EMP Blackout Scenario

>This shit happens
>It hits China and the rest of the east by pure chance and the west has the chance to turn off vital equipment first and ride the solar storm out
>China absolutely melts down in less than 24 hours
>Rioting, coup attempts etc

>Or it hits the west first and China/Russia uses the opportunity to launch attacks
What do we do?

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Fight and die like we always have.

Scenario 1: Nuke them straight away while their countermeasures are down.

Scenario 2: Same but in reverse.

Also what the fuck happens in the future when all of our logistics trucks are electric tesla vehicles?

>Whole country starves because there are no fuel cars anymore

you can still charge a battery with the sun, same can't be said for ICE cars

I hope the habbening does happen- If the power goes out in the US, it couldn’t happen at a better time. We’ve got the fall harvest just getting started and no one’s gonna come and carry it away. So we pick it and preserve it, we build a wall and shoot looters and we just might be happier.

>America gets hit by EMT
>takes out a good chuck of the country
>china/russia decided to invade
>they forget you don't need electricity to fire guns
>get blown the fuck out by average citizens

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That's right!

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well you'll be "proper" fucked there in the UK, "mate". but we have guns and we'll just shoot looters and Chinese.

>tfw live in central london

I start my stopwatch and see how long I live.

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And always will.


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I think a solar storm is a bit more severe than that.

You should be glad if you don't get your atmosphere literally torn from the earth by an immense radioactive force, and if that didn't kill ya or didn't happen at all, the radiation will surely fuck you up like a tv dinner. there is nothing to fight over, the side of the country that is hit is instantly fallout 5

stick my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye

A related question.
What is "internal charging" and what would it mean if it was in the red for three days in a row?

The jokes on you, i have a butter knife hidden under my pillow - because knives are banned in the UK i will be the only person with one, and thus be able to dominate and rule with an iron fist.

>All of the liberal gun-hating places get wiped out

But the point is the storm fries electrical circuits.
You can't charge what's broken.

That seems unlikely, we do still have a magnetosphere, it'd just be getting battered.
We have to assume shit like this has happened before in earth's 4.whatever billion year lifespan.

that's why i studied electronics eng. for just this case, kek

It's coming, the sweet sweet release.


What indicators are there of an incoming CME?
I wanna see for myself.

fuck me, what if shit like this happens all the time in cycles.
Humanity rises up, creates wonders, then the sun dashes them into salt and dust in one day.

People emerge from bunkers, set back to the stone-age, and we start again, having forgotten everything.
Again, and again, and again...

Why would they attack? It's more beneficial for them to continue milking money out of us.

if you kill your enemies, they win

Here you go senpai.


No, I mean recent data that supports the idea of CME hitting Earth within the week.

Not possible. Unless every other civilization before us managed to somehow miss that glass is a workable material, we'd see evidence. Glass is rather hard and effectively chemically inert. It takes dozens of millennia or specific conditions to break it down. we can find samples of glasswares from the moment humanity discovered glassblowing in 3600 bc, and we will continue to do so indefinitely.

Don't worry user. Humanities fuckups are completely novel.

If it hits China first, nothing will happen. Asians are orderly. They'll sit calmly and await the command of the Party. Here: different story.

Those soulless bug men can live without power. Millions will probably die but they would survive. Same with Africa. It’s europe and America that would be affected most by China being without power.

Stop I can only get so hard.

It breaks down pretty easy under water though, right? in the same way pebbles are eroded down to a smooth stone, and eventually sand.

Psssst. Hey Britbong. What do chefs cut meat with?
Have some steak take away tonight, leave with a coat full of items, wake up KING

Rise again if you will for that is our curse

We have subs out in the middle of nowhere armed with nukes just in case the mainland is taken out.

>What do we do?

I'll just sit back and let the government sort it out and save us. I'm sure we can count on them, right?

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Just make sure you count your fingers before and after shaking hands with them.

Some early human origin stories involve man emerging from below the surface
>Alone on the newly formed Earth, some of the gods become bored, and Ite prevails upon Inktomi to find her people, the Buffalo Nation. In the form of a wolf, Inktomi travels beneath the earth and discovers a village of humans. Inktomi tells them about the wonders of the Earth and convinces one man, Tokahe (“the first”), to accompany him to the surface

Also evidence of glass under the deserts.
>This evidence comes not only from the Hindu verses but also from ample extensions of fused glass fragments scattered throughout many deserts of the world. Silicon crystals, curiously cast, resemble remarkably the same fragments found after the nuclear explosions in Alamogordo’s White Sands atomic testing site

>America gets hit by EMT
>Convoy of ambulances rolls through city
>People being dragged away on stretchers, screaming for help, loaded into ambulances
>Air evac hovers above, ropes come down, EMTs repel down and begin resuscitating anyone caught in their grasp
The horror..

>tfw OP uses a webm you made

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Attached: Carrington Event.png (771x875, 91K)

Or it just hits the pacific ocean and Hawaii STFU

After am EMP, we would still have nukes on subs and in EMP hardened silos.

it takes about 8 days for a CME to reach earth
the video is actually what you're looking for - you can watch sunspots, but they don't necessarily guarantee CMEs, just as a weakened sun doesn't necessarily mean CMEs will be weaker. the only indicators you will receive are witnessing the CME take place via the SDO or other satellite/observatory, then waiting for it to hit earth a little more than a week later