The main difference between humans and animals is culture and civilization.
Since it’s nearly exclusively men who create culture and civilization, ask yourself: are women really human?
In the long cultural and civilizational history of mankind, women have been near-worthless despite being pampered and privileged. They hardly ever composed noteworthy songs nor did they build skyscrapers or satellites
Even today, nearly everything women accomplish is only accomplished with the help of men or in a team with men.
Their main contribution to culture remains singing.
Their main contribution to civilization remains cleaning.
Their main contribution to society remains giving birth.
Thus it’s a legitimate question. Are women human? And if so at what ratio? 3 percent human, 97 percent animal?
Shouldn’t women therefore be deprived of all human rights and instead be governed by legislation concerning domestic animals? Isn’t that what they are essentially?
LoL the main contribution of white men to civilization is stoling civilization from Africans, Indians, Middle East and Chinks. Are white men human? No way
John Robinson
Alright Destiny calm down
Isaac Cook
Remember that when you're getting hacked to pieces by machetes before being boiled for soup.
Joseph Reed
Post more of the girl on the rights armpits plz.
Michael Cruz
>women aren't human White men aren't human Great. Then we'll take all the women and leave. Have fun, faggots
Joseph Morgan
If that happens is because neo-colonization from the west
Logan Torres
Die in a fire, faggot.
Colton Wood
>Are women human? Jow Forums's education in a nutshell
Justin Bailey
No they are the humanlike curse god imposed on man
Aiden Carter
>you are as fucked as them muh womenz are evilz thread brainlets report in
Yet we beat them every time, even by your own admission. We're superior and despite being stupid and ugly continue to dominate. All that contempt won't change reality.
Leo Foster
desu I'm so sick and tired of being berated for being white, I have no problem with killing niggers, jews and spics and any other shitskins that hate us and ofcourse traitor whites.
Jace Fisher
women are eternal children , treat them like children always (don't give them attention, don't listen to what they say, don't follow any of their "orders")
This is why I'm sneaky and a bitch around men like you. If you don't listen I'll get my way however I can
Jordan Bennett
>continue to dominate White countries are now brown and asian. Trump will be the last world leader to not be anti-white
Anthony Phillips
Are there mods on this board? It's like Jow Forums turned into r/inceldom
Alexander Wilson
If OP's pic is the reward, count me in for bestiality -- treat them as animals!
Luis Cruz
Yeah a high IQ woman has the brain of a child brainlet. You all say how women are privileged but then go on and say they can't be intelligent. You're think women have no worth outside your pathetic boners.
Kevin Smith
Females are human beings, they just aren't people. They are sub-person things that exist for men to own and use and kill when they get too old to be useful.
If I'm an animal or a child then I don't owe society by giving birth or doing anything. Either treat me as an adult or I'll refuse to have adult responsibilities. Your choice.
Jaxon Myers
France is no longer a real country shut up and obey your North African masters
Lincoln Ross
This graph is funny because it implies that Africans have a capacity for not only farming, but for learning how to farm. We’re talking about the same Africa right? The one where niggers are starving at a constant basis who receive food aid from my tax dollars? The one that is 33% covered by desert wasteland, and another 33% by uncrossable rain forest? Every time these fuckers manage to scrape together a city, some dumbass eats another monkey and its Ebola/Zilka/etc virus all over again. So please, tell me if we’re talking about the same Africa. >pic related
Kill when I'm too old to be useful? I'd shoot you if you tried. I owe "society" nothing incel trash
Ryan Anderson
Women are NPCs
Aaron Kelly
You are property
Jack Turner
I'm not property just because you say so. I'm a person and human being. I don't care if I end up the last person on Earth thinking the way I do. I'm still right and they are still wrong.
Blake Mitchell
> You are property just like you
Levi Brown
>3 percent human, 97 percent animal? 97% cum catcher
Brandon Collins
>high IQ woman Don't exist. >You're think women have no worth Becuase they don't. Cunts are completely worthless. >then I don't owe society by giving birth Then you'll be forced, uppity bitch..
Noah Cooper
>you say it Historically women have been property. Marxism abolished male property rights over women but that won't last long
>Unironically this I’ve banged over 60 women, and I can honestly say that they must have all been NPCs. Thy run out of scripted things to say. It’s bad writing or bad coding, I’m not sure which.