Should Transgenders be able to use the bathroom that correlates to their gender identity?

And why?

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more like why shouldn't they?

They should use the bathroom that correlates to their genitals


"Transgenders" should be shot in the head

Should I be able to roll into the white house because I identify as Donald Trump?

corrected it for you OP
>should deluded faggots who think there women be allowed to use womens bathrooms?
what do you think now user?

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Transvestitism must be outlawed

the other day here in brazil and alleged transgender got arrested and was placed in a cell with females, the gender he identified with. he ended up raping both women in the cell

We already have handicapped bathrooms

Girls that are severely uncomfortable with having flexible hips, boobs and pussy, need to get mental treatment immediately. On the other hand women that find joy in machines and building stuff, and can tell fucked up jokes that makes bitter men laugh, those need to be protected.

They should be beaten in public

They should use the bathroom in their own home and not be seen in public.

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hmm i wonder

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no, they should only be allowed to use my shower

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They should use the bathroom that'll cause the least amount of problems for anyone else. If they pass well enough that people are going to freak out when they go into the birth-certificate bathroom, they should go into the other one that they pass for.

I did some research and found that this case was in someone's private residency

my b

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Yes, if you were born a man you should go in the male bathroom and if you were born a female you should go in the female bathroom. Transgenders can't change their identity. A male is always going to be a male, it's part of their identity.

Bathrooms are for sexes, not genders.
What the fuck even is gender? I thought it was just the polite way to say sex when I was growing up.

can I get the source?

I really have nothing against trans people, i just don't understand the standard. If they're legit, why are trans-raxial people like rachel dolezal mocked? Or Otherkin, who are trans-species, why are they mocked?

How far are we supposed to let the lunacy run? Personally I don't care, I'm having fun as the world burns and all that edgy boy shit, I would just like to know the RULES

No. We don't give schizophrenics audio books of Satanic versus to listen to, we don't give people with bipolar disorder instructions on how to cut themselves and we don't recommend alcohol to alcoholics. Seems logical to not ENABLE disease, but rather try to treat it.

Also, a mutilated penis is still a penis.


Is there honestly a law, if so then is there honestly enforcement of, about which bathrooms you go into? Pretty sure is just a civil suggestion where decent people adhere to, not a law binding entrance sign and room. Seems like manufactured NPC drama

t. used to shit in the womans bathroom at the athletics field house because it was 100x cleaner, quieter, and less smelly

type the words into a search engine you faggot

I removed one letter from this URL. You have to figure out what it is if you want to be a lazy nigger

Tombstones are unisex.

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Transgenders should be executed

>“I’m sure his intent was innocent,” said Susan Wright in a Friday post on the conservative website RedState. “I’m sure he really felt that he belonged in the women’s restroom and the little girl was somehow oppressing him, which caused the confusion, resulting in his hands ending up around her neck.”

That's what fascinates me about this, because let's be honest, it is really only women that care about having men in their bathroom. Don't get me wrong, the few times I've been in a public men's room and a woman is in it, it feels weird at first blush. Then you remember that you're a man and that she is intruding upon your space, so fuck it I'm going to let this fart go and not feel bad about it at all.
But are women really comfortable with that kind of invasion?

Bathrooms should just be ungendered, if you're doing anything but shitting, pissing or washing your hands you're wrong and everybody can do those 3 accompanied by any sex.

If they can pass than no one would know if they were male or female anyway
If they can't pass then they need work harder

Leftists can't tell the difference between state and private property. This is what they struggle with the most.
The state doesn't really have a say in how bathrooms are used. I could right now put a sign on my a bathroom that says ''only transgendered helicopters allowed'' and then go in it myself and take a shit on the walls. It's my bathroom. No one is going to come and take me away to jail because I broke the law.
The state has nothing to do with which bathrooms people use to shit in.

So where does a hermaphrodite go about their business? Male or female? (Remember they have both sexes albeit defective.)

Hermaphrodites are male or female. There is absolutely nothing different about them that would make it confusing and make it hard for them to decide which bathroom they should use.

If I have a big black mole on my face, you will not start asking whether I should like big ass bitches and watermelon.

>Hermaphrodites are male or female.
They have both genitalia.

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People with freckles have two skin colors.

hermaphrodites dont tend to have both sets of genitals. typically speaking, 'true hermaphroditism', where one would be born with both ovarian and testicular tissue is so rare that its not even worth talking about. you could count on one hand the amount of true hermaphrodites there are in your continent right now, its that there.

that being said, if you want to argue the point, they go with whatever gender they most closely correlate with, as the parents of hermaphrodites (in western countries at least) have the option to remove tissue from one sex if they choose when the affected child is born. typically this means that if someone were born with a penis and mammary glands, the parents would have the option to remove the mammary glands, but not the penis.

XX or XY, it really is that easy. Some guys are born without a dick, some get them chopped off by crazed lovers, so thankfully we have the science of genetics.

>skin color and genitalia are the same thing
t. brainlet

>being sodomites
Hell is for ever!

>people with freckles aren't biracial
They have both skin colors

they dont. not normally anyway. hermaphrodites might be born with a penis and a cervix, or a woman might be born with a prostate, but hermaphrodites quite literally almost never have 2 sets of genitals. that form of hermphroditism is exceedingly rare, even among the rarity of a condition that is hermaphroditism.

gas all the mentally incapable of understanding basic biology.

They should have an oven just for them! No need for bathrooms
