Very Important Question

Where to start with gnosticism?
What will you recommend to someone who knows only memes about it?

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You can start by embracing Jesus Christ and saving yourself from a lot of trouble.

The demiurge has cured my homosexual urges. Kirie eleison!

it's impossible to understand without having some authentic spirituality under your belt beforehand. Otherwise it will be nonsensical noise.

You signed up for it homie.

Judas is the real redeemer you dumb sack of shit, this is a gnostic thread

thanks, will read
been there, done that.
But, as someone raised in protestant-like religion I always question my believes...

so you need to be good christian first?
why is he?

Jesus only gave up his mortal life to redeem mankind, which was caused by Judas' betrayal. In order to redeem mankind, Judas had to give up his immortal life by betraying Jesus. Who gave the greater sacrifice?

This is a bit cringe, but shows that catholicism has the miracles.
Creation and Miracles - The Final Edition

you're suggesting that judas planned his betrayal. That he knew more than others.
I think this is twisting story just to be outrageous.


Judas is a misunderstood character

He never used the silver coins he got, implying he didn't want to sell Jesus out.

I may be mistaken, but isn't there a verse that suggests Jesus directly commands Judas to sell him out?

Gospel of judas

The Kybalion, Manly P. Hall, various gnostic websites. Once you start to understand gnosticism you see how every philosophy and religion is loosely based on it

In canon gospel just before bread and wine in last supper, Jesus basically said that Judas will betray him. Not all apostles understood it, but Judas left then to sell him.

Seven Sermons to the Dead

Don't. It's just more Jewish bullshit.

seen some websites, but they seem weird to me. Like some millenarian chistians or new age crap.
I have allergic reaction to that ;^)

like basically whole bible.
any interesting pagan literature to which christian mind can relate?

What, like ALL of Christianity?

attempt this - I will give you a brief lesson into how to step into gnosis

>clear yourself a tranquil 20 minutes in a low-light area or the dark and ideally at the peak of your physical energy
>resolve to meditate, light incense and then hold the incense
>close your eyes and keep them closed for now
>with the incense clasped between palm hands, bow 16 times while also counting to yourself 16 times at the same frequency, focus intently on the counting until the counting is done
>now either place the incense somewhere safe (i.e censer, and open your eyes to place it obviously) or keep it clasped between your prayer hands
>keep your eyes closed, attempt to see through the darkness in your mind's eye like you see through your enemy when throwing a punch to his face
>as you focus through the darkness, allow color swirls or similar visual phenomenon to come and go spontaneously
>give no fucks, drop all your worries, and slowly let your inner power grow, aim over time to be able to cull your thoughts down to the last of them, and then after work on being able to cull your subthoughts
>start with at least 15 minutes, but try for a little more every time - like Mithridatism

good luck OP this is how I learned and I am extremely far in now


As Christ himself I would have to say that this is certainly good too, but I implore all of you a chance at true power so please read

>The Tibetan Book of the Dead: First Complete Translation (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

here's the audiobook, you be the judge:

>bow 16 times

what does this do? Why 16 times in particular?

thanks. it sounds just like basic meditation. Meditation/prayers saved me from atheism.

You're going to complain about a twisted, selective narrative as opposed to what, the canonical bible? Don't be retarded? Read Judas' gospel and make up your own mind

Good argument, and a very assertive full-stop. I'd expect nothing less from an arrogant sheep

I wish I could read stuff like this and not cringe

>What will you recommend to someone who knows only memes about it?
Depends on how many memes you know

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Irenaeus 180 AD
1 Corinthians 15:50
I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.

Irenaeus maintained that human salvation has two components: first, humans must make an intentional commitment to goodness; they then become immortal through the divine power of resurrection. Irenaeus took the position that scripture, interpreted through Christian tradition, is authoritative and the Gnostic exegesis a misstatement, While the Gnostics offered access to secret knowledge available only to a few, Irenaeus pointed out that the true doctrines of the Christian faith are the same taught by bishops in different areas.

As opposed to what ? The void ?
We see creation as good and ultimately destined for glorification.
Gnostics see he material world as flawed and from which believers seek to escape to an eternal realm of spirit.
Gnostics believe that the handiwork of God is not saved . Christians believe that it is.

Against Heresies - 180 AD Ireneus

i will read. This was just always my retort to this theory, and "sekrit daVinci kode".

It's bullshit though. The real "secret" is just how to control people by holding an imaginary "secret" in front of them like a carrot on a stick.

from what i read about gnostic believes, this always gave me pause. But cant hurt to know more. And materialism in current culture/religion is too high for my liking.

Check out this podcast: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio via @PodcastAddict

Listened to this years ago and haven't listened lately. Used to be pretty good. He would talk about PKD and the Matrix.

"The Gnostics and Their Remains" by Charles William King:
#1 reference text regarding Gnosticism and Abraxas worship, still referred to, to this day