Blacks were off as slaves. Change my mind.
Blacks were off as slaves. Change my mind
Matthew Roberts
Adrian Rogers
you'd think hundreds of years of slavery would instill some form of discipline in the negro
even fucking deer learned to avoid electric fences in germany after a few generations
Cameron Walker
>6 killed in weekend
That's like 24 Democratic votes gone forever.
Ian James
>Blacks were off as slaves
Michael Hall
don't worry they'll still vote
Caleb Cooper
*better off
Jordan Allen
>30% off on all slaves at the crying Jew slavehouse!
>Why "The crying Jew"?
>Cause my prices are so low...I'm WEEPING!
Aiden Smith
>Blacks were off as slaves
Ya they did seem a bit off back then
Mason Allen
Sad lol
Ethan Walker
Heyjackass dot com