Has someone real insights into Brexit?

Real and honest insights? Why is the EU stalling? What’s the UK’s true position and plan on this?

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>broke: UK is dysfunctional and is wasting time so the EU can fuck them over

>woke: UK is playing 4D chess and stalling so the EU can pass Article 13 making normies and remainers hate the EU, making everyone leave.

UK i never ever leaving. Reminder, you are here forever.

We need Thatcher back!

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Varoufakis, who has inside knowledge, has said since day 1 that the EU is not willing to negotiate anything.
They want to scare every country who may leave the EU

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UK rulers want the EU. End result will be either still adhering to the EU in all but name, or a vote that will be pro EU.

You can't leave the EU or NATO without bloodshed.

So the EU wants to scare the member states and the people there. Makes sense from their point of view, to be quite honest.

What’s the UK’s plan?

Germany is playing 4D chess, when the next recession hits Germans will be the first to quit the Euro if it gets fuck.
They've already hoarded gold for that moment.

>greece is in perpetual recession

Sweden will be hit hardest in the recession, which I think will be just after their elections.

The UK already has a seperate bi-lateral trade agreement set up with the US. They got this by agreeing to integrate the 2 Royal Navy super carriers into US carrier battle groups. It'll be rough on UK businesses with ties to the EU, but the UK will gain direct access to US markets.

That is kind of true. All actions by Germany (repatrioating gold, reducing debt, reading tech to print plastic money on a moment’s notice) point to Germany abandoning the Euro in the next global depression coming in the next decade (triggered by robotization and a collapse of the Chinese economy).

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>a collapse of the Chinese economy
I'm still not convinced that's possible.

Why dont these Britcucks just hire Trump to negotiate Brexit and have it done and final by next week?

Because you would actually leave the Union! You cucks are never going to leave.

The UK position is: "if you don't make a fair deal with us you won't get any money"

>Why is the EU stalling?

Because the European Project can only survive if Britain is crushed into the dirt, in their eyes.

Look at this fucking moron :D

I wonder how anyone could look at how the EU is handling this divorce and think maybe the UK should stay in the marriage.

I am 100 percent convinced the Chinese economy will falter due to automatization and with 300-400 million unemployed Chinese, they won’t be able to keep them calm and unrest in check.

How does stalling help crush the UK? Honest question really.

This trade war is hurting China pretty bad. They are pleading with Wallstreet now to try and get them to do something.

I think the Chinese have already accounted for that. Their macropolitics is almost perfect, and the way they plan their economy is equally impressive. They will find a way to use automation to their favour, but to do that they need to boost their currency. The next recession might be an opportunity for them to achieve that.
Developed nations are in greater dangers due to the markets being inflated to hell.

Check out articles on other Asian lower wage countries already taking over manufacturing from China. And they also have huge environmental problems. Their one child policy is making their problems less pronounced, but there is still a ton of potentially unemployed. Hell, there are over 30 million Chinese taxi drivers, trucks drivers, bus drivers, train drivers which will all be jobless due to self driving vehicles. One sector... 30 million people jobless within 20 yrs.

But isn't that a kind of creative destruction too? Isn't it an opportunity for new models of production and economy to be developed?

Yes, here in the West. But the Chinese economy is based mostly on things not high tech and cutting edge...

Their entire economy is based on cheap, sweat shop labor and stolen intellectual property. You’re a fucking retard if you seriously believe they are economic strategists.

Hm, that's a fair point I guess. Anyway, I do believe that their economy is at a crossroads currently, so I want to see how things will turn out.

ok mutt

They also already entered the Totalitarian phase. Cant be long now until they start seizing the means of production or just skip right past that part and go straight on to collapse.

The UK will not leave

It will simply change the name of the membership to silence nationalist right wingers.

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Why isn't the UK trying to break the EU completely? It should be doing everything possible to dismantle the entire organization.

Because the people voted to leave, the people that they have in office to carry out the leaving all voted to stay. Its like hiring the Coke driver to stock your Pepsi.

Except 50% of Chinese live in poverty, like actual poverty, in huts with no running water and shit.

I don think that is true anymore. The farmers have been mostly driven off their land and in to ghetto buildings and had their land seized by the government.