HONESTLY. Why is it that the whiter the country the lower the birth rate

Hard Mode: No Feminism.

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Denial of the supernatural being primarily a white phenomenon. Why bring children into a universe doomed to death?

>Here's a question, try to answer it
>Hard mode: Don't answer it with the right answer

Ok, it's because ants emits an anti-humanpregnancy pheromone that affects people more the lighter their skin tone.

Sexual revolution
But eventually it all comes down to the kikes

Because mindless breeding for its own sake is the "mindset" of the cancer cell. Killing your host environment just to breed is ludicrous. Pocs are a POX. Literally.

South corea has even lower more or less like europe would have without muslums birth rate

that pic looks just like my family;
> 3.5 yr old boy
> 2 yr old girl
> 6 mo old boy

Being complacent


>hard mode: no feminism

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The richer the country, the lower the birth rates

sweden and iceland have higher birthrates than france, italy and UK

White people are intelligent enough to realize that infinite growth is impossible to achieve and irresponsible to attempt.

I mean, modern life is too good, he world is so easy nowdays, endless supply of movies, games, casual sex, food at the touch of a screen. Who the hell wants to give up on video-games, easy drunk ladies, stupid TV series, no responsibilities (outside of the work place) to take care of some kids?

Racist science known colloquially as the r/K selection theory.

I fucking hate this stupid question format

>Hard Mode: No Feminism.
Pleb. It's the Jews.


Feminism is funded by the Jews, pleb.


Demon Virus.
Yes... Demon

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All PP ops

Most asian countries like Japan.
Also saged.

lower birthrates correlate the most with education and employment of women
and also with widespread of female-oriented entertainment like soap operas (this might sound like a joke but its been observed in India and Latin america, where spread of TV in a region affected birthrates more than average wealth)

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It's not just feminism, that's just a symptom of women liberation.
Women who stay at home make more children because they have nothing else to do and no other purpose.
Now they go out to work, so it's harder to have children (it means taking a 1 year break, and who knows if you still have a job when you come back), so they start later and sometime not at all.
But also, they don't need the purpose anymore because they got something else. Back then, a woman who didn'T have children was almost 100% useless. She was pretty much the NEET of today. Only one with no pride at all would be ok with this.
But now she can have no children and still feel useful somehow, for working a shitty job that means nothing.
So there's less incentive for them to make children, and it's harder.

women liberation might've felt good for women, but it was the worst thing for humanity. White people (so, the progressive one) don't have kids anymore, but niggers and browns still have them by the dozens because they treat women as brood mares. So the 'progressive' bunch will be extinct, and the ones who'll make it are those with values women wanted to eradicate so much.

White men are intelligent enough to see through the NPC coding and see all of this is stupid and pointless.

The whiter a country, the more successful and developed it becomes. With development and income, people have the option and free-time to devote their lives to other pursuits, such as science or art. There isn't a need to repopulate like there is when the entire family is working on the farm, and white people realize they can have high qualities of life with and for smaller familial units.

>what is 2+2?
>and don't say 4

The more developed a country gets, the less its people breed like crazy. I wish we could go back to the dark ages, but have guns amd trucks instead of swords and horses.

Simple. I am not going to produce more offspring than I can care for.

Others dont care. They breed mindlessly because of muh feels and the free gibz.

lowest in the world are south korea,singapore and hong kong
all below 1.1

But he didn't say it wasn't the jews and op said not to say feminism, pleb.

kinda cuts down on the number of kids you have when you have to actually pay for them.

>629. The population decline of the master race (whites + Japan, who are essentially the whites of Asia) is a phenomenon no one seems able to explain. And yet it's not such a complex matter if you have even a modicum of understanding of what life is all about. Reproduction, like all life, is all about sacrifice. If we take the parents as isolated individuals (as opposed to parts of a cosmic chain), they stand to gain nothing from the creation and rearing of children. The benefits they would receive in old age via means of their children's caretaking are nothing compared to the insane costs they'd have to incur to raise them in the first place, so the transaction is a net expenditure on their part, and by a vast margin. Now the hyperculture of the master race has created a consciousness of how important the rearing process is, and how costly if it is to be done right, so even when members of the master race reproduce, they only create one or two descendants, as opposed to the constant mindless shitting out of fetuses that they used to indulge in when they were uncivilized, or indeed that the subhuman races still continue to this day. So that is one important factor for the master race's population decline. [...]


white people = wealthy country = large tax base = politicians can buy votes = welfare state = replacement of the family

Jewish societal engineering. You gotta go to primary school and you're not supposed to enter the work force until you're 18 if you want to be successful. But wait! Now you need to go to 4 years of college if you actually want to be truly successful. Then you need to wait until you have an established career. So you're looking at being in your late twenties before you're even considering starting a family. You need housing, and if they flood your country with immigrants well then the cost of housing goes up so you have to choose between starting a family while renting or holding off until you can afford a house.

Also, our social safety net has made it so that we don't need children to help us work a farm or provide for each other as much. We're far removed from the natural cycles and circumstances of the world. Children are viewed as a burden, an obligation, and not something to be valued and loved.

Lesser species spawn more offspring and spend less time caring for all of them. Species that are at the top of the foodchain have less kids but are actually able to raise them better because of it. Blacks are those lesser species compared to whites. But evolution gave them bigger asses because of their nonstop breeding

Whites are more likely to be deterred from having children if they have an inability to provide for them financially.

Haha no, the bigger asses are due to the hot climate. The more surface area they have, the more they can sweat and regulate temperature.

feminism, zionism, women rights

Peak civilisation. There's no need for lots of shitty Chads and Staceys. They're disgusting bovine tards.

OK Mohammed, thanks for the info

>have an inability to provide for them financially.
But they can
They just prefer to spend their money on iphones going out to eat new cars designer clothes and vacations

But South Korea is not white but has a birth rate that recently fell under 1.0

The more civilized the group, the less children it tends to have. Why do you think the Muslims reproduce in droves?

Easy mode- Jews. Tough to afford many children when you're paying for everyone else's kids.

faroe islands I believe have have 2.4

It's the level of media and education subversion

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Why is everything a subversion with you dudes?

I remember seeing pic related on Wikipedia and being baffled out how blatantly they can lie about this. If you try to change it it will be changed back, even if you provide evidence suggesting the opposite is true.

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Don't have dirt-poor people.

dirt poor people have way more kids

Abortion by white women which are purposefully underreported in order for the abortion agenda to seem as just a minority issue. Only white women protest for more abortion rights after all.

once you dig deep enough into the education system, media, marketing, psychology, etc it all makes sense.

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Because whites are more intelligent on average. So they actually put in some thought on having children. This thinking process has led to adopting an antinatalist policy. Children aren't birthed unless they can be assured better lives. However, the rest of the world doesn't play by this rule. Their governments don't do their jobs in protecting whites, so they quickly got overrun before pronatalist whites could adjust.

30% of pregnancies in europe end in abortion
1.7*0.3 + 1.7 = 2.2
take away aboriton rights and whites would be at replacement levels in europe

Watch the intro to the film "Idiocracy". Mike Judge didnt need a PhD to point out the obvious

Yes,you need more poor miserable whites to get out of the current situation.

Men need to control their women.
pretty much this.

Absence of oxytocin

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You have to factor in the stability of the job market. When the manufacturing jobs all were outsourced, most whites figured out there are no longer reliable jobs in the world. The savings from avoiding one off purchase of goods would not change the fact that some time in the future that plant was going to lay everyone off. Also factor in multiple recessions then you have a culture of not enough money. Therefore, cut down on long term expenses like babies.

you should leave before you start to notice COHINCIDENCES.

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Did you ever wonder why white daughters who are told that they should go to college and get a job to make money (women are majority of college students) do it and obey Daddy, but when Daddy tells them to get married to have white babies these same white daughters rebel?

It’s because there is a sex strike against White Genocide. They don’t want to be in a position where they are expected to have sex with a sick, self-hating traitor which they’ve accurately stereotyped white men as being. You must stop White Genocide in order to end the white women sex strike against White Genocide.

White women know that white men run white societies and want to know why, if these men aren't anti-white and self-hating sick, then why have they promoted genocidal anti-whites into high positions?

Harvard University is considered very prestigious but it paid for an obvious anti-white to come and spread his evil:

"We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed."
"Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity."
"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race."
"The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists." - Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor

Also high ranking military officers, which gained promotions in white society which white men run and are responsible for, have shown themselves to be anti-white and pushing White Genocide:

"There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states." - General Wesley Clark

And there are other examples, where prestigous at least to anti-whites and notably to these self-hating white anti-white traitors, individuals have been lifted up leading to the destruction of the white race:

"Not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country." - Nicholas Sarkozy, President of France

Therefore white women are even more likely stay with their cats and refuse to settle down. That’s because white women, who are white people themselves of course, are on a sex strike against White Genocide. They’ve accurately stereotyped white men as being sick, self-hating, anti-white traitors, so they refuse marriage and children because they’re on sex strike.

get out now.

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Abortion rates which are being 2-3 times higher for the white population than is being reported

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I wish it wasn't true.

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Modern post industrial society does all it can to discourage having children. Its not just white countries. Japan and South Korea have lower birth rates than most most whites areas. While even most developing third world dumps have lower birth rates than they did 50 or 100 years ago.

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because smarter people think twice before having kids

>Hard mode: Don't give me the answer
Cool shit.

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>I want a real answer to what is 2+2 and don't give me any of that gour business.

You could also say kike subversion in general. Because feminism was founded and spearheaded by she jews.

White people make sure they can afford a kid first.

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Low wages. Can t start a family today if you don t earn a shitton of money . Before even a modest job could basicly take care of a family with 2 kids, now good luck

They, as whites themselves, are on a sex strike against White Genocide.
They've accurately stereotyped white men as being self-hating, anti-white traitors. Stop White Genocide and you stop the white woman sex strike against White Genocide.

it's feminism and everyone knows it.

the stupider the animal the more offspring it breeds

birth control and too many years in school = not enough time to have kids. We need to greatly shorten the amount of time spent in school.

that's the high intelligent beings fault. there is strength in numbers. high intelligence people need to have more children and stop caring so much about material gain.

>what is correlation doesnt equal causation, Alex?

It's one thing. Gibs. White people are giving away everything they earn, everything they own to ungrateful niggers who are incentivized to pop out as many kids as they can, because white people will always give more "for the children." Except our own children.

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Well since white feminism took an antinatalist stance they likely won't have a say in the future. I don't think brown women are going to want to help them with college or getting cubicle jobs. Especially when the money starts running out.

They are also forbidden by their government to separate themselves so everyone can better help each other.

Contrary to everyone's belief, the higher the quality of life the lower the birthrate is.

I guess the less people think of survival the less they think of procreating.

r-selection vs K-selection

Seems like hysteria. I can't think of a single person I know personally whose ills or struggles are due to "subversion." It is always due to unhealthy lifestyle choices or bad parenting.

>Subversion refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed, an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and social norms. Subversion can be described as an attack on the public morale and, "the will to resist intervention are the products of combined political and social or class loyalties which are usually attached to national symbols. Following penetration, and parallel with the forced disintegration of political and social institutions of the state, these loyalties may be detached and transferred to the political or ideological cause of the aggressor". Subversion is used as a tool to achieve political goals because it generally carries less risk, cost, and difficulty as opposed to open belligerency. Furthermore, it is a relatively cheap form of warfare that does not require large amounts of training.

Just look at the porn industry. Who owns it?

Look at the media, and the attacks on white Christian families. Who owns it?

Look up Yuri Bezmonov, a former agent of the USSR.

The web is weaved with incredible intricacy. Stop looking at the trees and instead see the forest.

Again, I don't know of anyone whose ills or struggles are due to this so-called "subversion." I knew a guy who was addicted to porn, as in addicted to the point where it was detrimental to his health. He's off it now, and he did so not by blaming porn but by straightening his lifestyle out. I also know many people who look at porn infrequently and it doesn't do anything harmful to them. I don't know anyone who takes the media seriously though.

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Whites are the technological singularity.

I agree that it comes down to personal choice. Ever been in a /sig/? It's all about self improvement. One of the points that is hammered into you if you /sig/ is that you're responsible for yourself and your actions.

However, to deny the influence of certain groups and their attacks on chastity, purity, Christianity, and other (former) pinnicles of Western Civilization is either ignorance or denial. You seem pretty new, and I lost my folders a while ago, but if you really want to go down the rabbit hole then start a thread asking about subversion as a whole, not simply jewish (although that's mostly what you'll find.)

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It's not about individual situations. It's about the total aggregate population making different decisions based on subversion pounded into their head.
Why do people today make different choices than they used to? child birth, marriage, etc.

I acknowledge subversion. For example I can acknowledge that Jow Forums has changed my thought patterns. subconscious thoughts bubble up that are different than before.
Most people don't realize that media/information/religion/education that they are constantly exposed to changes how the subconscious reacts to stimuli.
Priming is a well understood phenomena that is studied extensively I suggest you look into it.

>Denial of the supernatural being primarily a white phenomenon
>Christianity the only influence on the matter
Christianity causes it.


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stupid people have the most babies

the rest should be self explanatory - assuming ur white enough to understand it

yet they demand immigrants to replace their numbers, think again

Look up K-seleted vs R-selected species.

Both of you are tard.
The first factor is female sexual selection in any species. Female favor not killing the offsprings of nigger who like big asses.
that's all.

which is the left's way of misusing a logical fallacy to effectively state that facts are not real and data can not be used to determine truth