Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Media Edition

>Current Merkel-victims: 22 y/o German beaten to death in Köthen/Sachsen-Anhalt

>Chemnitz rundown English


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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:



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Abschlussreden now:

The JewSmokers - Racist Boy

I'm from the East side of Germany
Where we vote AfD
And we can pick sides, but this is us, this is us, this is
I live on the West side of Germany
Where they suck off the bull before anal with my wife.
And we can pick sides, but this is us, this is us, this is

And don't believe the Krautism
When everyone projects and expects you to listen to 'em
Make no mistake, I live in a prison
That I built myself, it is my religion
And they say that I am the racist boy
Easy to say, when you don't vote AfD, boy
Welcome to the narcissism
Where we're united under our indifference

And I'm from the West side of Germany
Where we desensitize by trucks of peace
And we can pick sides, but this is us, this is us, this is
I live on the East side of Germany
Where they are pretty based desu
And we can pick sides, but this is us, this is us, this is


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good evening anons ..hope everyone is having a pleasant evening


A moron
a commie
and a mutt. This thread is already fucked

gas yourself I was born in Austria

>A lonely boomer who depends on Jow Forums for social interaction
Yep, thread is ruined.

I spent the afternoon with humans and it ruined my day. So yeah I think I'm fine


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what do you think about that?

post titties little lady

what does OP's pic mean

It's mocking the oldest tv channel in Germany by merging their logo with the antifa slogan and colors.

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antifascist broadcast is what it says

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>Die Deutschen sind ein undankbares Scheißvolk und lieben den Dolchstoß. Habe 2 Jahre lang den deutschen Faden auf Jow Forums groß gemacht und gepflegt und jetzt wo es ein Selbstläufer ist haben die Schwuchteln mich abgesägt mit Hilfe der Moderatoren. Das volle Programm mit Range-Ban und Co. Solche Mistkinder, wenigstens habe ich das komplette Kraut/pol/ Meme Archive als letzte Handlung gelöscht.

>This thread is already fucked

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naturally we need to stop migration period but do you really think this will have any effect?

This thread was posted first please move there everybody

It's late anyways.

See you tomorrow, fags.

>Not Bismarck
Typical Austrian.



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>9 Uhr

>"I hate different Krauts, but I hate others nations more, so let's unify."
What did Bismarck mean by this?

i think it has potential, if msm start to report on it and they get some demonstrations going


Die Fahne hoch...

Likewise mate

What are the chances some borderline cunt remembers that Maaßen raped her in university?

die Reihen dicht geschlossen

Grammar confirms

Es wurde ein Berater in Saarbrücken von einem Flüchtling erstochen
Hab ich auf rt gelesen, link folgt

fighting globalists is an utterly impossible endeavor to me at this point. We've already lost.... At least I can have my food delivered by Mohammed on his bike.

Not clickin

Today I will remind them

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I was thinking about the evil overlords last night, and realized that I had better opportunities than those before myself. Besides, they are easy to beat, if you read the bible evilness is easily conquered by the righteous. I mean, then you might say something about WW2, and all I have to say is that Germans were already eating "human" meat, which is fucking disgusting.


>if you read the bible

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eating humans??? when did this happen

Trauma was susses

Yeah, evilness is pure weakness, it's stated in the bible. It makes sense, translates to reality very well, as usually the evil people are the ones with exploitative weakness beyond their own salvation, and cause for their own demise.
They had human meat in their markets, or at least, whoever knew the butcher best in the camps.
I mean, it's easy to do when you view these people as animals, why not fucking eat them then?

Why is it not "Eine Reise nach deutschland wird abgeraten"?

It says "a trip to Deutschland is not recommended," right?

Why the "von"?

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Wörked all day. Totally fugged.

>Die übermenschlichen Anstrengungen der letzten Tage verursachten mir Blähungen im Darmbereich ... und der Hausdrachen sagt, ich habe Mundgeruch.

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It's all a matter if you considered these people to be humans...then, I don't see what would be shocking or surprising about this...**
correction on the word "human".

Wann wird man über die Landtagswahl in Bayern als Wähler informiert? Der Prognose über die grünen Eierleck muss man ja mit der AfD entgegen kommen. CSU ist ja eh nur ein kläglicher haufen Scheiße

We had the same warnings issued in the USA.
If I can remember it said something similar and even threw in the words for "higher than normal levels of terrorism, rank 3" or whatever.

Never mind ... ;)

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>Echtes Deutsch
pick one

4-6 Wochen vorher, eigentlich müsstest du schon deinen Bescheid haben

English only thread. Like, forever.

Evil and good are subjective terms, they always depend on your point of view.
They are neither weakness nor strength.


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They talked about how trashy your country is and what a piece of shit you americans are

>the mutt only speaks one language

Had to listen to 80+ year old people talking nonsense the entire afternoon, I wish I could have worked instead.

>Speak English

Because the standard construction is "von [...] abraten", not just "abraten".
That's just how it is.

>t. Bayern but gay

But user they are fleeing war in their homeland

N' Ami labberd über an Deudschen aller, der soll bloß sei FreSSe haldne!

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Family I assume. I'm in a state of mind where I would not have even minded that ... Hirn nur mehr auf Durchzug. Wörking two jobs in parallel for a month now. Seems I've hit my limit. Can't really think anymore.

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Spread the message
Don.t go to germanhydrous

In this sense, it would be someone trying to hurt you very badly and cause you or your family to die very poor conditions. We should all strive to do our best and be our very best, aka "god-like" rather than aka "devil worship". I get what you are saying though, being from a big city USA and now in small town villa life, many people are insta intimidated by me because I tell people to fuck off, mind their own, and basically tell em how it is. How Uncle Sam would've wanted, at first it can be frightening for the small town retards but they learn to appreciate.
Evil though, I mean differently, like faggots and transvestites.
Thanks for compliment.
It's a rule on Jow Forums English Only or thread vanishes in thin air.

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Take a day off mate

>Family I assume
Yeah a birthday celebration.
>Can't really think anymore.
Take a long walk, that always helps me

eww ghey

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lmao that picname

he's a literal jew working at a bank or something, did you know

The FDP gets worse each year

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love that pic, I daily read for giggles

real estate, not a bank

keine Überraschung

I know. Will do. Have a deadline for tomorrow for some design diagram.

Good idea! Dog wants out anyway.

They were spineless opportunists a decade ago and they will continue to be, unless the party leadership gets cleansed.

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Halt deine Fresse du Häslon!

which dog breed do you have?

The FDP wasn't so cucked 10 years ago

He got the retardation down.

Zwergschnauzer with a little bit of something else mixed in. Not sure, found the little nigger a year ago abandoned at the Billa next door.

They weren't this cucked, but they still sold out their positions for ministerial posts.
There was a reason why they got shunned by voters in 2013.

Go um do whatever you do because like I don't give a fuck.

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I'm not yet entirely sold on that piece.
Why is a municipal party faction addressing first graders who can barely read with a form letter?

Or was this meant to be read out loud by the class teacher?

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"Zum Verständnis, wir verteilen jährlich an alle Erstklässler Brotdosen mit SPD-Logo die u.a. einen Müsliriegel und Spitzer enthalten. Dazu wurde, wie ebenfalls seit vielen Jahren, ein Brief von der SPD Zirndorf beigelegt. Aufgrund der bevorstehenden Landtagswahlen wurde hier auch Werbung für unsere Partei betrieben und darauf hingewiesen, dass wir in Zirndorf tolle und moderne Schulen und Kindergärten haben. Wir denken, dass dies selbst in Deutschland keine Selbstverständlichkeit ist und es leider zu viele veraltete und marode Schulen gibt. Auch, dass man eine kostenfreie Bildung in Deutschland genießen darf, ist ein Privileg und wir finden es wichtig, dass die Kinder sowie die Eltern dies nicht als Selbstverständlichkeit verstehen.

Wegen diesem Brief wurden wir nun stark und teilweise unter der Gürtellinie angegriffen. Es wurde sogar die Rechtsaufsicht wegen Wahlmanipulation eingeschalten. Man kann über den Inhalt des Briefes geteilter Meinung sein, aber diese Reaktion ist mehr als übertrieben und nicht gerechtfertigt. Wahlkampf hin oder her, hier wurde über das Ziel hinaus geschossen."

SPD Zirndorf auf Facebook.


>kostenfreie Bildung in Deutschland genießen darf, ist ein Privileg

WTF, the parents and especially companies are literally paying taxes to the municipal authorities in order to finance this.
It's not a """privilege""" - they are entitled to attend this cost free school system.

Don't tell this the Soc.-Dems.

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>Elon ... get the Flammenwerfer!

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