeat the "Ou viver a pátria livre, ou morrer pelo Brasil"

It would look God tier.

She's a bolsovoter

Afraid Bolsonaro will take away your affirmative action, Uelinton?

The emprah is revived
He protects!

Attached: hue emprah.jpg (720x960, 44K)

Another thing that I observed, when using social media, post as a women. Normies go crazy for female right-wing Bolsonaro supporters. It's like a women talking it, gives them more safety to like it and support it!

Just try it, I create a youtube fake, and been trashing funk and pop/Vittar tier videos with pro-Bolsonaro comments, and it always explode with likes. Just because I have a chic image on it.

Jesus Christ, this has some meme potential. The Red eyes meme, or some bolsowave.

Bolsonaro should put in on his TV ads during second round, but globosta probably will say it's too explicit or whatever.

But you are right. Religion is the key to convince the poor.

Great! Treat her well.

This pic is so based

Just get the red eye from here

Attached: Golden throne.jpg (800x1200, 227K)

Who gives a shit, internet rules it all now.

>fear the majesty of the emperor for we all walk on his immortal shadow


Guys, recommend me an video editor software please


Is it hard to use? I just want to make the clips that I told you about. Not sophisticated stuff.


Attached: myth.jpg (1280x720, 260K)

Yes, but it is easy to learn


Attached: bolso quase morri.jpg (1812x2503, 2.97M)

Could I get sued for doing those?

Attached: bolso nem pegou direito.png (1136x890, 783K)

Would you do her, Jow Forums?

Attached: bolsonara.jpg (599x608, 56K)


What policies is he driving? I know he's a nationalist but not knowing much about Brazil doesn't really mean much

07/09 would her

He antagonize 100% of all things commie
>No LGBT policies
>No abortion
>No 'human rights' that allow murderers and rapists to get arrested today, and leave tomorrow
>Destruction of PT
>Liberalization of the economy


Can't wait for civil war.

Speak English you cunts
You don't come here to talk to one another
Fucking have gab for that

top fucking kek. I might do my version of this meme if you don't mind

But we are cunt! (thanks for the bump)

hey dorks

we're comin'

Mongrels, nogs, asians, amerindians.
brazil is a fuckg joke, with 160 million mutts you have no future, and bolsonaro or any political system will not change a thing.

what hapened ?

Fuck off, faggot scum,
you are irrelevant.

He got stabbed, almost died, but is back now

Just showing you the facts ape.

does this kind of poor people have internet ?
But yeah comunism are so much use to shit on religious people that you can easily find material.

lol , bresil politic seem to be dangerous .
By a commie ? or some shit like this ? or drug cartel ?

>t. João Manuel, o irrelevante, do auto da sua mediocridade, discursando para a master raça mutt BR

Commie terrorist, probably sponsored by leftist politics


Holy fuck how stupid are PT voters that they will only vote for Lula and not his handpicked successors? Shit like that makes me get why you Brazilbros think the monarchy should be restored.

>mfw I'm whiter than all the people in Portugal

You are irrelevant. If we send our Marine Corps alone to Portugal we'd wreck your shitty country to pieces.

Fuck off, Mohammed Silva

Just as retarded as Hillary voters.

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