DINDU DOG HATE THREAD 2.0.....we will kill every last nigbull there is
Fuck nigbulls
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i am lonely in the nigbull hate thread
pol made me hate pitbulls
my cat being torn apart by them made my hate them
he was only 3 and was sitting in the back yard near the lawn chair and the neighbors pitbull attacked him and killed him....i cried for weeks
i have a new cat now but i still miss him
oh man, im sorry this happened to you, one day people will wake up and take care of the pitbull problem
i want to kill my neighbors pitbull so bad, the owner and the dog got away with it, one day....i swear that fucking dog will pay
Breed of peace
no one needs an assault dog!
Too bad it lived
Shoot it dead in self defense
That's awful user. I'm sorry that you and your kitty were the victims of this ongoing diversity meme.
I had a somewhat similar incident occur last year, two nigbulls tried to go after my cat (in our own garage no less, just left to wander the neighborhood by Tyrone), but thankfully they were still just puppies. I whacked one with a 2x4 and they fucked right off.
Whoever supports keeping these dogs in a civilized environment is a fucking brainwashed idiot and is better off being executed along with their stupid dogs.
these threads are proof of jealousy
these dogs kill more nigger kids and roasties than you all could even dream of
also cats are for faggots so i laugh at your dead pussy
take your flag off kike
Who would win? A pack of bloodthirsty pit bulls or the Taliban?
I hope the town had the dog euthanized
they didnt, the fucking nigger dog is still there
You could maybe poison it but if taking it in your own hands is seriously a thought you should let time pass a bit
anti freeze the water bowl
>He eats watermelon
Bump, dead carcasses anyway.
Here is what you do user.
Buy a nice juicy steak along with some fish hooks. Cut the steak into small pieces a little bigger than a quarter. Cook them.
Insert a fish hook or two into the cooked steak and throw them over the neighbors yard. The fishhook will get caught in the nigpulls throat causing it to choke on its own blood. It will die a slow death filled with pain and misery.
For extra suffering, season the meat with your choice of fast activating poison.
Do it, user. Rid the world of one more of these savage beasts.
Avenge your cat.
Based and redpilled
Soak bread in antifreeze. Mix with ground meat. Toss over the fence and crack a beer. Wait for frantic trip to the vet. Mix in some warfarin for extra spicy meatball.
I remember when I first saw this I was filled with rage. Now it makes me happy.
How much antifreeze?
its time to drop some pictures
I already hated them, but I witnessed a shitbull kill a little old lady's $2000 Pomeranian. That ladys dog was her pride and joy, she walked it every single day. Some white trash derelict at the end of the road got a shitbull from the pound and he just left it outside all the time, I was leaving for work and witnessed the dog hop the fence and just destroy the poor lady's dog.. If you had only heard the sound of her crying.. The stupid shitbull used to bark at me when I walked by with my dog, If only it had jumped the fence on me it would have got CCW'd.
Sorry for your loss. Fuck nigbulls. Getting couple of Kangals and hunting down nigbulls in streets would be good.
What is it with white people and treating dogs like they're miniature people? I haven't observed anything like that in other cultures.
>inb4 chinks eat dogs
that's something broke chinese in Africa-tier villages do
are those actually pitbulls?
I remember first seeing this thinking they were some sort of psychopath, but this would make a lot more fucking sense if that were the case.
This wasn't supposed to be a rage thread, user.
There's more human ways of doing. Fuck this cunt.
humane even.
How can you f@@kers be so cruel, pit bulls are not the problem it's the stupid owners who raise them bad.
Pic related my adorable pitty.
Not him but let me fix that
your pic is fake
>heroic 3 week old pitbull puppy bites his first child
Wish my pitbull was real nigbull, he is dissapointment among pit breeds.
Is this humane enough?
Poor cat.
Claiming best Porsche, fuck your dog mauling
356 die ever year. {{{Pit Bull gate}}} More people die in a swimming pool. dogsbite.org
Back away from that Huge number {{{{{29}}}
Pitbulls are genetically destined to be low IQ and violent at random.
Literally the niggers of the dog world making you a nigger by association.
Shitbull owners go up on the Day of the Rope.
Spicbull attacks little spic dog, gets hit by spic with bat
Holy fuck, to do these shots under that stress.
Four-legged Dindu got what it deserved, whoever is not okay with that either owns a pit bull or never saw one.
Kys faggot. literally hating on a dog because you're too much of a nigger to tame it. seriously kys
He was protecting himself. Humane is irrelevant in that situation. Notice how he didn't shoot the black dog that decided to stop rushing him?
Nigbulls attack nice horses, gets shot by based huwhite man
That black guy was unexpectedly civil, respectful and reasonable about the whole thing, and didn't have any hatred toward the officer about it. Didn't even seem to care, didn't want the body either.
Plus he actually takes care of his kids. If only he didn't own shitbulls and fail at containing them he'd be an ideal black citizen.
we know that behaviour from somewhere
same, i used to think they were aggressive because they were raised with a bad owner
Badge nigger blasts shitbull that white derelict loses control of
God this makes me the fucking angriest. I have a friend with beagles and they are the most gentle souls.
Blacks don't have empathy towards animals.
i saw a cat get killed by a pitbull on a city street in broad daylight. the owner had zero emotional (or mental) response to it. i know cats get shit on Jow Forums but they're another one of god's creatures. it's such a shame to see a bastardized and weaponized creature maim a docile one.
these really need to spread to normies on twitter
I have no idea, I live in Seattle and its pure cancer. Millennials especially have the dogmom craze. Spinsters in training...
nice digits
I hace photos from the '40s with verter resolution. Get your shit together, tyrone
I never got why pol hates cats but love dogs.
Jow Forumstards sounding like roastie NPC dogmoms with their fucking dog obsession. Baffles me.
It's less hating pitbulls and more acknowledging the reality that they can and do kill
Pitbulls riot at park, badge nigger gets fed up, shoots one of the pits
>Shooting at 10min mark
based bosnian whore
>Come into work one day
>Sweet old lady who works in the bakery is sobbing her eyes out
>Her dog (a shihzu) got killed by a neighbors bulldog who broke off his chain just to kill him
>First fuckin thing out of the teenage girl's mouth who works with her is MY PITTY WOULDN'T DO THAT
I just want to euthanize all pit bulls and their owners. No compassion.
>muh "it was the owners fault"
>muh noble savage dog
I love pitbulls. They are great population control that is extremely effective at killing the dumbest of our species.
I like cats and dogs. I like any fluffy animal with a squishy face I can squeeze.
I thought of a government program that I would like to see in place.
Anyone who advocates for open borders should be issued a Pitbull. That way they can learn that dangerous things are dangerous.
Coal burning slut's nigbull attacks another nigbull
i dont understand how people can't fight off stupid dogs, like they treat them as if they are toddlers made out of glass even if they are fighting for their life
they are really tough but they're also fucking dogs, they're stupid
wrap your arm around its neck and squeeze the shit out of it, grip 'n rip its ears, shove your fist in its mouth/throat, kick it in the ribs, grab a hind leg and snap it like a twig
but no people are scared of hurting the little baby and so they just smack it and hope it'll stop
I guess there are several reasons.
>dog people aggressively tout that they're dog people and shit on cats whenever they can
>another chance to posture about muh redpilledness
>lots of underage b& fags
>lots of lowbrow redditfugees
>high energy
>high prey drive
>great with people and kids if properly trained and socialized
>always the alpha, by force if necessary
>scares the onions out of faggots
Why do white people let niggers take everything from them and corrupt it? Limp wrist homos, all of them.
German shepherd grabs nigbull by the neck and tells him to fuck off
> youtube.com
The same people you see adopting pits are always liberal nuts.
Adopting a pit is free, easy because they are everywhere and the decision to do so requires the ability to ignore facts and reality with delusions such as
>pits being bad is a conspiracy by racists like CNN
Have you ever fought a pitbull
Strange le 56% shitbull mix breed attacks kid, gets chased off by cat
Avenge your kitty, user. Justice needs to happen to that nigbull. Not just to set your own cat's soul at rest but for the protection of other pets and small children in your neighborhood. No-one else should have to go through what you did.
Nigbull attacks beagle puppy and liberal skank