How is life for whites in Argentina these days? Argentinian anons show yourselves...

How is life for whites in Argentina these days? Argentinian anons show yourselves. We all know the stories of german migration after WWII to argentina. Would we still be welcomed? We are hard working descent people who create beautiful blonde children for the Argentinian population. Guys we can larp and act out here as much as we wont. I mean i will fight the fight here but i would like to know if there ever will be a place of peace for me on this world.

Attached: 6706.jpg (1920x1080, 46K)

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There are no Whites in Argentina

Our welfare system is about to explode, our politicians are a bunch of retarded corrupt shills and our economy is going to shit.

Argentina Whiteness aren't helping them at all, Hans.

Might as well start thinking about other country.

Attached: argentina.png (1092x1588, 1.08M)

You would have to be retarded to flee from Germany to this shithole

Not from Argentina but I wouldn't go there right now t b h...

Mexico would prob be better

Is it true that the exchange rate is almost 1-1 between your currencies? that blew my fucking mind

This. WTF are you thinking. Don't come here, for your own good and your progeny's

Honestly mexico is prob the best bet if you want to live in a LatAm nation. Lots of germans immigrated to mexico in the 1800-ww2 era and influenced a lot of the culture (compare trad mexican music to german music). Cheap, lots of relatively safe areas

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Mexico.svg.png (1200x686, 93K)

Whats going on with the currency?

40 argentine pesos = 1 american dollar

There are

Argentia socialista

If Mexico was any good there wouldn't be 30 million of them in US.

literally none of this is true lmao, Mexican "culture" Stems frrom German culture? WTF?????

Not most of it of course. The music sounds very similar though

So 1 real=10 pesos? Huh, can I take any advantage in this situation? Like buying cheap stuff there.

Its horrible because on one side the right is supporting this dumb butt of a president thats doing the same things Cristina did but worse, meanwhile the left autistic screech if you use proper Spanish and want to ban use the world 'all' "todos" for and start using made up works like "todes" because they want to ban letter O cause otherwise is misogysm see this is you dont believe

The only reason i didnt kill myself is cause im waiting for the end of beserk

Attached: then let me die.png (736x586, 1.2M)

They do that 'latinx' crap too

dont kill yourself, I dont wanna be the only free thinking argentine left... please dont go

nvm i seen the vid i wanna die as well now

Don't be a nigger.
>1-91 like/dislike ratio
kek, based Argentina

you should start reading berserk friend

Argentina is a shithole,I have no hope for my country,once I get my degree in finances im moving to chile or a first world country like the US.

Argentina is filled to the brim with negros and the average citizen is so far to the left they think macri is rigth wing.


jesus fucking christ.....


Wonder how chile is

We get a lot of central americans now. Mexico is nice with western money

This is true. German immigrants brought beer brewing with them and that's why Mexico brews beer now

>he fell for the chile is good meme

>Whites. In Argentina.
Is this some sort of jest?

Attached: falklands.gif (435x331, 1.03M)

Mexico is even more dangerous than Colombia, man. And the fact that you fleed from there isn't helping your argument either

So, bottom line is should the economy attain any semblance of stability, it's a pretty good place if you can export services. That makes your life cheap and you can reasonably live a comfortable, even luxurious life for a pittance. We're talking living like fucking royalty if you make anywhere close to 3k USD.

But the situation is relatively unstable at the moment, the political scene is a complete clusterfuck and inflation literally has no bottom in sight, which won't affect you if your savings are abroad but means society will rapidly deteriorate to a breaking point. Then we'll prolly see a song and dance similar to 2001 and back up again we go.

Brazil, brews beer, Peru Brews beer, COlombiabrews beer and most breweries where started by german immigrants in those countries. Trust me as a percentage of the population all these 3 countries received significantly more German immigration than Mexico