Ron Perlman is the fucking man, and Donald Trump is a piece of shit

Ron Perlman is the fucking man, and Donald Trump is a piece of shit.

Attached: 1537078827477.jpg (1440x2498, 1.42M)

based and so᠍ypilled

Imagine looking like a caveman and acting like a girl

>have a nice life
>he says this to a massively wealthy 72-year-old world leader
Too late?

Don't forget to drink up your onions milk, cuck.

Attached: 1533568150818-01.jpg (332x332, 44K)


Lel, why is S O Y beeing replaced with onions?


Why is Perlman so buttblasted about Trump all the time? Did Trump call him out at some point?

Attached: Antifa-Style Bich Lasagna.png (712x1252, 902K)

Hey little Donnie, I’m gonna pour my own piss all over my eyes before I read this book about you. Then I’ll take sips of my own warm piss to soothe my throat if it becomes parched during my reading sessions.

Go back to where you came from faggots

Wow, you’re goddamn right.

Onions onions onions onions onions onions onions

how can Bob use a Donald Trump picture without Trump's permission? could Trump take it down? how does it work in the US?

It works with onions


>he doesn't remember roody poo and candy ass
>he's this new

Man, can't wait to get my personal copy pissed on by ron "missing link" pearlman

>*pisses pants*
enjoy that little donnie

>parents were Jewish

He a good Christian boy he didn’t nuffin

Attached: 664AB579-43B1-4979-B2EF-BC22A391A300.jpg (750x554, 205K)

>says have a nice life
>To a dude who has lived a life of luxury for his entire life, who is worth billions, who owns his own jet, who is currently the most powerful man in the world

What a sad little cuck.

You drink to mich onions milk, faggot

Here’s your (You)

Based troll face jew

Attached: trantor-the-troll-ernest-scared-stupid-30.2.jpg (210x240, 18K)

How will Dormald Dronff ever recover?

I actually know a ron perlmen caveman phenotype jew IRL, he ripped me off on a simple low trust business deal, i figured i would take risk but the star of david tattoo on him should have warned me off.

These people are not really even homo sapiens, desu, they are a seperate type of hhuman being. I do not deal with jews in business at all anymore, no matter the opportunity for profit.

Lurk less
Go back to feggit

Hating Trump is good for business when you’re a retarded communist in retard commie town

>>To a dude who has lived a life of luxury for his entire life, who is worth billions, who owns his own jet, who is currently the most powerful man in the world

Yeah, exactly.

If Life™ is a computer simulation, then it must be a game of some kind. Who's playing the game?

Well look at Trump: he's a "sprite" that went through different levels—real estate developer, multi-company marketer, WWF promoter, television celebrity, politician–amassing experience points, money and fighting mana. He's evaded death traps that would have crushed anyone else.

At the Republican primaries,Trump the newbie handily eliminated 17 opponents. Jeb! the frontrunner had the most money and allies but deflated fast. Against all odds, he beat that level.

Trump, despite a hostile press and reluctant Republican party and low money coffers, still won against "Big Boss" Clinton and her billions, and her allies of Big Media, Big Tech and Big Government. Against all odds, he beat that level.

He is now the most "interesting" man in the world. If you look at videos of all the world leaders at the G7 meeting they are all revolving around him. Even anti-Trump television networks can't help showing Trump all day long. If they don't, their ratings go down.

If Life™ is a computer game, then Trump is the one playing it (or at least he's the game sprite).

And, following the computer games trope, expect bigger and fiercer battles against bigger and monstrous enemies.

Attached: donald_trump_sprite.gif (570x722, 12K)

Childish kike