First-step redpills


I have a group of high functioning high IQ guys who are just starting to question their leftist indoctrination
I need first step redpills, like those videos of 1960's California set against video of antifa rioting
No 1488

We normalfags appreciate everything you do

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start with netflix founder relation to bernays the propagandist. move on to margaret sanger/ planned parenthood.

Start with former conspiracy theories, which all became true:

>2014: Lybia war: not for democracy and human rights, today its a shithole, under Gadaffi rule Lybia the richest country by GDP
>2003: Iraq 2 war - no WMDs in Iraq ('Colin Powell speech')
>2001: Afghanistan war: Taliban / Muhjadeen were former partners of US
>1990: Iraq war 1 - Nayirah testimony
>1964: Vietnam War - Tonkin incident

All this talking points are to make to establish a critical mind. There are way too many reasons to not believe any word from Media and Establishment.

Now you can ask them
>If they can lie about so many Wars, dont you think they will lie about smaller topics as well? So called 'refugees' or "the extreme right"?

this is next level stuff
im looking for the gateway stuff
videos of the 60 minutes people getting attacked in rinkeby
nostalgia of clean societies in the 50/60's etc

anything that smells like a conspiracy is too far to start

Then you're a pussy and your friends aren't as intelligent as you think. Generally speaking curiosity is the highest corollary of intelligence and if they reduce proven lies perpetrated by the US government in conjunction with the media to "much conspiracy" then the vids you want won't have any impact.
Either you think too much of yourself and them or you give them too little credit.

This is the kind of faggot cringelord shit that defeatists believe
Stay in your moms basement incel
I'll be changing the minds of the people who actually matter

The most important thing is to change the mindset from on of acceptance and correctness into on of criticism. 2+2=4, everything else follows after that.

Sense we don't know your friends we don't know what they are most involved in, but whatever it is start on the edges of those subjects. For instance if they are into gender discrimination, then start with soft things like the pay gap. Specific examples with demonstrable numbers: if they refuse the light stuff then their mindset wont change.

As normy as he is Sargon of Akkad can be useful for entry red pilling. It is important to have some of the lightheartedness of his earlier stuff.

exactly this
looking for images and videos
Saragon is a start

This one is probably too far for now but I've always found it good. The top part suffers a bit from tunnel vision (the Frankfurt school didn't create every part of progressivism), but the bottom part is almost entirely spot on.

Attached: Pol_cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_flowchart.jpg (4621x2914, 967K)

My first one:

Don't start with JQ or race realism, start with female sexuality.

Start working out together. Calisthenics and boxing outdoors for peak Aryan aesthetics/spirit development.



These two are probably the best for beginning. Remember to say you only want them to consider it: you are not asking them to believe him, but if he is wrong then we should see why, rather than dismiss him out of hand.

Yeah no. Le epic music and higher tier topic will only push then back into the soft and nice lefty net they are only just starting to escape.

This is a classic. This will give you the base for understanding what is going on.

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Moldbug's Gentle Introduction

>start with netflix founder relation to bernays the propagandist
Holy shit. source?

fucking mute the video then, it poses a question to which EVERY thinking individual knows the answer but which is anathema to the Leftist doctrine

>move on to margaret sanger/ planned parenthood
You know that she was a racial purist and we'd be Brazil 2.0 without her, r-right?

Race realism isn’t as hard to swallow as you might think. I’m still a leftist and believe in many leftist policies including progressive taxation, Medicare for all, campaign finance reform, banning capital punishment, and cutting defense spending. However, I am now also a race realist. I think if you emphasize to them that each policy or political belief is mostly separate from the others, and that questioning one policy doesn’t necessarily mean altering their entire worldview, then they will be more open to changing their mind. This is especially easy with race realism, as the data is rather overwhelming. A good place to start is the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

>Still a leftist

Stopped reading

>Medicare for all
>but i believe in race realism
seems the NPC meme is not just a meme
people are braindead

That’s an impressive echo chamber.

Why would the existence of IQ differences between races imply that we shouldn’t have Medicare for all? It would net save money and more people would be covered.

i dont want a 50% income tax for healthcare when i would never be using it ever
it would only be going to niggers and other retards

I agree with the Vietnam War. That’s a big one. They can look it up on Wikipedia ffs.

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you can take everything from Tim Pool.
He's the guy slowly swallowing red pill after red pill video after video, incident after incident. Status quo he's so far down the rabbit hole there's no way back even when he pretends from time to time.

US Constitution and conditions at the time of the revolution vs today.

You do realize that high IQ people can get diseases too, right? Sure, low IQ people (who are disproportionately black) will tend towards preventable afflictions like obesity. But for just about everything else, wouldn’t you want to be covered? As a separate matter, our current healthcare system acts as a disincentive to employment, since employers have to cover the cost rather than taxpayers. Implementing a Medicare for all system would therefore have the added benefit of raising employment.

vertigopolitix on youtube.

Start with their first video, watch all of them. If their heads haven't exploded from sheer triggering then come back.

i dont care dude
i dont want my money going to other people, its mine
i dont like communism
if i dont have a 50% income tax i can save my money and use it for medical expenses when needed, not that hard
i dont need anyone to pay for me and id rather die than have all my health expenses being covered by other people

You're not even trying user