Blacks were off as slaves. Change my mind

Blacks were off as slaves. Change my mind.

Attached: 1414.gif (1406x960, 346K)

you'd think hundreds of years of slavery would instill some form of discipline in the negro

even fucking deer learned to avoid electric fences in germany after a few generations

>6 killed in weekend
That's like 24 Democratic votes gone forever.

>Blacks were off as slaves

don't worry they'll still vote

*better off

>30% off on all slaves at the crying Jew slavehouse!
>Why "The crying Jew"?
>Cause my prices are so low...I'm WEEPING!

Attached: primordial Jew.jpg (900x900, 66K)

>Blacks were off as slaves
Ya they did seem a bit off back then

Sad lol

Heyjackass dot com

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