How does Jow Forums feel about the current state of young blonde white women...

How does Jow Forums feel about the current state of young blonde white women? Here in Bulgaria they are the most degenerate wannabe thots by far. How can we fix them?

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>young blonde white women

By beating them. or when they are young lead by example and make sure they don't get fucked over by american culture being pushed on TV, or the internet

Bulgarians are white?

Here's my experience with them:

>Work as a bouncer at a bar
>My job is to literally watch people, so I am constantly observing and taking mental notes
>Over time I notice that the vast majority of white women that come to our establishment (it's a pretty nice place) have been (((blacked)))
>Always twerking, booty dancing, leaving with niggers, talking like the "cash me owside" chick

I'm almost at the point to ceding and admitting there's not turning back. White women are lost forever.

All women are thots now a days, the only ones that aren't are socially awkward fucks like the rest of us here.

>snake ring
Tay...what the fuck are you involved in?

would you give me an ocular patdown?

Dem tay tay juicy legs

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Mostly yes